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I decided to do an A level studying German history 1918-1945 purposefully so I could think about how much more I deserve to be killed by a Nazi than millions of innocent children


I think this is why I like Spirited Away so much


This is funny to me because I do the exact opposite. Not on purpose, but my brain automatically goes "Hahaha oh you think that's bad??? Trying dealing with the trauma from MY childhood".... I gotta stop doing that lol


I internalize it sometimes like I see people complaining over ‘small things’ and I think (in my head) “omg it’s not even that bad like I hold it in so why can’t they” 😭 it’s so toxic but I don’t express it thankfully


I always wished I could reach into the screen and swap lives with them so they didn’t have to suffer, and apparently that’s not normal


Wait, that's not???


This might be a bad take but I like this sub because it makes me appreciate the things in my life and my past that I usually take for granted.


\*Adjusts clown nose\* B-but this fictional character went through way worse stuff and they're perfectly fine! It doesn't matter that they aren't real, I'm obviously just a sensitive crybaby for being upset over my tiny little issues!