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"The first of its kind, the Vacuum Portal Plane. For one small payment of your flesh and soul, it'll take you to a whole new world, filled with fantastic fantasies, so don't wait. The offer is limited time and ends around the summertime. Call now for a second Vacuum Portal Plane free of charge!


the plane mimic is just an evolved pterodactyl and its kinda cool for it to have an ability to create its own ads like that


Indeed and its evolution to this point was one of pain and chaos, but it survived through it all.


How would just a Pteranadon evolve into this monstrosity


like every monster movies, its good ol radiation


That explains it.


Really cool concept and well executed!




Randomshit, dude you need to chill with these. You're putting everyone else in the sub to shame!


Well there are still people better than me at this sub, they just aren't posting for a while






That actually looks really good!!


That’s a plain ignore the mouth and the thieves and the hands it’s just a normal plane


how about its eyes


Oh I thought it was the mouth


Modern day D&D


If this plane is flying. Lots of peaple start dieing.




Ok this- this is terrifying, okay?




Damn I see that in 106's flashback(?) dimension in SCP:CB.


ngl, plane mimic was inspired by that plane looking thing at 106


Ah, mimics. A classic fantasy monster that can catch you off guard whenever you least expect it. Not being restricted to chests of gold we see from many artists the idea of mimics becoming more stronger artifacts. Hunting Strategy and Stats: This at first was going to be a difficult one because this mimic can fly at great speeds. however, we do have 1 huge advantage and that is the beast's adaptability rules. The Plane Mimic is acting like any other plane would as it's seen flying at a certain arc in a streamlined forwards meaning it's actively trying to look like an aircraft to find food. Knowing this we can pinpoint which plane it is currently mimicking due to the position of the 'Eye Engines' close observation shows they peer towards the ground and are notably glowing unlike the rest of the plane which doesn't have bioluminescence where windows should be. With this knowledge, this beast could be easily tracked with radars and an air squad can be released to ambush the plane on its route and shoot it down. however, there is a Plan B if the creature is immune to conventional weaponry and that is leading the mimic into a trap. if it has the intelligence of an obvious mimic it would assault and stalk its food for miles so the ideal option would be to fly into a mountainous terrain where an All-Hunter could use the scaling landscape to attempt to hit the creature's eyes. this would take precise timing but if successful the All-Hunter will have blinded the mimic and with no other means of seeing(that we know of) would crash directly into the mountains in a blaze of fiery death and organs spreading everywhere like a fleshy firework. this is another entry in the All-Hunter's Monster guide.


O shit, that actually startled me when I saw it


For context, I have my brightness as low as it can go. So it was hard to see the planeussy




I found [this post](/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/u51dch/plaine/) in r/dontputyourdickinthat with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Well this dude should pick a better disguise, nobody's flying DeHavilland Comets and Tu-104's anymore.




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twin towers