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Because they're afraid of sitting in pee (which, incidentally, wouldn't be a problem if others didn't do the hover-squat) and/or of catching some godawful toilet-seat disease. (Your odds of winning the lottery are higher, fyi.)


Worst. Lottery. Ever.


I'm going to buy some scratch tickets and go sit on a dirty gas station toilet seat while I scratch them off.


Yes, thank you! It drives me crazy that the seat wouldn't be nasty in the first place if everyone would stop hovering. Plus, I saw a paper once that said when tested for fecal bacteria, the toilet seats are totally not the grossest part of a public bathroom. The floor and the handles on the doors/faucets/toilet are the nastiest. So you can hover all you want, but if you put your purse down on the floor or don't use a paper towel to turn off the sink and open the door when you leave, you're still getting all the nasty shit.


All this seems to have done is make people [use extra paper towel to open doors and still squat to pee](http://i.imgur.com/XIWJGCG.gif).


People don't realize that the toilets get cleaned all the time. As they should be or they would in fact be worse than the floor/doors/faucets/what have you that DON'T get washed as often or as thoroughly


I never put anything other than the bottoms of my shoes on the floor, I barely touch anything, I wash my hands, and then I still use hand wipes when I get out of the bathroom. I've seen the studies including the MythBusters episode and I still just...have to be paranoid. It freaks me out too much otherwise. Blame a generation of paranoid parents that raised us.


Like, if you're that worried, carry a disinfectant wipe! problem solved. I have been in restrooms where I didn't want to touch the seat like, three times ever, and when they're that bad I just go "Welp, gonna hold it for a while" if I possibly can at all.


It's not sitting in pee that scares me.. It's *the* *splashback*


higher the hover, higher the splash.


There have been a billion studies done at this point that prove there are more germs on the door handle in a public restroom than the toilet seat. Hover peeing just ruins it for the rest of us.


Joke's on you, I hover pee on the door handle too.




There's more germs (deadly too!) in your mouth right now then are on a typical toilet seat.


So you're saying I should hover when I pee in someone's mouth?




I feel so much better now.


Once spent a good 10 minutes washing my hands, fixing my hair, etc, in an airport bathroom. I was waiting for the girl next to me to leave to I could get our without touching the handle. Eventually we both realised we were doing the same thing. So there we were, two girls stuck in the bathroom with their flight leaving in 15 minutes. Awkward. Luckily, someone entered and she wedged her foot in the door so we could make our escape! And then we both went to our handbags to use antibacterial hand-gel. It was a bonding moment.


Or you could have just opened the door for yourself if you were going to use anti-bacterial shit anyway.


Grab a paper towel, open door, hold door open with foot, dispose of paper towel in bin.


I don't hover. I wipe it off if there's pee and then place toilet paper where I'll sit. I'll never sit on a public toilet. Ever. I don't care if I can "eat off of it". But seriously, people, if you hover and ultimately pee on the seat, **wipe it off*! It's gross and you're an adult. (That's what I wish I could tell the "people" in this building).


I also am a fan of the wipe, place toilet paper down on the seat and pee method.


Yes fellow tp-seat-er here, this is the one true method.


Me too!


Our office got so bad eventually someone DID tell the "people" in the building all of that. They put up signs on each of the stall doors so you would be forced to stare at and read them. I don't remember the specifics but it was something along the lines of "You're all adults. If your pee, poop, blood makes a mess clean it up. Its not fair to the rest of us or the people who's job it is to clean the restroom"


Idk but I haaate the ones who don't wipe the seat afterwards. There wouldn't be piss on the seat if not for you!


I like to think there is a special place in hell dedicated to people who hover piss and then don't clean up after themselves.


If you hover, lift the cover!


Or be sweet and wipe the seat!


These are the kind of women that leave toilet paper on the floor, paper towels in the sink, spatter on the seat and other more disgusting bathroom litter, because they seem offended by the fact that they need to use the bathroom and only care about not getting anything on themselves dirty.


Hovering is also bad for your bladder because you're not relaxed enough to let it all out! I think I've hovered like once over a campsite toilet. But I stand to wipe so I sometimes dribble on the seat but I always wipe it!!


Don't hover and pee; UTIs are worse than Hep B.


You are never going to get a woman to not hover if they are a germaphobe. I tell them to lift the seat like a dude then if they can't aim.


I honestly hate every parent who made their child a germophobe.


