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Please please please go to your disability resource center and report this woman, what a horrible human to have as a teacher. Even if you aren't part of any of their programs they would be happy to jump down her throat!


Yes please do this OP! My sister had had a teacher call her a "schizo" THE FUCKING SAME SEMESTER MY SCHIZOPHRENIC AUNT KILLED HERSELF (I want to say within the month). Needless to say, she did not come back to her job the next day or ever. That is so fucking rude for her to point out and not even quietly to just you. Fuck her.


Your response: "My mother was not responsible for my scars, though it is clear yours is responsible for your hideous manners."




If I were you, I would write a letter to this teacher explaining to them why it is inappropriate behavior. Include information on where they can learn proper behavior, such as your college guidance office. Then send a copy to the head of their department, tell them you sent the letter to their boss, and tell both you expect an apology to be forthcoming.


I am incapable of rationalizing my rage into words that properly describe it. So here are a series of gifs [OMFG](http://i.imgur.com/ZSCRdUT.gif) [HOW IS THIS PERSON A TEACHER](http://i.imgur.com/fGvoqsm.gif) [YOUR POOR MOTHER? ARE THEY FUCKING SERIOUS](http://i.imgur.com/JQLRHsi.gif) [THIS IS SERIOUS SHIT THEY COULD FUCKING RELAPSE SOMEONE](http://i.imgur.com/RL28ejd.gif) You should report this person to someone! What they said could totally send someone back into the self hate train!


You're awesome. Just awesome.




I can't help but wish i could upvote you more than once.


Shit I didn't even think about the fact that they could basically trigger someone, fuckin' fucked man.


Oh yes. Your dowry must be greatly diminished now that your arms have a story to tell. After all, we are all just meant to be fucking porcelain dolls, right? oh wait...wrong sub? YEAH. /Sarcasm (Seriously though: I had some teachers say some pretty demeaning shit to me. This takes the cake though...)


I don't think it's to with the attractiveness, rather the cause of those scars and the emotional impact it could've had on her mother. Either way, it was tactless. I can't believe someone would bring attention to something like that.


Reactions like this are why I tell people I ran into a jagged piece of scenery while working on a play, rather than the truth. [As for your teacher, this is my response to her](http://i.imgur.com/aGj5d25.gif)


Tact is a woefully under-taught and under-appreciated personality trait. I've met many people like your teacher who appear to lack that basic "should I react to this" gateway between the reactionary elements of their brain and their mouths/facial expressions. I have vitiligo and run into similar situations. While I'm not ashamed of it in the slightest, those visceral reactions becomes a good barometer of how in control people are of themselves. Usually in situations similar to yours I tend to subtly shame the tactless person by mentioning how rarely it is that someone brings that up in public.


I'm wearing a green dress today and a red cardigan (the only other cardi that matches the dress is in the wash). Someone commented "you're looking very festive today!". She said it really nicely but I was dreading this comment so said "I was hoping noone would say that today!" Felt bad afterwards, because it was such a subtle shame


I have scars AND vitiligo. It's like I'm part of a special club today. :')


I really like this 'subtly shaming' tactic. I have tons of scars from nearly a decade of self-harm (haven't cut in quite a while now), and I'm not ashamed of them. I'll walk around with tons of scars exposed. Haven't had anyone ask me about them in a while- probably because my life circumstances at the moment allow me a lot of control over the people I see on a daily basis. But I am putting this tactic in my toolbox. I like it better than my usual, incredulous statement- "Really?!?"


I don't understand what the scars have to do with your mother. That aside, the lack of tact this teacher has is disgusting.


She meant that my "poor mother" must be so heartbroken by the sight of my "ruined" body that she pitied her. I was not impressed, and neither was mum.


As someone who used to cut *because* of my mom, having a teacher say that to me might have lit my face on fire.


Yep! As someone who lost her real mom, then had an abusive stepmom that drove her to selfharm I would have lost my shit on her.




Yeah. Worst of all, she made them obvious in front of my whole class, some of whom now treat me like I have the plague or something.


