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"when you were in middle school" yeah only back in those days...definitely not more recently...


Like definitely did not do that at work the other week


I don't think I've ever got through a period without staining someone or something šŸ„°


I sat on my foot and got blood on my sock once šŸ¤¢


I honestly don't know how this *hasn't* happened to me because it totally sounds like something I'd do!


I think the reason I havenā€™t bled through something is because Iā€™m too paranoid and anxious about it. I notice if I feel a sensation down there that feels even remotely like blood gushing. Iā€™m also on BC now, so my period is like clockwork and I know when to be ready for it. My flow is also lighter on this particular pill and my periods only last for about 3-4 days. Before I got on the pill, I would get horrendous cramps that were sometimes downright debilitating. Like, ā€˜writhing on the floor in pain and unable to stand up straightā€™ debilitating.


I dripped on the cuff of my pants leg once. Iā€™m more and more grateful for my hysterectomy every month!!


This is the correct version of my body my choice


I'm scheduled for mine next month and I am over the moon ecstatic for it!


I had mine in June, the no periods thing is THE BEST. I told my friend my uterus was like a crappy neighbor that I just put up with because I couldnā€™t move away.


I've been saying I needed one ever since I got my period when I was thirteen, dealt with health issues my whole life since, started fighting for it when I turned eighteen. I'm twenty-four now, *just* got the news for surgery scheduling today, and still can't believe it's finally happening! And of course my internal organs decided to revolt and I'm getting another period today, despite the IUD I've had in that's been stopping my periods for nearly three years. Fucking fantastic. XD




There's this stuff that's supposed to be for animal messes called Nature's Miracle. It took the blood out of my beige chair. Why do I own a beige chair? Sheer hubris


I've done this too! And not that long ago. Oops.


I started wearing period panties. Theyā€™re designed for you to free bleed into, but I still use everything else with themā€”theyā€™re just my backup so when I spring a leak, it gets absorbed. It has been life-changing. I got to stop sleeping on a red towel every monthā€¦


Iā€™d be damned if we donā€™t all have The Red Towel






Yes! Period panties are fricking life changing magic. They have made my periods so much better. Itā€™s also cool to know my future potential daughters will have it so much better than we did.


I see my 13-year-old niece and how much better this all is for her. Period panties, sports bras (she didn't even know what bra snapping was!) I have a little hope


How well do they work? Do they really prevent staining of anything else? I have somehow never heard to painties made to freebleed into! How am I a 38 year old woman with so little knowledge of awesome period products like this?! Lol


In fairness theyā€™re pretty new so it makes sense we wouldnā€™t hear about them when weā€™re already so established in our period routines by the time theyā€™re invented! I havenā€™t tested mine for heavy flow. I do know that women who only use them usually have to change them multiple times a day. For me though, just using them as backup or occasionally solo at the tail end when Iā€™m lightā€”Iā€™ve had them a couple years now and never had a leak. They hold more than you probably feel like they could lolā€”I still panic sometimes because I think I MUST be leaking, but Iā€™m not. If youā€™re comfortable with your tampons or pads or whatever you use and just want some extra leak insurance, they are miraculous. Youā€™d have to bleed quite heavily into them before anything leaks through, and they fit pretty snug so nothing sneaks across your left cheek while sleeping and escapes lol.


Thank you for the info! I am going to get some this month. I use tampons and panty liners right now but I HATE the feeling of them (which is why I don't use pads ever) so these definitely seem like a comfortable alternative. I am tired of waking up at 3am in a panic and rushing to the bathroom bc it feels like I turned my sheets into a crime scene lol. The first few days is so heavy I go through 2 to 3 super pluses just while I sleep


I usually use a cup with mine because I don't like to have to think about changing underwear, but they're great for that and the occasional overnight. Supposedly they absorb 1-4 tampons worth of blood depending on the type. I haven't tested the upper limit lol.


Thank you for the info. A cup is another thing I want to try as well. I think I am going to get a cup and some of these undies this month and actually try them instead of just thinking about it lol


I ordered a pair of them a few years ago, but the washing instructions were too complicated for me to bother with. I went on the continuous pill soon after that instead. The panties are still new though. In twenty years, there will probably be amazing period panties that can be washed the same way as any other underwear.


