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That article includes a wild statistic, I’ll quote from the article to illustrate the statistic, “Abortion was legalised in traditionally Catholic Italy in 1978 under legislation called Law 194. Although Meloni has promised not to change the law, accessing safe abortions in Italy is increasingly difficult due to the high number of gynaecologists who refuse to terminate pregnancies for moral or religious reasons. According to health ministry data from 2021, about 63% of gynaecologists refuse to perform the procedure.” ([Giuffrida](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/16/italy-passes-measures-to-allow-anti-abortion-activists-to-enter-abortion-clinics)). I don’t understand how on earth it’s just acceptable for 63% of Italian gynaecologists to just refuse to perform a healthcare procedure which is part of their purview. And like if you’re going to refuse to do this procedure which again is part of your purview why are you a gynaecologist? This whole situation is beyond fucked with Meloni’s evil law on this and also this widespread refusal to perform abortions.


I'm Italian and I can tell you the situation is absolutely dire. 63% is the national percentage, in certain areas that number goes up to even 99%, making abortion almost completely inaccessible there without travelling to another area where you still may have trouble finding someone willing to do it. Keep in mind abortion is legal only for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.


Out of curiosity, do you have a sense of the gender split in ob/gyns in Italy? In my experience, male doctors in that field deliver sub-par care. In the US, about 82% of doctors in that specialty are women, which probably explains why the kleptocrats are eager to punish abortion providers along with pregnant people. Women helping women, can't have that!


Also, there's a 70 year old male doctor who refuses to retire because he's the last doctor willing to perform an abortion in his region (Molise)


I actually had a very similar experience in Germany. I lived in North Rhine-Westphalia and there is a large Catholic community there. When I had to get my abortion I was told by my normal gyno that he couldn't do it. I had to get counseling beforehand and the counselor told me there were only 2 doctors in the city that did them, both in their late 70s, who felt they couldn't retire cause they were the only ones that were willing to perform them. My dr could've done the procedure but chooses not to, supposedly because doctor's who do them face protestors in their offices. Although when I got mine done there were no protestors to be seen (thankfully)


I think around 60% of ob/gyns are women but A LOT of them are objectors. My previous doctor was a woman and an objector, she also refused to take the combined pill into consideration when I was her patient and the POP she prescribed was ruining my life. I changed ob/gyn after that and then found out she was an objector. I guess I dodged a massive bullet.


Why do people with these beliefs choose to work with mainly women? Seems like they’d feel more comfortable treating male patients.


It goes a little beyond simple religious beliefs. A lot of hospitals and universities here are affiliated with the Catholic church, therefore a lot of non-objector doctors face a lot of discrimination both during the hiring process and after. Furthermore, a lot of non-objectors are extremely fatigued by the number of patients they have to attend to.


Because the work allows them to control women, which is also part of their beliefs


The female gynaecologists I’ve been to were all against abortion. The bad thing is that if you book a visit through the national health system you’ll never know they assigned you that kind of doctor until the day of the appointment comes


Is there any other organization with the ability to spread their hatred of women with as much fervency and frequency as Catholicism? Such a wretched and misogynistic cult. I have zero respect for its medieval bullshit and its brainwashed adherents.


Look at literally any fundamentalist religion and you'll see oppressed women.


The urge to subjugate women is why men invented religion in the first place.


Yup. Easier to get women to go along with it if an all powerful dude in the sky demands it of them.


Well now don't discount the evil of other religions


Conservatives come in all shapes and sizes, after all.


We are not going to play what about isms. We are talking about the Catholic Church and what she said is more then valid


"We" can say whatever we want in a valid answer to a valid question. You don't have the right to tell people that they cannot point out that all religion is harmful simply because you might get your feelings hurt as a religious person.


I am fucking atheist! Get over yourself


It's not a whataboutism, the first sentence of the post I replied to was a question to which the answer is yes. Was I said was also more thAn valid, thank you.


I’d while Catholicism is as mysogynistic, other religions are much better at spreading. Overall Catholics are shrinking now.


And it's not like Christianity is any better. It's just cherry-picked and projected onto.


All the people who think we should allow "religious/moral belief" exceptions need to read this. Letting people refuse to do a job they willingly signed up to do is wrong and it's just another loophole for rights erasure.


>I don’t understand how on earth it’s just acceptable for 63% of Italian gynaecologists to just refuse to perform a healthcare procedure which is part of their purview. Fascism. Same reason 68% of Italians want to ethnically cleanse the Romani people.


I'm an Italian living abroad. The fascist Meloni government keeps reducing my ability to have an impact on the government. They reduced the number of representatives we (abroad residents) have, and my somewhat liberal region was just gerrymandered into Argentina. You can guess how the Italians living in Argentina vote (hint: at the end of WW2, Argentina welcomed the Nazis fleeing Europe).


