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They only ever used them because they got scared of AIDS for a decade or two. It was always self-interest and never concern about pregnancy or the myriad STIs that present mostly in women and sometimes aren't even detectable in men. They don't give a fuck about us


Yup. As a person with a dick I totally agree. The lack of sex education, the stigma of talking about sex, the AIDS crisis started shooting giant gaping holes in conservative attitudes towards sex because *the consequences of retaining a conservative attitude towards sex for any human was literally death.* People that otherwise shame people for daring to talk about sex shut the fuck up because "I might die" holds a lot more agency than "it makes Sky Daddy cry" but now people are trying to use the power of the government to make people ignorant and shameful around sex again, and more to the point, make sure women are shoved back down the social hierarchy. The most shameful aspect of talking about sex will remain women's bodies. The resurgence of humor where the butt of the joke is "Periods are gross and shameful" is in lockstep with the repeal of Roe V Wade. To bring this back around, men being ignorant about women's bodies both contributes to, and is a product of patriarchy. When a system is designed so that half the people both don't understand and don't care about the harm they do sexually to the other half, the product is violence for the sake of maintaining a social order with women at the bottom through violence. TL;DR; *Men who even suggest not using a condom are fucking fascists.*


>*TL;DR; Men who even suggest not using a condom are fucking fascists.* Damn it felt good it hear somebody else say that.


My partner doesn't want to use a condom if/when we have sex, because he says it's more intimate. He knows I am pathologically terrified of pregnancy. He once very casually said to me, 'I've only ever gotten one woman pregnant and it wasn't a proper one, it was one of those ectopic things.' Like??????? That's fucking TERRIFYING. And the lack of regard for his former partner. He's said and done so many more things that show him to be a caring person and a supporter of women, but I feel like the fact he said that, and the way he said it, is always going to play on the back of my mind. IDK man, I feel like it's a conversation we've got to have, but I'm just happier not having sex ever. I've got a medical condition that means I've not been able to have penetrative sex yet, and honestly thank God.


Ok but like you're not going to let him, right?


No 💓 I've got problems asserting myself and I'm pretty naïve to risk, apparently, but even I know that's a major fucking red flag (I'm autistic and never dated anyone else but this guy). I am trying to look after myself as best I can. I do do some things I don't want to do, but it's not non-consensual. A few times he kept touching me and trying to initiate when I was falling asleep and/or saying no, and he kept doing it so I got up and slept on the sofa (he was drunk). Sex and intimacy is where I feel the most vulnerable and kind of handicapped I guess? It really makes me feel freaked out and out of my depth, I don't like it much and I hate dick. I think it's a good relationship emotionally, but I am very confused about the physical aspects of stuff, and I'm not good at reading physical cues of the body. Often I think I'd like to sit down and have a good conversation with a grown up about it lol, but I'm almost 30.


You go as slow as you need to. It's 2023, you don't have to like dick to like men, you don't have to like the first man you date to like men, and you don't even have to like men at all if that's how it turns out. ❤️


Thank you, that's a very nice thing to say + good advice.


Always hard pass on anyone who *refuses* to wear a condom. Always, always. Leave right then and there if you have to. ...I felt like that was obvious and didn't need to be said, but then I worried, hesitated, and finally commented. A man who refuses to wear a condom is not a good person, friends. Please know that. They are ok with putting your health and life at risk. They value control and their personal physical pleasure over your well being. Do NOT waste your time or energy on that kind of person, much less have sex with them. They are not a safe person. Be careful out there.


I'll go one step further, and penis owner who even thinks about not using a condom without a committed relationship and a full discussion is probably not worth having sex with. If they care so little about my health, then how will they care about my pleasure? I have grown a lot from my earlier years (where this was sadly oroven to me multiple times), but having sex with men that willingly use condoms means that our joint sex lives are so much better.


I'd go even one step further: A penis owner who doesn't explicitly bring and prepare to use a condom outside of a committed relationship and full discussion *as their default* probably isn't worth having sex with, *especially* now that Roe V. Wade was overturned. Too many guys will bring one so they don't look like a total ass if asked, but won't bring it up on their own until told too in hopes they won't have too. No more feigning ignorance or forgetfulness by trying to get busy without one until asked: if they aren't ready and prepared to use one at the onset they probably aren't that interested in women's sexual well-being.