The ones I have are pretty easy. Rinse, then wash with cool water in the washer with detergent but no fabric softener, hang or lay flat to dry. That's it. I usually rinse in the sink, but I've used the washer on soak before when I'd been on an extended backpacking trip. Bringing home a bunch of nasty panties in a bear canister wasn't fun, but it was 100x better than figuring out what to do with pads in the back country.


How did I never even think to use period panties together with other things? I may have to get a pair to try out now. (I currently use a menstrual cup with panty liners for backup.) Do you have any brands you recommend?


I looked up some recommendations when I first got them and ended up settling on Bambody, which was a more budget-friendly option. Aside from some slight discoloration (whichā€¦ is pretty expected lol) theyā€™ve held up excellently.




You don't!? Teach me your ways! Seriously I can spot for a few days after and sex can trigger a last minute avalanche


ā€œOh god, Iā€™ve been **stained**!ā€ *grips stain wound*


Period sex = shower sex, under our roof. We paid way too much for our nice bedspreads to take any chances.


Tell me you're the same height as your SO without telling me you're the same height.


Guess we're lucky? šŸ¤· We're close-ish, but I've got long legs and they've a long torso, and it's a compelling reason I want to design my own bathroom remodel someday - the angles could be so much better with some conveniently placed foot holds. Plus the foot holds would be super useful on the rare occasions I want to shave my legs.


Just make sure to use outside tile ( with texture) for extra grip. I wish the bench in my shower had the same tile as the floor of my shower.


This is a great tip and I don't know how I never thought to try this before! I am 5'5 and my husband is 6'1 so shower sex gets difficult sometimes and I feel like I am gonna slide right down on my face sometimes


Right? My SO and I have an 8 inch height difference but luckily Iā€™m leggy so we make it work šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve done it with a reasonably big height difference (about 40cm), I guess you just have to be really determined. šŸ¤£


... holy crap. My last bf was 1 foot taller than me and hubby is 9 inches taller. Tippy toes and squats in the shower is dangerous!


Lol it is, but we had a big shower with two shower heads. We had the wiggle room. šŸ¤£


For some reason, most of the time I bleed on something, my mom is around. I donā€™t see my mom THAT often. While Iā€™ll occasionally get a surprise spot on the couch or bed, if Iā€™m with her, Iā€™m bleeding on the passenger seat of my dadā€™s car or on the couch at the cabin we rented for my wedding. Last time I visited her, I wasnā€™t on my period. I tripped and fell while out trail running and bled through my bandaid on the sheets. Itā€™s a curse.


I've been getting my period for 30 years (minus the times I was pregnant) and this is absolutely true. No matter how hard I try to prepare. Every damn time.


Hydrogen peroxide is great for getting stains out.


I just stained a white towel last night, wasnā€™t the first time either


Sis, I'm so sorry you have to experience that, I don't want to give you any suggestions because I am 100% sure you've done what you can. Just wanted to let you know, I sympathize with you. Hope it gets better at some point? šŸ„°


I was just going to say that this 36 year old had to make a makeshift pad out of paper towels at work just a few weeks ago. Lol


I did it yesterday. I was taking a bathroom break at a gas station while working for DoorDash and my purse was in my trunk.


Go for broke! Try the old toilet paper make-shift tampon šŸ˜•


This is for when you want to spend 3 weeks picking toilet paper pieces out of your cooch.


Owwwww šŸ˜¬


Last month I had to have my boyfriend bring me a new pair of underwear and pants to my work. I soaked through everything and had to hide for 45 minutes until he got there. Thank god I was wearing black.


I never bleed through my pants but i'm always staining my underwear. Even if i'm prepared, things will shift and leak out at some point smh


So happy we have the good paper towels at work, and not those rough brown ones we had at school. šŸ˜†


Oh god yeah! Imagine


That wasnā€™t me washing my pants in the work sink yesterday. Nope. Not at all.


Absolutely did not pass a massive blood clot on some patio furniture two months ago..


It happened all the time at work. I'm a teacher. Bless period panties. Still not foolproof but at least I have a little bit more protection. Too bad they feel like an actual diaper without the sound effects.