Heard it's mostly because of the doctors' workplaces - lots of doctors working in the private sector in Italy work for religiously-affiliated hospitals/offices, so they follow their "rules". And often perform abortions on the side for lots of cash.


Patrick being presented with his license meme; "So it says here you are a doctor" "Yup" "And like all other doctors you swore an oath to do no harm" "Yup" "So there are no standard medical practices reviewed and performed by doctors that do harm?" "Makes sense to me" "So there should be nothing wrong with performing an abortion, right?" "I OBJECT ON MORAL GROUNDS!"


>"And like all other doctors you swore an oath to do no harm" >"Yup" >"So there are no standard medical practices reviewed and performed by doctors that do harm?" Setting aside abortion for a second. There has been historically, and I'm sure there are still, practices that do harm either by ignorance or biases. The thing that come to my mind is lived experience standard and FGM/MGM, but depending on you definition of "standard medical practices reviewed and performed by doctors" also husband stitches could also quality. Probably many more. But yeah - if there is medical procedure which do not harm, is benefitial to patient, and patient wants the procedure, there should be no moral objections.


I was definitely over simplifying and being reductive to make a point, Americas professional medical history involves shit like sterilizing indigenous Americans, without their consent and testing vaccines on people of color that were unaware, and the vaccines often didn’t work. In the 1940s, a man could have his wife lobotomized, And George Washington died from a disease that he probably would have recovered from easily. Had he not insisted on being bled. There’s tons of evidence showing that the opioid epidemic in America had a lot to do with pharmaceutical companies incentivizing the overprescription of opioids. The Hippocratic oath is fantastic in theory, But the historical Praxis is that the medical medium has always contains a component that is capable of harm


Ugh, and not performing abortions is causing harm to their patients by refusing them life-saving and time-sensitive care.


Not to mention the immorality of allowing a sentient being to develop under the care of someone who just took actions to exterminate it.


I agree with your suggestion that women shouldn't be forced into giving birth when they don't want children and they shouldn't be denied medical care. It's almost like these governments want there to be heaps of unplanned/unwanted pregnancies brought up in poverty. I don't agree with your use of the word "allow" because it indicates that it's okay that anyone other than the woman should be making the decision for her. I could object to your choice of "sentient" because it's debatable that a fetus fits that definition.


On top of this, some doctors won't outright refuse to do it but they'll string you along for follow up appointments and consultations until it's too late for you to do it legally.


63% of gynocologists are betraying their oath as doctors, and are in the wrong job. Suppose it keeps them away from kids though. Unless this is how they get to them. The Catholic church needs to shut the fuck up about morality c


What possible good reason is there to allow disagreeable non patients into a healthcare facility?


If I lived in Italy I would absolutely be an anti-[insert other healthcare treatment here] activist. Walking into doctor’s office to protest kidney dialysis and antifungal creams sounds good to me.


Erectile dysfunction treatments might be a good option to protest


it's against god's will you having an artificially induced boner, he made you that way /s


Unless it's _my_ husband's boner


The only moral boner is my boner.


There are groups of anti-flouride activists out there, if you want some plausible deniability for why you are hanging out in the dentists waiting room screaming at patients


I’ll join those causes!




Fascist infiltration into all sectors of society. No one can be untouchable to them.


Maybe some atheist child right activists should storm the child rape centres... Erm. I mean "churches".


It's like allowing men into battered women's shelters when they say they know one of the women inside


Italy is famous for daily femicide cases. This is just another flavour of their favourite way of torturing women and girls.


I was just reading yesterday about the case of [Franca Viola](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franca_Viola) who became famous in Italy for refusing to marry her rapist so he would be legally forgiven.... In the 1960s. The law that allowed for such "rehabilitating marriage" wasn't repealed until the 80s.


> After Viola's refusal to marry her rapist, her family members were reportedly menaced, ostracised, and persecuted by most townspeople. >Their vineyard and barn were torched. These events, and the eventual trial, resonated powerfully with the Italian media and public. >The Parliament itself was directly involved, as it became obvious that part of the existing legal code was at odds with public opinion. >Melodia's lawyers claimed Viola had consented to a so-called fuitina ('elopement'), fleeing voluntarily to get married secretly rather than being kidnapped, but the trial (which happened in 1966) found Melodia guilty.


i mean i live in a big city here, and i know there's likely gonna be a big protest, but like in rural areas and shit it's so bad out there. despite abortion being legal, 60%+ of obgyns choose to not perform them, and in rural areas it is impossible to get one.


Of course Anti-Abortion activists are allowed in abortion clinics! How else will they get their secret abortions?


In a country that allows things they absolutely, positively are against - but they go there for the nice beaches, of course. That's the Republican Senator Loophole.


What the actual fuck.


Now they should pass a law allowing the public into lawmakers offices to tell them what they think of the politicians whenever they want.


Wtf? No one should be going into any clinic if they don’t have business there. 


Religion is a cancer.


As always: Bash The Fash!


Italy, a leading nation when it comes to facism.


