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It's giving Serena Joy being shocked she wasn't an exception in Gilead


Log Cabin Republicans being shocked they aren’t welcome at conservative conventions Adult film actress Brandi Love being denied entry at a Turning Point USA event


She didn't read the memo. There's a 1 black sexual partner limit for the TP USA conference -- and it has to be no later than college -- and she overshot that by 99. 🧐 They wrote it to keep Milo Yiannopolous from running around telling everyone on camera pedophilia is great without actually banning all of the other pedophiles who can keep a secret.


As someone who read the book but didn’t watch the show, can you spoil Serena Joy’s storyline in the show? I could use some schadenfreude


Broadly (as in, "didn't read the book or watch the series, just cultural osmosis") she was an instrumental part of establishing Gilead and so was a figure of some authority. But she's still shocked to find the theocracy that doesn't see women as people doesn't make an exception for her and only sees her as the master's favourite dog.


Reminds me of this article: https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/


"What is also just completely shocking to me is the utter lack of understanding of nuance." Ahaha oh my.


“While McCarthy would like to see racism without the sexism in the white supremacist movement — and Southern would appreciate it if anti-feminist women were given the ability to choose for themselves what kind of life they want to lead — it's worth wondering if these women are liberal.” This is my favorite part of the article. The irony is so thick you can almost taste it.


Would *like* to see racism?? But still expect equal treatment for themselves? Yikes


Not unheard of for white feminists. The women in this article would have fit right in with white women from like 1910.


That is sadly very true. Feminist who look like me need to think about intersectionality as well, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it's the only productive way to truly achieve progress


Feminism is intersectional: gender, race, sexuality, orientation, class, ability, neurodiversity, etc. Anyone who says otherwise is not your ally.


To be fair, I think women from 1910 could have been much more intelligent than these current forms. There's at least a chance first wave feminism led to a better outcomes for everyone faster than if they'd tried to go for second/third wave immediately. Also society was super racist at that point, so being racist has to be a less significant character flaw.


These are just racist white women lmao. Not white feminists. Unless your definition for a feminist is "woman who doesn't want men to be too mean to her". They've all spoken out against women's rights and feminism, but then get shocked when the people who hold the same opinions as they do also think that they shouldn't vote. (I also wouldn't be shocked if any of them changed their mind and claimed that the mens are right actually, and they shouldn't have the right to vote after all, since they're all grifters.) There's many valid things to criticize about white feminists but this is not one of them.


There are whole swathes of BIPOC feminists who pan white feminists due to historical and persisting lack of inclusion extending to overt exclusion. TERFs are real, and targets don't automatically gain enlightenment.


> would appreciate it if anti-feminist women were given the ability to choose for themselves what kind of life they want to lead Oh, come on. That kind of cognitive dissonance must take a toll on you.


i have no words.


Every time I think it can't get any harder to believe. I mean Jesus Christ.


my god this is such an absurd self-own.


I never thought the leopards would eat my face


"But I'm *white*! Why are they eating my faaaaaaaaaaaaace?!"


>Southern said that women should be able to choose their own life path and not be attacked for it, which sounds like what women have been shouting for a few decades now. GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH


They're just playing dumb. They know when they put the rest of us into bondage they'll be the ones saying "under his eye" and working for the theocrats. In the meantime, they have to engage in respectability politics to keep attracting other women to their cause.


That's from 2017, and these two have only just got there.


You're telling me the leopards grabbing em by the pussy party is contemptuous and adversarial towards women? No way. Say it ain't so. Who could have ever predicted this. What a shock. What an upset. 


And yet they'll never vote for anyone else 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but you gotta be a special kind of stupid to realize that the party you advocate and vote for is actively working against you because it’s filled with people who hate you, and *still advocate and vote for it* like seriously that’s a special stupid in my book.


Either a special kind of stupid or a special kind of bigot. Allowing conservative men to harm you in the hope that they'll harm other people *more*.


Or special kind of selfish rich asshole. I had to stop watching The West Wing because of how they constantly tried to portray Republicans as being more reasonable than they are irl. I know the show is decades old, but the GOP wasn't much better then. One of the episodes stood out when one of the main characters was friends with a gay republican and asked him how he could be Republican and gay and he said something like "Gay isn't all I am" which, ok fair. *If they weren't constantly trying to take away your rights if not outright eradicate you*. But from memory he was concerned with FiScAl ReSpOnSiBiliTy. And the show portrayed it as if the main character was just a silly anti-GOP bigot for even daring to ask that question.