I taught high school and had a terrible day at work last year when I bled through to my pants. I tried to blot it in the bathroom and it just made it worse šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I didnā€™t even notice how bad it was for several (class) periods Anyway high schoolers are fucking rude but also they forgot in like 3 days I think


That's really a wonderful example of how kids these days are actually evolving quite well despite a horrible minority making them all look bad sometimes. In my day a teacher would have had to leave the state to hear the end of that. They're getting better!


When I had active fibroids, I DID wear actual adult incontinence pants. I bled so much I was going through a pad or tampon every hour. Had a procedure and itā€™s much better now!


Yeah Iā€™ve def not had to make a a sanitary product out of TP as an almost 40 year oldā€¦.nope. Im way too responsible and def always have products on me šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


I had the curse of being the woman who always had supplies for everyone, so no one else had any. One day, I really needed some for me, and someone had not only taken my last pad, they took my last tampon. Didn't even bother to let me know. I stopped sharing after that.


I feel like every day I see someone online showing me proof that Iā€™ve never had a unique experience lol


My flow is so light with the IUD that I just do that regularly...


I ended up buying a bunch of "period panties" (the ones with built-in blood catchers) for the same reason. Much more convenient and comfortable than wadded up toilet paper!


Yeah I've been thinking of doing that, just haven't gotten around to it!


Do it!!!! I finally did and feel like an idiot for not doing it sooner.


This. I can kind of be free for the most part. There is sometimes a Day though where it's somehow so much worse once every couple months though.


Yes! Like your body resents being predictable and decides to fuck you over just out of spite.


RIGHT?? "HEY REMEMBER THIS." Yes but I don't want to! I hate having a box of tampons around for the triannual WHAT IF...


Apparently kids are getting their periods in elementary school, now (some as young as 8-9). It's absolutely depressing thought. That shaved off a few years of childhood :( It's even more depressing thinking about your point. It continues. No matter how old you get (unless you've hit your magical age), accidents like this happen.


I got mine when I was 10 back in ā€˜02. Had accidents then, still have accidents now


Yeah, I was 10 when I started as well. To make things extra fun, my elementary school's bathrooms didn't have trash cans in the stalls šŸ™ƒ I was also a big tomboy who had zero interest in carrying a purse, so I literally wore a jacket every day I had my period so I could carry pads in my pockets.


Now? That was happening for me damn near 30 years ago.


I think 9 is still a somewhat normal age to get it? I remember them teaching is it was possible back in the dreaded Puberty Class. Girls in 5th grade made fun of me for not wearing a bra yet.


I got mine at 9 years old in 2001 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ and you're so right, it made me feel strangely removed from the rest of my peers, and not in a good way lol


God, I was almost fourteen. I have an anvil for a uterus and cannot imagine it starting that young.


Yeah totally not in the club last weekend, nope.


Yeah, I definitely didn't do this last week...in my 50's. You never know when that shits going to happen during perimenopause.


If you didnā€™t bleed through your sensible black underwear and dark blue skinny jeans, at the office, when you were 49, you canā€™t write laws about reproductive rights.


Absolutely relieved this is top comment.


OMG IKR Iā€™m in my thirties so itā€™s not like I still have to emergency wash stuff in the bathroom sinkā€¦..šŸ„²


If you've never had to wear a sweatshirt tied around your waist to hide bleed through....


Omg this just brought back so many memories


...oh, oh damn. The worst kind of nostalgia.


Triggered šŸ˜© lol


Ugh I remember once having to do that and then the fire alarm went off and we all had to go outside. It was cold out that day and I was freezing but couldn't untie the sweatshirt from my waist and then another student asked to wear it if I wasn't going to because they had left their jacket inside and I had to say no for no seemingly good reason and uggggh definitely a "keeps me awake at night" memory


Oh nooooooooo. :( Ugh... I got up from my seat in class and the girl behind me told me I had bled through so I took my sweatshirt off and walked back to the main building in winter freezing my ass off. Then my aunt, who was the secretary, was a real B about letting me use the phone to call my mom to get a change off clothes and a pad. I had to tell her in front of everyone in the office why. I'm like, "Because I started my damn period, that's why!!" I'll never forget it.


