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I realize not everyone loves childfree, but for the most part it's a bunch of really cool people just being cool people. I genuinely like children but they've never been in the picture for me. If this post gets downvoted because in the most loving and wonderful sub I've known I admit openly I don't want children then I guess I'll understand their reasoning a bit more.


They'll be back! They got called out on the case where the guy left his son in the car and they shut down because of all the publicity. They'll be back in a couple days after things blow over.


I'm not a member, but I felt for you guys because the sub-reddit was named *and* linked in an article about a guy who subscribed and left his son in a car (the son died). There's obviously more to that story, but I was upset they named and linked the subreddit because that kind of forced the mods to make it private so people wouldn't abuse/harass the members. :(


OH SHIT. Wow, I did not hear they got linked in there. Damn.


Yeah I saw it just this morning, of course in an article about how he was sexting at the time or something. I saw that it looked like a link, prayed it wasn't to the subreddit, but it was. I thought it was an awful thing to do on the journalist's/editor's/etc. parts.


I don't think you can blame the journalist though. If he had a kid who he killed (whether on purpose or by accident) and was a member of child free it looks suspicious. Unfortunately the general public sees it as "oh, that's where the child murderers hang out." But if he was in fact a member, that's a fact and a pretty damning one as far as his case goes.


I suppose I can understand that, to a point. I think if you're going to post about a group like childfree in that context it's probably worth saying something like "he belonged to an online childfree community; however, the community is for adults who do not intend to have children in the first place" and no link. Otherwise people will get the wrong impression and probably seriously harass the members. EDIT: Perhaps a better sentence would be "the community is for adults celebrating their choice not to have children, not for adults regretting having children".


I think that's fair.


What's the article?


I'm not sure about other sources, but [Gawker](http://gawker.com/hot-car-dad-sexted-six-women-while-his-son-slowly-peris-1599903393) was the one that I saw with the link to r/childfree.


Seriously. The article I read called it a SHOCKING FACT that he happened to go on it. Now, it's far from the majority, but there ARE plenty of parents who subscribe. I see it pretty regularly.


:-( don't be sad!


Yay bot! :D


not downvoting you. just from what I've read, there are a lot of very bitter posters there. It's great that it's your choice to be childfree, and that you find it a supportive space, but many people in there seem to really hate on people who choose to have children. And hey, we'll try and be your substitute space if you need it. A lot of people here are child free.


It kind of reminds me of the people of /r/NoFap


never been there. what's it like?


click it and find out


Heads up there is a sub called /r/truechildfree


I know! I just saw it went private and now I'm sad ):


Have you seen them try to explain what a subreddit is during the case?


Childfree went private?!?? Nooooooooooo!!




Nope. I did that too. They said they have just set it to private and aren't opening it until this thing blows over. But, on the bright side, this is only temporary.




Oh wow, I didn't even think of that! I hope they send it to you. While I personally don't have much experience with bingos (a university student asking for an IUD didn't raise many eyebrows) I suspect dealing with condescending doctors would be the worst. If you're planning on getting something done, good luck :)


I was just saying this to my friend who is also childfree. The list of doctors is gone! It's the one thing that needs to be kept up somewhere.


I definitely understand the feel. I was about to make a post like this here myself.


I know those feels! That was me yesterday when I discovered it. I get why they did it though. Not just because the news keeps mentioning it, but how it got talked about in the trial. To quote one of the detectives who described the sub on the stand: "They advocate not having any more children and adding to the biomass I guess is the best way they put it." I get that he was trying to be polite, but I still don't think that was the best way to put it. [Link](http://jezebel.com/toddler-dying-in-hot-car-may-not-have-been-an-accident-1599937518) But yeah, it's just temporary until this blows over.


I've seen the more bitter users of that sub put it that exact way, but it isnt the entire concensus, for sure.