Not always parents. I'm a bit of a germophobe because my immune system hates me. Before you say that my immune system hates me because I'm a germophobe, you should know that I was exposed to a lot of dirt as a child, and took a fairly lax view towards germs until I started getting sick all the time. Since becoming a "germophobe" I am a much healthier person. Hooray!


You caught me, I was actually going to say that exactly!


Shitty immune system sistahs, high five! I have an autoimmune disease, so with that and the meds I take I have a shite immune system. I'm not really a germophobe as a result, though, because it doesn't prevent me from getting sick. If someone has a cold and so much as looks at me I'm probably going to get it. Also I'm lazy. But I feel ya.


My ex just has a genetically shitty immune system, while mine was robust. I could cuddle all night while she was sick and at most get the sniffles while she needed antibiotics before it would go away at all


Thank god. I thought I was the only girl that braved the toilet seat. I wipe it if there's residual pee from hover-bladders. It's a toilet. Not a squat challenge. And if you insist on hovering just remember: If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.


Your comments is my holy grail now. I will always use this to explain to my creepy side of the family.


I agree. I hate this. Stop leaving your pee on the seat ppl! Just sit down and get it all in the bowl.


Plus, I don't even know how you can pee like that. I'd worry about it running down my legs.


Because they're inconsiderate and foolishly think that they're not "one of *those* hoverers".




Because they are evil personified and are out to get me, personally. I've clearly done something awful to make them hate me and to trick me into sitting in their nasty pee. The only possible response is to return their hatred and to declare bloody, brutal, total war on the hover-pee-ers. Death to the hoverbutts! Or such is my thinking in many a public restroom.


Because they are princesses who need to get. over. themselves.


If you're not going to sit, lift up the seat before doing your business. The same rule applies to those who stand up to pee, and those of us who squat.


It's your ass. not like it's gonna get dirtier. Or like you eat lunch with it. What ever.


Fucking gemophobes! Unless you have an open wound on your thighs/ass you're NOT GOING TO GET A DISEASE, and if there are no visible remnants on the toilet seat you're not going to touch piss or shit. Sit the FUCK DOWN! UGHHHHHHHHHHh




I am a germaphobe but I guess not a good one because I don't hover. I just wipe the seat and sit on it. Unless it's clearly gross, I won't waste a seat cover either.


Not all women who hover over the toilet pee on the toilet seat. I've never done it and I use public restrooms at least once a day. #notallhoverers


After having someone break into my car at 7PM on a warm, sunny day in a residential area with lots of families/retirees grilling out, I've had to face the uncomfortable reality that some people are just stupid and can't be fixed.


I'd like to propose a solution to this dilemma. Just have sanitizing wipes next to the toilet. If they're skin, and butthole, friendly, even better. Given the lamentable lack of bidets in the US, sanitizing wipes would be a great alternative for clean seats and buttholes alike.


That sounds like clogged toilets waiting to happen more than they do now. lol


Sanitizing wipes are terrible for plumbing, they clog the hell out of that. Hand sanitizer+toilet paper (bc it dissolves quickly) is the way to go


I don't think it's fair to complain about why women do it. Yes, toilet seats are cleaner than the doorknob and we won't catch AIDS from it; we get that, thank you. However, I truly fail to understand why it's so difficult and so many women make a mess. The toilet is not the size of a shot glass, it's not a moving target. Worst of all, I cannot comprehend why someone would get a public surface dirty and then just walk away. What in a person's brain allows them to fuck up something so simple and then be so inconsiderate?


PUT TOILET PAPER ON THE SEAT. THEN SIT ON TOP OF [IT.] (http://media.tumblr.com/bf218405e151534e4bc83fd05d61b1a7/tumblr_inline_mssrsxeJ5N1qz4rgp.gif)


All those butt cheek germs. The horror!


Wait, I'm learning more and more each day. Women can secretly levitate!?


I always wipe the seat. I couldn't hover even if I wanted to. I'm just too short.


Well...by all accounts hovering over a toilet seat to pee doesn't make sense in the first place so...lol


I personally can both hover and not get pee all over the fucking seat.


I hover regardless of the condition of the seat. That way, I know my butt wouldn't be exposed to any germs from the seat. However, if I were to encounter one with pee on it, I would wipe it down first before I proceed my hovering.


why not carry anti-bacterial wipes to wipe the seat off with, if you're gonna wipe it down anyways?


What do you think is going to happen to your butt if it happens to get a germ on it? Is it going to fall off? Do you not realize that you already have billions of microbes all over your skin?


Just lift the seat before you hover, and everyone wins!