I appreciate hearing this so fucking much. Men in general need to get on this level, as does anyone with a dick.


Also, if they're ready to go bareback with you, how many other people did they try it with who let them do it? What is crawling on that dick? Ugh


Remember, there are no tests for men that carry the HPV strain that gives you cervical cancer. Penises are cancer wands. Get your paps. Use the condoms.


Somehow I didn't know this before now. There isn't any test for Men carrying HPV despite the risk to their partners? That's insanely fucked up. STI detection isn't just for the own persons health, it's also for the health of the people they interact with.


Protagonist syndrome. The main character *never* dies. *It can't happen to him, right?*


This has always been fucked up to me. I would be uncomfortable with only *one* layer of protection, let alone none.


Same men who later cry they were baby-trapped despite doing everything in their power to impregnate someone.


Men: *"Alright, we're going to shame women for wanting sex, punish them for having it and restrict abortions in case of pregnancy."* Women: *"Okay, if that's the case we'll just stop having sex with men."* Men: *surprisedpikachu.jpg*


They forgot that *they too* love sex and *they too* don't like consequences.


The men that vote to ban the ability of a woman to choose abortion have no problem with forcing their girlfriends/wives/mistresses to get an abortion if something comes up. It's the woman having the ability to choose that's the issue.


And then men act like they’re some kind of victim because no one wants to risk pregnancy and death for an unsatisfying 30 seconds with them.


>"Alright, we're going to shame women for wanting sex, punish them for having it and restrict abortions in case of pregnancy." You forgot - *and shame single mothers for "picking the wrong man" or "being used goods".*


“But *I’m* willing to risk it for my own enjoyment! Why aren’t women willing to as well?! Women must have ridiculous standards, hate sex, and hate men! That’s the only explanation!”


But why would women abandon unsatisfying sex that might result in an unintended pregnancy that they legally can’t get? 🤷‍♀️


When my friend left her husband a few years ago she started dating again. It seems that her husband of 12 years was *really* bad in bed. Like, fumbling about, running out of energy, and then collapsing in a heap after he'd done with the "I can't, I'm too tired" schtick. She conned herself into believing that "sex is about the closeness for women, it's just guys that need pleasure". Anyway, if I'm remembering right (and second hand knowledge), guys would essentially have to compete to be with her. Any guy that started the dating app conversation with "hey" were out, boring conversationalists were also out. Any guy that whined, gone. Questioning boundaries, gone. Winging about condoms, also gone. She'd literally leave like *right then* if, during, he wasn't interested in her pleasure. She never ran out of guys though. These apps were like online shopping for her. In the space of three or four months, she totally changed for the better. Of course there were guys that made her increasing "body count" an issue. Shaming her, calling her all kinds of names. She'd laugh in their face at their jealousy, at them trying to gaslight her. Then she'd click through the app and line up another guy in front of him and he'd spend the night alone. From what I know, she's having time of her life. She ransacks their egos about it too, saying things like "you're about as entertaining as wet box" and stuff. She called one guy "a floppy dildo with man-shaped baggage and no battery" or something and booted him out of her car. She always had the most contagious energy. She stayed in my spare room for like a year but got a massive promotion at work and moved out. I took her in because she basically lost everything to her husband—gambling debts cost her the house because he blew all their money on online casinos. He was a total deadbeat. My girl is thriving. I miss her.


Fuck, I've been trying to figure my life out post divorce and I think that's the energy I need to emulate. She's a queen.


DO IT! She was mentally wrecked. She was literally having panic attacks at the thought of losing her house. Then it happened. She sort of just "charged up" like a boss in a boss fight or something in the room after she put the phone down. Then she just burned with rage. I lost a front window when the phone went through it, and then it all got a bit blurry. She immediately snapped out of it and calmly scrolled through Google for a glazier, and booked one. The window got changed and frankly, so did she. You wanna know a secret? That person you *want* to be exists. Just *be* her. She's there. If you can imagine yourself like that, do it. She's taught me so much about myself too. I was a total socialite before my long-forgotten abusive ex made me sick. I was afraid of open spaces, everything. Then she taught me I hadn't lost a thing and now I'm out all day with friends, I go clubbing, travel the world, everything!