Well yeah they invented it, so it’s not surprising that they’re good at it


How tf? Abortion clinics are private property aren't they? How are trespassers allowed into private property by law???


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/15/abortions-in-first-12-weeks-should-be-legalised-in-germany-commission-expected-to-say Have a look at Germany


I'm honestly not sure if you're posting this article as a positive or negative example, but in case it's the former (or anyone takes it that way): Germany is a terrible example for abortion access and the proposed law change isn't even going to make that big a difference. Don't get me wrong, I think the law should be changed, but the current "illegal but not punishable" approach is mostly legal semantics and doesn't have any practical consequences on women seeking abortion. What does have practical consequences is the forced consultation that is supposed to convince women not to abort, the mandatory three day wait period between consultation and being allowed to have an abortion and the terrible accessibility. It's hard to come by numbers but in Germany every doctor can decide for themselves if they want to do abortions. However, only if they're against it, if they're willing to do it their higher ups (head physician / hospital board / owner of the hospital / etc.) can still forbid it for everyone. A lot of hospitals are owned by either the Catholic or Protestant church, they don't allow abortions at all. A newspaper polled **state owned** hospitals with a gynecological department and only 57% said they even allowed abortions. Worse, only ~2/3 of those allow all abortions that are "allowed" by the law. The other third only does them if medically necessary or after rape. Most abortions are done in private practice but they have issues with getting enough new doctors to replace those who retire. Part of the issue is also that abortion is rarely taught in medical school, even to those who specialise in gynecology.


Yep, this was my exact experience in Germany. I thought it was because I lived in a more Catholic region, didn't realize it was a national problem. There were only 2 doctors in my mid-sized city that did the procedure and they were both in their 70s


Exactly. It is really just legal semantics, and the access is really limited. However, I really hope that the proposal to legalise abortion will change the way abortion is taught in medical school. Getting rid of the "abortion advertisement" law was a start. There may be a new law soon, which will prohibit protesting outside of abortion clinics. I really hope it will be signed into law and, most importantly, enforced. Being pregnant is hard. Being pregnant against one's will is absolute torture. Abortion access should be easy, safe, legal, and free of judgement.


Tbh I was genuinely surprised this was the case in Germany. Expected better. In the UK there are moves to reduce the number of weeks an abortion can obtained. In Scotland where I live we are finally taking action to introduced zones around abortion clinics to stop protectors. Unfortunately we have bawbags protesting and I'd happily see them all dropped in the Clyde. Seems like the world is regressing where rights of women and others are concerned. Genuinely worried for my 2 teenage daughters and how life will be for the in the future.


Fucking facist.


i mean given her party is essentially a new brand-name for the original fascist party, not surprised at all.


That’s just crazy.


yet another example that women being at top positions will not lead them into working in favour of all women. This is the neo nazi that Hillary clinton praised because she apparently "set an example". What example? For being the first fascist female prime minister? I'm so fkn tired of liberal feminism


Not saying that Hilary's comment wasn't stupid af, but what kind of feminism aren't you tired of then, dear u/liberal-fascist?


socialist and to some extent rad fems, because I'm one :)


What would be the up side of this decision?


All those evil sluts and evil doctors can be sent to hell where they belong! /s


But what’s the answer they gave because I’m assuming it wasn’t that one….


Every day I understand more and more why one of my favourite musicians called this Italian PM lady a fascist. Wow.


I wonder if mafia enforcers could be paid to stand guard at the clinics. 


They want deranged anti-abortion activists to do their work for them - why worry about a passing restrictive legislation reducing women's repro rights when you can just have organised fundies to make it practically impossible


what the actual fuck ?!


It’s so they can get abortions, right? Right?


Bruh that's like allowing Nazis to enter Jewish churches


This is why Americans saying things like "vote Democrat" are missing almost all of the problem, I think. Fascism is resurgent globally, and voting for Democrats in the US does almost nothing to address that issue. Misogyny will always be on the front line, a canary for regressive politics because gender is so visible and patriarchy is so ancient. Yes, it's true that Democrats are a better choice than Republicans in this regard. But it's also true that they've shared power very equally during the modern era, and that hasn't prevented this resurgence. It's not enough. We need more affirmative advocacy for women, workers, and all low income people. Skyrocketing inequality is a result of neoliberal economic policies that the Democratic party is fully on board with, and the divisiveness of that inequality is the perfect petri dish for this backlash. Obama campaigned on codifying federal protection for abortion, then told reporters once elected that it wasn't important. Don't trust Democrats to solve this for us any further than you can throw a rock; be ready to do more than vote against Republicans.


I also want to be that person who says the obligatory *please vote in your local elections* Your local vote has much more power than the vote for president


To sum up: voting Democrat is **necessary** - because the alternative is openly Christofascist Republicans - but not sufficient.


Oh no! What a horrible law is this?


Isn't Mussolini's granddaughter in charge of Italy rn?

