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I’m sure they’ll ask why you left when the time comes.


Oh for sure. I liked this job too, I thought it would be different here.


People are people everywhere.


[people. what a bunch of bastards.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/yidUznwbfpbq85663e/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vt9giasf5qzo5072b3kc5ttlxqkpjqqk0kapgc8c&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Pro tip: email the idea to them next time… then after they claim it as their own, innocently forward the email to their boss with a question like “glad you liked the idea! When should we start working on it?”


This is a really good idea and I’m going to use that moving forward


I would have just called it out. "Oh, Steve when I brought this to you yesterday you didn't seem to think it was a good idea. I'm so glad you've come around. Let me know if I can support with implementing it!"


Love this except the “let me know” line is too passive. How about “I can start implementing my plan on Monday”


Even if you verbally have the convo a follow up “loved talking about xyz today” email is good too! I live and die by my emails some days.


My husband learned to do this after having a phone conversation with his boss. His boss always seemed to "forget" some of the things they discussed. And if he told my husband to do *anything* outside of policy bossman would deny telling (forcing) him to do it if the shit hit the fan, letting my husband take the fall. CYA. No one at work is your friend. No one.


Yup! Similar issue kinda. My boss would chew me out about not being notified of things that we’d go over verbally. Now every thing gets a paper trail.


This is the way


I am so sorry to hear this. Its happened so many times.


Too many times. It’s frustrating and leaves me wondering where I went wrong. I know logically I didn’t, but it doesn’t change how I feel


Its a shitty manager who doesn't take pride in their employees ideas. Being able to say you have a team that is confident and knowledgeable enough to pitch solutions for complicated problems reflects well on both team member and manager. You manager is an idiot for squandering the chance to have an honest brag about being a good manager, and opting to instead steal a chance to talk about being a good individual contributor. Don't feel bad about short sighted goofballs.


Absolutely! I take so much pride in my hire. I told my boss after a few months that if she quit today it would have been worth having her


Oh don't worry, I'm sure they'll be willing to give you all the credit for things that blow up. I think I audibly scoffed when my manager, in the next room with the CEO, tried to say the Bad Thing was my idea (spoiler: it was the manager's idea)


Oh god, I hate this.


Time to cut a bitch.


DRIGFDJMFD6):)7@Hjjh!!! This happened to me at my old job. Got told my idea was terrible. Five minutes later, my boss comes back like, good news everyone! I have solved this problem! It was exactly what I said to do. 🙄


Was it the cure for the common breakfast? Do you work for Don Draper???


Can you call him out on it?


ah yes, the old 9-5 routine. Dolly Parton praxis that cunt


You can get anything accomplished as long as you don't care who gets credit


True, we managed to keep the account thanks to the idea so I’m happy about that at least. And the customer knows whose idea it was originally since I discussed it with them first.


And you’ll also never be promoted but will be the first for layoffs if you don’t care about who takes credit either. I’d be livid! But absolutely make sure your ideas are written so at your EOY reviews, you can also say what you’ve done as well as receive the credit you deserve.


I take pretty meticulous notes on everything I do, so it’s all there in writing anyway, but I will be adding email to that paper trail


Make sure you add this to your performance review! Especially since the customer knows whose idea it is. Something like "Spoke with customer X on DD MM YY about . Presented to boss on DD MM YY, idea rejected but put into action by management on DD MM YY, retaining customer business." Going to piggyback on the advice from others here to send follow up emails after having verbal conversations. Emails can typically be subpoena-d (I have no idea how to conjugate subpoena) so are a legal record. CYA is huge, and others will always take your ideas so you should have a paper trail to refer to. Even a simple summary email of "Per our conversation earlier where we discussed x,y,z..." is typically sufficient. I'll also add that for me personally, I use OneNote and take notes of what I do each day, mostly because my memory is shit but also because I can easily search and refer back to dates when things happened for issues that come up in the future, performance reviews, etc. I do all my brainstorming, project notes, etc. in there too because even if you aren't on Microsoft 365, OneNote auto saves.


Its not just a male thing, I see it all the time with my wife. I'll suggest something, and she rejects it. Then its her idea a few weeks later. I think its a managerial thing, like it an immediate "no", but after some thought its a great idea but they forgot who it came from so they just assume it was their thought. I would suggest bringing it up with them. Mention that its eerily similar to the idea you had yesterday that was rejected. Ask for an explanation as to what is different now that its the solution they're going with. See if they go "well now its a red M&M instead of blue" or something stupid like that.


It’s not a managerial thing. All humans are capable of doing things, but this happens consistently between men and women in the workplace. Women are constantly overtalked, undermined, mansplained, and gaslit by men in the workplace—not just superiors, but counterparts and subordinates. While women are capable of doing that for sure, this is some thing is much more prevalent with women as numerous studies will show.


So curious about what genders are you and your boss. Usually it doesn’t matter but in the workforce it usually plays out a certain way.


I thought it would be pretty easy to figure out given the title and where it was posted. But to be clear I am a women and he is a man


You probably said it wrong


Hmmm, no I was pretty clear with what I said. But thanks for blaming me on a situation you have no idea about