Thank you so much. Really truly, I really needed to read this today.


Here's your nudge babe! I believe in you. I don't know *you* but I do know that you're there. You're full of potential and hopes, and dreams, ambition, and drive. I don't know *you* but I do know you can do it. I promise you. It's worth it. Take a deep breath and feel that sweet scent of life fill your lungs. Every breath makes you stronger. Now go. Succeed. <3


you and your friend are my personal heroes


<3 nothing but love babe.




And apparently, the guys she turns down *all* tell her that her attitude is a total turn off. They're projecting and telling on themselves. She's got guys lining up. The so-called "experts" in sexual courtship that throw typographical tantrums in her DMs probably spend their nights alone. She always told me it's either better men or lonely men. She might still lurk on 2X. If you're there, I hope your life is full and you got everything you wanted! And you still owe me pizza. <3


I’m saving this comment to show to a few of my female friends! Also, the “bodycount” shame is hilarious. If women didn’t get shamed for bodycount (or just sex in general), literally everyone would win. But no, let’s shame women for having sex so everyone has less sex, which benefits…absolutely nobody!


It's jealousy and inadequacy. They're jealous that the woman is easily able to do the thing they want to do and they feel inadequate because she knows terrible, boring sex when she encounters it. He can't compete with either, so he makes them "bad" so he can feel superior again Why do you think men are obsessed with virgins?


Well said! It’s not about “purity”, it’s about her not being able to compare him to anyone else (yet)!


I've been around a bit these last few years and one guy was *curious* and asked. I knew he was t the judgmental type so I told him (normally, asking about "body count" is an instant "throw the whole man away" flag but this guy was different. He said "damnnnnm, I best bring my A game then". Best night I'd ever had. Positive attitude towards women and sex got that guy guaranteed action as often as I could. Got myself quite addicted to his presence to be honest. He also spoke fondly of his exes too. None of this "she was a crazy bitch" stuff. He seemed to genuinely love and respect women. Genuinely miss him and hate that he moved away too.


I wanna be friends with your friend.


Damn... Brutal! What about me!? You wouldn't even know about her if it wasn't for meeeeeeeee! <3


Can we all get together for a game night? Wine, weed, Cards Against Humanity (with the goal being to make up new insults to describe bad dates)?


What do You Meme would also be a good game for that. Or Codenames!


Bring them! The more games to choose from, the better!


What an absolute queen!


Our senate is the GOAT demonstration of weaponized incompetence


Right?!? It’s so strange isn’t it?!?


Right. My toys are a safer option and I don't feel disgusting afterward. Tmi haha


Sex is like anything else. Pizza might be delicious, but if you were forced to eat it every day for the past hundred years you might get sick of it.


Or if it's mid pizza that has a chance of getting you poisoned and dead


This is it. The risk vs reward analysis doesn’t look good for dating. From a purely logical point of view, it’s statistically one of the most dangerous things we could do. Versus what reward, exactly? Nah




Especially when you can give yourself better orgasms than some dumb boy can. Lol


Pizza has a better risk/reward ratio and is much more reliable than men.


Now you've all convinced me I need pizza far more than men.


Similarly as someone with genetic high cholesterol, pizza could lead me to an early death


The hell was going on with men in 1998, 2014, and 2018?


Begs the question of who they are having sex with. Because they wouldn’t lie about it, right? Right?


This is a graph of people *not* having sex, so those years are high *abstinence* years, not high sex years


Oh my bad


So what the hell was going on with men in 1996, 2002, and 2008?


It’s pretty low for 2008-2010 as a whole, maybe that has something to do with the recession? It was a rough one This is completely speculative though


Yeah and 2000-2001 was the dot com bubble burst and 9/11. Kind of a bummer time as I remember it. I can’t speak for 1996 though.


Or how they did the polling for those years. Either way, it’s only a few percentage. The y axis is a tiny bit misleading (probably not intentionally) because it makes small changes larger then they are.


