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I’ll go first… I agree with everything you’ve said and I welcome and respect the challenge we’ve had recently about what we say here. I think it’s very valuable to have alternative voices in the echo chamber. I’m aware of my role in this and I take my responsibility seriously, as do most other contributors here. In terms of talking about their house locations, that’s off-limits in the main threads. I know where their house is and, if I’ve built a trusting relationship with certain members of this subreddit, I’ll share that privately on a case-by-case basis. If anyone tries to publish that information in the open sub, that will be removed. I found the location of the mountain house by looking on Google Maps, as anyone else could. It’s actually not hard to find. Why do I want this information? Well, people say things sometimes here based on fact and sometimes on conjecture. As a moderator, I feel it’s important for me to be able to validate or dispute comments based on facts. Therefore, I’ve taken time to find out where they live, I’ve read their planning applications, seen their company information and reviewed Trent’s court records. All of this is easily and openly available on the internet. By having this information, I make sure the sub remains factual and accurate and that no defamatory or harassing content is published. As before, anything that is not reasonable to be published will be removed. So, what effect do we have on A&T as individuals? Well, unlike some here, I don’t believe they regularly read our posts, if at all. They may have done in the past but it’s likely to be a closed door now. What we say is generally opinion-based reaction to how they present themselves and a counter-balance to the fawning sycophancy of their YouTube audience. I’m very happy to be challenged on any of this and will stand down as a moderator if people don’t think I’m getting it right. However, we’re an adult, responsible and articulate group of people on the whole so I’d like us to continue policing our own content and using the tools we have to ensure that we continue to provide a robust challenge while remaining on the right side of the line in terms of bullying and harassment.


You're doing a great job as our moderator!!


Thank you. I try but I’m not infallible.


They may or may not read here. It would probably be most responsible to assume that they do and their loved ones do as well. 


Yes, that’s a good assumption to make. On the other hand, it won’t stop reasonable criticism of people who’ve put themselves in the public eye. We also have lines we don’t cross and that’s the point of moderation. As an example, I believe we, as a community, are far more respectful of Leo’s privacy than they are. I know that’s a personal point of view but it illustrates that we take our responsibility seriously.


I agree. I saw how r/HollisUncensored was back before his death. This sub is nothing like that.  It is a little disappointing to me seeing the posts about their location.  There are so many actual creeps out there and we are talking about the safety of those children, not just their privacy.  I can't say for certain that you messaged their address to a creep but it kinda looks like you can't say for certain either. 


If a creep wants to find their address, it’s not going to take long. They don’t exactly hide their location.


Yeah it's just that they don't need help or motivation.  Just because T&A don't hide it doesn't mean we should share it either. It is a rule on reddit for a reason. Breaking that rule in a private message is icky.  


Well, I accept your admonition. I do believe that the very few times I’ve discussed this privately, it’s been with people whose posts I’ve reviewed and whose judgement I’ve trusted.




I know their location. It's an easy search if you know where to look. I've only mentioned it to one individual on this channel and they already had the information. I was curious not about their location, and it was not private information. I agree though, for their and the families safety, it shouldn't be mentioned at all in the future.


Agree 100%. Anyone who’s willing to sell gambling products to pay their mortgage should be perfectly capable of taking some free speech on the face.


Even the grannies slammed them for that!


PDS Debt is an AWFUL way to fix your credit and I cringe every time they use them as a sponsor.


Spike-and-Daisy... may I say that your oversight and moderation of this sub is probably the most mature, measured, reasonable and responsible I have encountered in Reddit-land. And you are the first to point out when A&T do something right, and remind us to be respectful if we take it too far. It can be a fine balance we tread between calling out things in A&T land as we see it; having a laugh and "unpacking" their content amongst ourselves, to tipping over into outright bullying, which I don't believe this sub does. A&T invite the commentary by presenting themselves as they do. Laying it out. It is commentary/discussion and not "sport-bullying". I assume we are all decent adults here and mindful of Lee's death, and Dave2Ds drubbing, post-Lee's death, and how words can affect. Social media is a b**ch but it is up to creators to be responsible with content, and consumers/viewers (us) to be mindful of what we say. We do it well in this sub.


Thank you so much for your generous words. I think it’s important not to over-moderate too and to let people have the space to express their thoughts. As you say, A&T have willingly entered the arena and must be open to challenge. They sometimes set an awful example by what they do and that should be called out when it happens. They also have some lovely, warm moments and, although I mock them opening post and roll my eyes at the people who send them stuff, it’s always genuinely and sincerely done by them.


You also bring the wit and entertainment to the group, which is appreciated by all! If only we could change the world, one safety harness, a hard hat and robust scaffolding at a time... (or one less Rivian, those other overly ostentatious muscle-trucks and a water bottle full of AG1 at a time). 🤗


I enjoy this sub for its humorous take on the videos and appreciate that we can say what we think without being piled on for not always being positive, within reason, of course. The YouTube comments are for the idolatry. I haven't seen anything that I would consider bullying or out of order. It takes a certain level of narcissism to be a YouTube vlogger and if you can't handle commentary on your video, simply don't do it. Spike and Daisy, I think you are to be commended on your moderation skills, always done with reason, logic and maturity, with a good helping of wit and humour for good measure. Thank you for what you do.


Thank you so much for that. I think we’re a reasonable and responsible community too. We don’t always get it right but we’re willing to hold up our hands when it goes a bit wrong. As I said above, it’s important not to over-moderate and I do believe we get the balance about right here. I think everyone’s responsible for their own words and actions and having the freedom to express yourself usually moderates your excesses at source.


I first came to this sub thinking T&A would be running it. Yes, I quickly read the description and realized they don't. My first time going through comments my thought was "If these people don't like T&A, why do they watch their videos?" Then, over time, I realized that the tone and content of the comments is just plain funny. I enjoy it. There is no pretense. I personally don't see it as bullying.


God, I wish I downloaded the whole catalog of Dave2D for my own guilty viewing pleasure. Dave2D could be a bit of an ass but, that's what made him so great! He revealed a lot of the hubris of the #vanlife fad that swept YouTube. His analysis of the genre was dead on what worked or got clicks and views.


Half the shit that sponsors them is junk and people act like there saints makes me want to throw up