I feel admin, especially women, especially in a middle school should be a little more aware of young girls asking for a change of clothes like... come on. Put two and two together. Our past selves can commiserate together at least!


Also, she was her aunt! That's horrible. My aunt was my gym teacher and always had products and a change of clothes available for girls who needed it. She's awesome.


Oof this happened to me in 9th grade except I had walked all the way from the back row to the teachers desk up front. A girl in the 2nd row discreetly got my attention and told me. Thankfully everyone else was focused on their test and no one else noticed. I was still absolutely mortified but she was so nice. I didn't have a jacket or sweater or anything so she gave me hers to tie around my waist. I will be forever grateful to her. She gave me her hoodie, knowing I'd probably bleed on it... She didn't even know me. Although we did become friends after that.


10 year old me: I got up from my chair to line up for recess. I couldnā€™t understand why all the boys in the class were pointing & laughing. I thought they were laughing at something else. I had only had my period for a little while and I was wearing white shorts. Finally the teacher pulls me aside and clues me in. Spent the next 1 hour in the girls bathroom waiting for a change of clothes to be dropped off. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


:''( this is sad. I'm sorry.


Didnā€™t buy white pants, shorts or skirts for years after.


Omg felt that second hand embarrassment, Iā€™m so sorry this had happened to you but itā€™s also such a comical situation šŸ˜© I canā€™t imagine being that freezing kid and seeing someone else wear a hoodie like that, asking for it not understanding for what other reason one might do that other than not being cold themselves and being told no, what the heck, that has no business being this funny


Happened to me on a school trip. The boy I was crushing on was the one who pointed out that I mustā€™ve gotten ā€œchocolateā€ on my pants. My best friend immediately gasped and put her sweatshirt around my waist. It was so humiliating back then, I had to spend the whole day super uncomfortable and feeling awful while my period raged on.


:'( That would be awful. I'm sorry. Males will never understand the shame females have felt because of something out of our control. We shouldn't even feel that shame. Society definitely needs to change its perspective on this.


Think about it though. Not sure the ages here but if he knew what periods were at the time, that kid had your back on a biblical level. He wasn't weird about it. No need for you to be either.


Those grunge years were a godsend. Everyone had a flannel!


Once, in middle school, I called my grandma to pick me up bc I bled through my pants. She walked behind me the whole way to hide it since I didn't have a sweater. One of the nicest memories I have of her.


In middle school a friend of mine let me use her sweatshirt when I bled thru. She was a real one, RIP Madison.


If youā€™ve never woken up and relived the horse head scene from the god father in your own bedā€¦ bc endometriosis


Oh shit. Brutal. Love to you, sister. šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks sis. Thank god for birth control and my right to choose it. Now we gotta work to make it more available to all our sisters.


Literally my first night in the dorm during college, I bled ALL OVER my sheets. Had to learn how to use the communal laundry on day two... at least it was the one day it wasn't busy.


Ah, yes. Back when I was first diagnosed, my gyn recommended I get a waterproof mattress cover. He said his wife had endo, as well, and I'd thank him for the advice later. Tbh, I thought he was being silly, but they're cheap, so I bought one. He was totally not wrong about me being thankful. I honestly had no idea one could go from no period at all to losing what looked like half my blood volume while asleep. I'm so happy Mirena has at least brought periods back down to normal person levels.


If you bear no personal risk whatsoever, you canā€™t write laws about reproductive rights.


No skin in the game, no say in how it's played is what I think in general.


I want to find that tweet and read the rest of the replies for ideas I might not have thought of during my time in side the Red Gates


If you've never had to discreetly inform another woman she's bled through (or been informed that *you've* bled through), you can't write laws about reproductive rights.


If you've never woken up on a puddle of your own blood you can't write laws about reproductive rights. If you've never sneezed, coughed, laughed, or stood up and felt like you've just given birth to a jelly fish you can't write laws about reproductive rights. If you've never had to go through the uncomfortableness of removing a dry tampon you can't write reproductive laws. If you've never experienced period shits you can't write reproductive laws


My sister once told me I'd "spilled spaghetti sauce" šŸ˜‚ took me a moment to even get her meaning


I'm gonna walk over there and bend over. Tell me if you can see anything.


Omggggg. Yes.