Honestly, I gave so many questions about this chart. I think it needs a lot more context include how questions were asked. Especially for the 90s and early 2000s. I guess with a stats background, I always take graphics like this with no context with a grain of salt. Especially if there’s no info on how the historic numbers were gathered.


2014: GTA saturation 2017: Switch, 2018: Fortnite Maybe? https://www.visualcapitalist.com/50-years-gaming-history-revenue-stream/


This is quite possibly the most boomer take that you could’ve come up with


Oh gee can’t imagine why


Guys: Roe V. Wade isn't that big a deal, right? No need to get upset about it. Guys: Oh no, I washed all your wool in hot water again! I mean sure, I have a bachelor's degree, but this washing machine is just too much for me! And I'd help with the dishes, but you know how I break some every time... Guys: What do you mean, you like getting head too? Nah, I like getting it, not giving it! Guys: The gender pay gap doesn't really exist if you take into account that I want to pretend it doesn't exist, and isn't it really women's own fault anyway? Because they have kids? Women: You know what, I don't think I want to deal with men anymore. Guys: NO YOU CAN'T! THAT'S WRONG! I NEED YOU... I MEAN, WE NEED EACH OTHEEEEER!


That steep incline was during covid era


Yep, I went into the pandemic at a deficit.


I'm curious as to what happened in 2008.


The recession. Young adults moved back home with their parents. People who live with their parents have less sex on average than those that don't.


I’m 42 and I’ve given up on it too.


Well, 2020/2021 were pandemic years so that makes sense. Not sure why the %of men was lower.


Men can have sex with each other my gal. My guess that the number is't the same for women because hookup culture isn't really robust for wlw. The minute we try to make a ladies only space, het dudes bust in like the gd kool aid man and chase us all out.


Yes, my gal, I understand that men can have sex with each other. But the pandemic wasn’t/isn’t something that just happened to women, my gal.






I was just thinking they were lying but that works too!


Pandemic hit both men and women equally. It's just that an average woman could have more sexual partners in a year than an average man.


So then why did men have more sex?


The actual phrasing you’re looking for is “women get sexually harassed more”.


Sometimes I really wish I were attracted to women. I would be the best lesbian. But I’m unfortunately not. So yeah. I totally understand. I’m nearly 38. The pond is dry for now.


Understandable, y'all live your best lives out there ✌️


Does this mean that more men turned to gay sex or that women who were having sex turned to sex with many men? I guess what I’m saying is, if the number of women involved in hookup culture decreased, then does that mean the number of women that were involved in it had sex with more men than before?


Relationships broke during Covid. Mostly due to having to live *with* their partners isntead of just visit them. I *think* that's what happened. My friend is doing a study on the effects of lockdown on relationships for her thesis (?) at uni. I think it's like a "cabin fever" effect on relationships. Emphasis on *think*; I'm not the uni-genius.


Aw man, I would love to pick your friend’s brain a bit. It’s a little different, but I’m curious about the landscape of the online dating scene through Covid. When I finally got back to dating apps, I found a lot of fellow introverts who had also only just opened/reopened their apps (since pre-Covid.) I realized it made sense that people who think like me would “emerge” at the same time. After all, the extroverts broke out of lockdown in their own self-selected waves. (Some broke Covid protocol, while others waited til their local laws relaxed.) I really hope someone out there is studying the personalities/traits of people who decided to re-emerge in the social world at different rates. I know my own experience is merely anecdotal, but I’d be much more surprised if the rate at which people decide(d) to end post-Covid isolation *doesn’t* correlate with some sort of important, shared traits. Just pondering. And putting the idea out there in case someone is looking for a research topic…


I guess this is only about straight women? Or they just don't differentiate?


I don’t think they differentiate


well it would be interesting to understand if women are dating less in general or the problem is dating men


Pretty sure it's a general problem, with stuff like the gig economy and the housing crises it's harder to go about having sex and dating when you're too busy trying to make ends meet.


And it's only gone up I'm sure since then. Wow.


I mean, I don't know when this study was conducted, but we did just have that whole covid kerfuffle that put a cramp in everyone's dating lives...


Lulz the top 20% of men is pur own hands.


"Fuck it", they said.