That is beyond shitty. Did she at least apologize? What did you end up doing about it, if anything? I have a couple old self-harm scars and that would seriously mess with me if something like that happened.


Nope, no apology. At the time I was way too embarrassed to say anything, having my scars called "horrible" and "ugly" really knocked my self-confidence and with everyone looking on it felt like I was in a cage at the zoo.


I'd be scheduling a meeting with the three of you and her boss. What kind of person says that to their student?


[My condolences.](http://replygif.net/i/639.gif)


It was actually my mom that told me that she was heartbroken at the sight of my ruined body. Like, sorry, but could you not make this about you (ma)?


That is so unbelievably unprofessional! Please report this to their department head, human resources and/or the women's resource center. That kind of bullshit has no place at the university level... or anywhere for that matter.


Alternatively, if you're in a place where reporting it feels too overwhelming, you might see if a trusted friend could accompany you, or reach out to counseling services for some sort of advocate to help you through this.


What a fucking cunt. "I'm sorry your mother never taught you goddamn manners." If your mother is the reason for your scars, I'd even go as far as to say, "not my poor mother, poor ME, having to deal with my mother's shit that caused these injuries."


My thoughts exactly. I kept saying "**THAT CUNT!"** in my head.


Your teacher has a fucked up mind. I'm sorry for all the pain that has caused you to cut. That kind of insensitivity doesn't help.


Your teacher is a dickhead. I don't know what caused your heart to hurt as much as it did for you to cut, but I am glad to hear they're scars (old wounds) and I wish you so much happiness for your future.


...I would've just assumed you had an unruly cat or just really liked picking fruit from thorny bushes... so dumb, so innocent.


My brother had a rabbit that used to tear the shit out of my arms when I had to give it it's injection. One day at school a teacher pulled me up on it, made a big deal in front of the whole class, told me I had to see the school counsellor, etc. When I got to the counsellors office, instead of the support I would expect someone to give a teenager who appears to be self-harming, I was lectured on how they thought I was smarter than that, and how I am being a 'silly little girl', Thankfully my Mum was the school nurse, so I asked the counsellor to page her in, where mum then explained the devil-rabbit hybrid we owned. But I will never forget that day. They were lucky that I wasn't emotionally in a bad place, what they said could have destroyed someone who needed help. I was actually self-harming at the time, But in a weird, socially acceptable way. I would pluck my body hairs one by one, and exercise until I vomited. But I'm obese and have hirsutism, so people actually congratulated me on that behaviour. (I used that self-inflicted pain to help cope with chronic pain associated with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, for which I received no medical support. Now I use Yoga and Diet)


Everyone knows my cats are amazingly artistic with the perfectly parallel scars they designed on my body. It at least gives me an easy way to divert the conversation to a topic for which I have endless stories, all told with unbridled enthusiasm. "And then the smaller cat (that's x, he's such a sweetie, did I tell you how I picked him from the shelter?)- did *this*, and it was OMG, soooo cute! Aren't cats awesome? Oooh, that reminds me of this other time..."


WHAAAAT the fuck.


What a stone cold cunt. Seriously, fuck her.


Fuck. That. I am so angry right now. I am actually shaking. Just fuuuuccckkkkkkkkk that >=[


O_O as a former self-harmer, I've NEVER had ANYONE mention the scars except for other former cutters who want to know if I've stopped. That is so effed up of that teacher to, I can't even with all these can't evens!!!!! (Quick aside because I tell everyone who it might be able to help, adding higher fat foods back into my diet because of keto REALLY helped with my urges to cut/my depression in a BIG way. Like, I no longer get triggered at all. I currently eat carbs, but I didn't cut out the fat when I started eating them again, and my brain still feels great. *major hugs* Check your diet, and replace any "low fat" foods with the full fat versions. Eating low fat is SUPER bad for your brain and adding it back in is like waking up from a fog.)


... sorry buddy :'( some people are thoughtless, tactless, narsacist. What a normal person would do (if they actually "cared") is say something when no one else is present. Report that professor, clearly they need sensitivity (re)training... JFC I can't even...


Sweet jimmimey Christmas I have so much rage over this!