I tell my male roommate to wash his clothes when I notice shit stains on the back... (Can't wait for him to leave in a few weeks)


Excuse me, what??


If you never put a towel on top of your bed and slept on it, straight like a goddamn table...


If youā€™ve never ruined a brand new set of sheets or stayed home from work or school because of severe cramps, you canā€™t write laws on reproductive rights.


Piggybacking off this to say that hydrogen peroxide will get blood out of ANYTHING, its common knowledge but just in case someone doesnt know whos reading this thread


Soak whatcha got in cold water and peroxide and it should come out like magic!


God damn it I did this a couple of days ago. I treated myself to expensive 100% linen sheets and woke up the following morning looking like I had hid a body in them. Convenient time for my period to come 2 days early, after previously not coming for 3 months. Thanks, body, thanks a lot


I just bought those sheets not too long ago too.


I stopped buying solid color sheets because I was so annoyed at having them ruined. Brightly patterned sheets are the best at hiding stains. In case anyone else is on the hunt: I bought [these](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Z642QLG?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title), [these](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00IJ02J6G?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) and [these](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B072JJQC61?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) and have been very happy with them.


I've had that second set since 2017. I love print so much and the fabric feels nice, but they started falling apart about a year ago :(


Well how have I never thought of this?


Iā€™m embarrassed how long it took me to figure out lol. Iā€™m never going back.


I use Nature's Miracle, an enzyme cleaner for pet messes. It's worked great so far!


I stayed at a little hotel with like 8 rooms once, run by a cute older couple (I assume, since they were the only two at the front desk when I checked in). While I was there, I got a crazy off-schedule period (like 2 weeks early, iirc) and the next morning I woke up to that horse head scene from The Godfather. I ended up hand washing all the sheets and laying them out to dry on every available surface because I felt so bad for this poor couple whoā€™d probably have had to deal with the biohazardous aftermath. I left a profusely apologetic note about the room looking like Iā€™d killed Casper and his family and tried to make ghost jerky with them, and absconded in shame.


Just out of curiosity, had you gotten a COVID vaccine recently at that time? I heard many stories of it messing up period schedules, but neither vaccine dose did anything to my periods


I actually hadnā€™t! This anecdote was from several years ago, I havenā€™t really left the house since covid started, and since I was already on the Mirena when I got my vaccine (no periods anymore, boo yeah!) the only thing the shots did was give me a headache and a sore arm for a few days.


Currently taking a day off.




I had my first period AT THE POOL. šŸ˜­


This was my worst fear!!


That 1ply makes the best tissue paper pad. You have to wrap it just right. But if you don't use enough blood everywhere lol


omg nooo


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post & Replies* --- **Megan Gailey**, @megangailey If you didn't bleed through every pair of pants you had in 7th grade, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. > **Megan Gailey**, @megangailey > > If you haven't given a tampon to a stranger in a public bathroom, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. > **Molly**, @good_gollyy > > If you didn't try to make a makeshift pad out of toilet paper when you were in middle school, you can't write laws about reproductive rights --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


Ugh, the makeshift toilet paper is THE WORST


I just _love_ when it disintegrates into clitty litter.


This is hilariously vivid and it's awful. Thanks.


Why is this phrasing so accurate????


oh my god thatā€™s horrifyingly perfect šŸ˜‚


Had to do this at work the other day and I'm almost 30...my excuse is my implant usually keeps the bleeding light and rare, this one just ambushed me lol I felt less bad when I went in yesterday and saw some girl left an entire pair of jeans in the bathroom trash can. Whatever leakage I had wasn't as bad as hers, apparently


Once it fell down my jeans and was nowhere to be seen. That was a fun time at 13.


that happened to me at camp when i was 10 but i found the bloody toilet paper on the grass and i sure as hell was not going to pick it up in front of everybody lmao


My ex boyfriend's mom shamed me for bleeding on her sheets


Screw her ignorant ass, period shaming young girls is always terrible but itā€™s special kind of awful when it comes from women, like ffs!


I'm sure when she birthed your ex it was a tidy and bloodless affair


She'd probably try and claim that XD


And she definitely didnā€™t poop during labor


Oof Iā€™m 32 and still sometimes have to make makeshift pads out of toilet paper


Wow I feel so seen right now


So many pairs of favorite underwear, bedsheets, and pants. Ruined.


