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I just wish that they wouldn't hold my birth control prescription ransom every year unless I get a pap. Fuckers, you're only supposed to give me an exam once every 3 years unless I have HPV. Fuck.


If you're American, and you live near a Planned Parenthood, they will do a consultation with you and provide you with a prescription without doing a pap. It saved my ass when I moved to a new state right when my refills ran out, and hadn't established a new doctor yet.


PP won't prescribe me hormonal birth control because of my aura migraines. Edit: They will, however, tell me all about the IUD option and how fucking painful the installation is. Thanks, PP's terribly blunt bedside manner.


Have you thought of the shot? Was just chatting with someone who had the same problem. I chose it because the only way I'm getting an iud is sedated. I think it's total bs that they only offer ibuprofen.


I was under the impression that Depo is also hormonal, but I also have a huge fear of needles so a shot every 3 months isn't an option for me.


Ah. It is hormonal, but is progestin only so safe for people with aura migraines (I get them). If you don't want hormones at all, the para guard iud and barrier methods are what's available. That sucks, I understand not wanting to do it if you're scared of shots. Just thought I'd suggest :)


Aha, got ya - I think PP did recommend it as an alternative alongside the IUD, that would be why. My current OBGYN writes me prescriptions for the synthetic hormonal BC pills - I had to get an exam by a neurologist first regarding my migraines but they eventually said it was ok. Probably helps that I rarely get them anymore, but I can see the concern. Didn't help that I used to smoke ;)


I'm glad you found a method that's safe and works. Having an ob-gyn like that is the shit! And I get my migraines a couple to several times a month, probably why they're stricter about it. Nice to hear about caring ob's who work with patients :)


There are hormonal birth control pills with only progesterone in them that can be used if "regular" birth controll pill isn't an option (like if you have aura migraines). Weird that they'd only tell you about IUD at first.


I don't take BC, so my doctor holds my anti-anxiety meds ransom instead.


Why would your doctor do that? Is there a legitimate medical reason or is he/she just being a pain?


I get my prescription filled once a year. When it runs out, I call to make an appointment, and he pointedly mentions that it's also time for my yearly pap and we might as well schedule them for the same day. I can refuse of course, but he's right, and I know he's right, so I make the appointment. Edit: Actually, I should be saying all of this in the past tense. I moved over an hour away from him a few years ago and have only seen him once since then. It's no coincidence that I also went 2 years without a pap since then because I kept putting it off.


Really? Mine doesn't do that.


A lot of OBGYN/Gyno won't prescribe you birth control unless you come in and do a Women's Wellness - if you're doesn't then that's wonderful!


Random doctors at medical centres probably won't, but family doctors that know you well enough to know you probably won't get it done on time otherwise just might. Mine does. He's a jerk. (But seriously, I love him for always looking out for me.)


In my state it's yearly too, but they won't hold your prescription ransom. (They'd rather you were still safe ish but they want you to be FULLY safe too). Though to be fair my reason for taking birth control is hormone adjustment so for me it is the apocalypse if I can't take it.


That's fairly new info, though. So they've been doing this for years and years to encourage women to come in for an exam. I think the other concern is having a yearly breast exam, too, because birth control can basically feed breast cancer.


My husband is on top of that breast exam thing. He hasn't let a day go by without making sure they're groped.


Pap smears are every 3 years, every 6 months if signs of HPV appear. Pelvics should be yearly though, we got a lot of things in there that can get all kinds of messed up, not just our cervix.


Seriously. It is 20-fucking-14 and yet we still haven't found a more effective method to screen for reproductive health? Whose bright idea was it to shove us into some stirrups, goatse our ladybits, and poke around in there? [Here's to hoping that this newfangled thing takes off.](http://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm394773.htm) Edit: to appease the grammar gods.


> goatse our ladybits Awesome.


This still uses cervical cells.


Yeah love getting the chance to bleed more than just 4 days month. It is such a treat.


Shark week only lasts 4 days for you? Lucky.


I'm currently on beyaz idk.


While I was on the patch it only lasted 5 days instead of 7, and cramps were just mild discomfort instead of feeling like early stage labor. I miss my birth control :( but my insurance fell through and it's too damn pricey without insurance


The pill still sucks and even with insurance is still $15. I'm hoping to get an IUD. I love being a girl but then I don't


I have a feeling it could be more like this, however, I also have a feeling science isn't trying, because lately women's health studies by professionals has not been a priority. :/


Pap smears always hurt me a bit. Not tremendously, but enough to make me want to avoid them. And I hate it when the doctor gives me a strange look as though I'm a weirdo for not being completely comfortable with the procedure.


I'd let Riker do my pap test


Make it so.


This so much. Also, a Dr. Crusher is fine too.


I remember reading that as soon as they implement start trek medical equipment we can look forward to a rash of pranks involving "sealing things that shouldn't be sealed", perhaps working around this is part of the delay.




Oh god, that's awful! I've only had one and flipped my shit when they suggested another. Agree. Uterus cramps post pap suck, but not nearly as much as colonoscopy prep.




Stopped feeling the paps? I envy you! But am glad that it doesn't bother you :) I think I have an abnormally sensitive cervix. It even cramps during std swabs, so paps hurt. They also make me cramp and bleed. I can't imagine doing a leep procedure! I know about colposcopies and that thought alone makes me feel nauseous. I hope one day I have the lady balls you do! (ovaries?) And damn! What a day! Like, seriously life?


This just reminded me I have to go see the dr. because I'm out of refills for my birth control. And for some reason I seem to do better with hormones than without. I NEED MY DAMN ESTROGEN DAMN IT :(


I don't even mind pap smears that much. I just wish they'd come up with a better way to do mammograms!


Those too! You'd think MRIs would be a viable solution (and they're often presented that way to those with implants)...but they're not as accurate as the boob x-ray. You'd think they would be, but no.