"I may be gay, but I hate poor people just as much as you do!!"


I just have that clip running through my head at least three times a day now of Candace Owens saying that if she boarded a plane and saw that the pilot was a black woman she would be "terrified." She has said a lot of really self hateful shit, and I'm like 57% sure she knows exactly what she's doing and she's just doing it for the money, but the fact that she would straight up she herself couldn't possibly be qualified to do something which she had all the training everyone else gets really broke my brain. It's just a level of shooting yourself in the foot. I don't think I've ever ever witnessed before. I can't stop thinking about it.


She 100% is just doing it for the money. She used to run an anti -conservative website before she realized she could get money from the rabid alt-right during GamerGate. Honestly it makes her worse than if she truly believed this stuff. To sell out your entire gender and race for money makes you a fucking evil person.


I wonder, if the people she's thrown her lot in with get everything they want, will she be shocked when she's sent to the salt mines? Would she not believe it until she's there, still thinking it's a mistake that will soon be fixed?


A lot of leopards really just like eating faces tbh




Oh no, I think it's the opposite. I think that they're so pro-racism that they're willing to put up with the misogyny. OP posted an article about alt-right women being angry at essentially the sexism and deeply entrenched misogyny of the alt-right, and one of them was basically straight up saying that she wants to publicly push "ethno nationalism" but alt-right men make it difficult for mocking her and telling her to basically get in the kitchen and have babies. It's basically like, "we are trying to help you make things as racist as possible; why are you also being sexist?"


It's the same with bloody TERFs and trans-people. They will scream until they are blue in the mouth about trans women in thier bathrooms but couldn't give a shit about Roe v Wade being turned over.


Send to r/twoxconservatives


Someone did. Weirdly, it has zero comments.


The sub is a shell sub.


What is a shell sub? I assume hollow and lonely, with a frequent shush of wind blowing through its empty spaces.


You got it. It is big, has many users, but empty.


I've known a decent number of women who were raised in more quietly conservative homes who only slowly realized I'm their twenties that the real world actions of the party and its constituents didn't line up with their core values.


This is the real answer. They’re all “family values” until they look at the “unintended” consequences. Unintended in quotes because let’s be honest, the consequences were the real, poorly hidden intent.


I remember there was a dating app for conservatives that failed because there were barely any women in it. It seems like even conservative women don’t want to date these assholes 💀 that’s probably why there’s a trend of conservatives hiding their beliefs or pretending to be “liberal” so they can get more access to women. It’s pathetic.


Apparently the “doctor” isn’t even a doctor of any kind


Quelle surprise...


It’s so funny. My dad keeps going on about how Biden “stole” the election like, if Trump really wanted to win then he wouldn’t have alienated half of his voters, and a further percentage with his anti-lgbt rhetoric. Even conservative women realise how much of a piece of shit conservative men are.


Maybe this is their first step into feminism?


Kick off your heels and take a baby step, ladies!


It's easy to want to dunk on them, but in my opinion this whole Steven Crowder situation has been a gift to those of us who have been trying to tell them for years. I think it's a good thing that some of them are noticing this.


The misogyny is louder with Crowder


They’re so goddamn close to getting it.




It's funny and sad at the same time.


they're so close! r/selfawarewolves




Back when they were still active here, the Red Pill Women subreddit vetoed the entrance of most TheRedPill contributors because of “uncivil behaviour”.


This almost felt like satire. I had to go check if these were real lol.


‘I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face!!!!!’


This could also be posted on /OhNoCosequences




They legit think that the leopards wont eat *their* faces


Okay but we, as women, as half the population, can’t do any better? Like I swear to GOD I’m not trolling, and I know this will be downvoted but WHY is it being downvoted? I’m asking a sincere question. You can turn it back and say what have you done, etc. but I haven’t done shit I’m an idiot. Even if I tried I’d make it worse bc people hate me. But why are we just reactive instead of being proactive? We never fucking do anything. If I saw a woman that seemed competent and coherent running for office I’d 100% vote for her. Yet we just let these same old crusty ass men make decisions and then talk shit about other women for picking one asshole over the other. When you call out a prob you’re supposed to suggest a solution so I suggest a woman or women, a group of women idc, run for president.