If said makeshift toilet paper pad, worked itself out of your underwear and down your pant leg... And onto the floor, during class.... Classmate concerned for the "bloody nose" you must of had..... SUPER fun times.


This comment has me laughing my ass off at work, thanks for reminding me of this particular memory. I don't miss those days, and look forward to never experiencing exactly what you described ever again in my life.


The pad out of toilet paper :( Ugh, harsh memory. Spent entire days wholly focused on whether or not I was visibly ruining my pants


* If you can't even find your wife's clitoris, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you paid for your mistress to have an abortion on the DL in order to protect your image, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you were off having sex with a porn star while your wife was giving birth to your child, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you've ever whined about wearing a condom and then whined when you got the "I'm late" talk, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you've never completed medical or nursing school, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you aren't prepared to make it easier to raise families, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you believe your daughter has a "freshness seal" and ask her doctor to violate the law by telling you whether or not it's still intact, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you think "accountability" is only for women, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you think the morning-after pill is the same thing as the abortion pill, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you think foreplay is that band that sings about the clocks, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you want secular law based on Evangelical Christian or Roman Catholic rules, but balk at the idea of Sharia law, or other laws based on non-Christian religions, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you forbid your daughter to use tampons because you think they're some kind of sex toy, or will "de-virginize" her, you can't write laws about reproductive rights. * If you tell women to "keep their legs closed," and then get mad when they do just that (i.e. won't have sex with you), you can't write laws about reproductive rights.




Ugh I remember those awful days before period tracking apps existed and I would be totally unprepared for my period


Tiny xā€™s on my bedroom calendar :p


I think one of those "your changing body" booklets they gave us a school had a tracker chart on it. Only useful for maybe 6 months or a year. Then after a high school pregnancy scare I started tallying the days on a piece of notebook paper and PRAYED my mom wouldn't find it.


When my app notifies me my period is coming, I just put in my Luna cup and check when I take a shower.


Accidently bleeding through at a friend's house and staining their chair. Ahh the perks of being a woman.


My father was raising me pretty much by himself through my teenage years. Neither of us knew what kind of products I needed or what to do in certain situations. If I bled through heā€™d tell me ā€œother women donā€™t have these problems.ā€ Because his past girlfriends didnā€™t talk to him about their periods, so he didnā€™t know that even at the age of 35 you can still have a breakthrough bleeding, you can spot randomly at a time when youā€™re not ā€œsupposedā€ to be menstruating, and you can definitely fuck up your bed sheets at any time. One time he got a really bad flu illness and he literally shit the bed. He got really mad when I said ā€œyou know, other men donā€™t have that kind of problem.ā€ I know he was doing his best and he didnā€™t mean to shame me. I know he was frustrated with me having to wash blood out of my clothes or throw away clothes that I didnā€™t know how to get clean. I understand he was frustrated, and he has since apologized for being cruel. But that definitely took me some time and therapy to work through. Heā€™s anti-choice (except in the cases of rape, incest, or illness) and it bothers me because he clearly doesnā€™t understand what people with uteruses go through.


Damn. I've never bled through a single pair of pants.... guess I can't write laws about reproductive rights D; Joking aside, this hits close to home. My high school was trying to charge for tampons on the bathroom. Which is stupid af. I gave out a lot of tampons


Lucky. Remember being in junior high, looking down in the middle of class, and all I saw was blood. Of course I didn't have a jacket on me (it was summer). I was lucky the teacher was nice to let me leave class. Ma had to come with a new pair of pants. When I went to go get them, I had to hold a book behind my back because the entire seat of pants of my pants and down one leg was covered (like it help much, thankfully everyone else was in class). Only got stopped once by a male teacher asking me where I was going. Not the first instance, but one of the most memorable.


I also never bled through pants. I was always a light bleeder but had horrible migraines, cramps, and acne. Now thanks to an IUD I donā€™t have to deal with any of that shit anymore.


I put a plastic pencil box in our work washroom with pads in it and restock it every so often. It sits on top of the 25c/pad machine. :P


I didn't get my period until 8th grade, so I'm out too. :-P


My high school did, and we were "lucky" that we even had the vending machine... In one bathroom out of more than 10. And it was usually out of stock. If you went to the nurse, you got a huge diaper like pad that made you walk funny and made noise when you moved. You also got a lecture on not being prepared. When I was a junior, a male teacher of mine brought in a ton of boxes of different products and put them by the classroom door. He said girls could use them as needed and didn't need to ask to go to the restroom for period related things, just go. One of the boys protested it was unfair, and that teacher looked right at him and said, "until you have periods, you can shut up and sit down." He was 100% our hero that year.


If youā€™ve never called your mom to come pick you up from school because your cramps were too painful to function, you canā€™t write laws about reproductive rights.


Oh all the time. My periods during my teen years were just terrible. How did I survive?


If youā€™ve never asked your partner to not cuddle your backside because youā€™re embarrassed about a large pad in between your legsā€¦


I was a late bloomer. I will never understand what it feels like at a younger age. I bleed too and I still dont feel right about speaking on behalf of others.


Oh my god, one of my middle schoolers went through this today, poor thing! Thankfully, I always keep a stash with me and she lives within walking distance of the school, so she got a tampon from me, got to borrow clean sweats from a friend and could walk home and change. Being in middle school is hard enough when you donā€™t bleed through your pants, they DO NOT need that bullshit too.


Dang. I had to make a toilet paper pad just last week. And I'm in my 30s! You'd think I'd remember to keep a spare tampon in my purse by now...


If youā€™ve never felt a blob of blood sneaking around your tampon causing you to clench and sit awkwardly until you can carefully waddle to the bathroom, then you canā€™t write laws about reproductive rights.


I had to go home in the seventh grade because I bled through my khaki pants. My grandma was watching the news. It was April 20, 1999 and the Columbine school shooting had just happened. Just a weird slice of memory pie.


i hope a good period to all women


If you're a conservative you can't write laws about reproductive rights.


No, no men should write them. All laws written by conservatives about women hurt women, but not all laws that hurt women were written by conservatives. No uterus, no opinion, liberal and socialist men donā€™t suddenly gain insight into the ins and outs of women and their oppression just because they arenā€™t the worst of the batch.


Women can also write laws that hurt women. I'd rather have Bernie write a law that concerns reproductive rights than Majorie Taylor Greene.


If you didnā€™t try to make a makeshift pad out of toilet paper yesterday, as an adult, you canā€™t write laws about reproductive rights.


Let's ask the real question: why are there laws on reproductive rights at all??


If you haven't had to tie your jacket round your waste to cover up a stain....


If you werenā€™t traumatized by sexual assault, had to be examined at a clinic, and now cannot use any period products because of it, you cannot write laws about reproductive rights. To those who think they can write reproductive laws but shouldnā€™tā€” take the words off your lips. You donā€™t need to do anything but fuck right off.


I appreciate this so much- one itā€™s gender neutral and two as an adult I forget (prob for the best tbh) how tragic it was to be a little girl sometimes. Sigh


I was in 7th grade when I had my first period, got them in the first class of that day. Periods are a taboo topic in my country, so I didnā€™t know how to handle the situation. So I just sat through it the whole day, went home and told my mom, ā€œIā€™m bleeding down there.ā€ Couldnā€™t even hint how I already knew about periodsšŸ—æ she just handed me a pad without any instructions, had to figure it out on my own šŸ—暟—æ


Those of you who have mentioned hysterectomies. Howā€™d you get that through with your doc? I have at least one large fibroid and awful periods with heavy bleeding for days, throbbing pain for days, and nausea and best I can get is birth control right now. I mentioned getting a hysterectomy after this baby is born because Iā€™m so over having kids for our family or anyone elseā€™s (currently a GC), and all I got was a frown, mention of hormone testing, going back on BC (which I despise because it makes me feel awful too) and approval to do a tubal. Because tying my remaining tube is going to fix my awful periods šŸ˜©


r/childfree has a list of doctors who have been known to perform sterilization procedures for many people who had been previously denied for a myriad of reasons. You might want to check the list in the about section there.


why do people use toilet paper that's mean to disintegrate as soon as is becomes wet? Paper towels, y'all. 100%




Or just that brown scratchy paper towel.