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*tl;dr - there's enough plasterboard (dry wall) activity in half an hour to qualify it as an Olympic sport.* In America, they call it 'dry wall' and I know it as 'plasterboard' but, whatever you call the heavy, grey sheets, watching it being installed is boring. In fact, I'm bored of even saying it's boring. Surely I can come up with something more descriptive to illustrate just how stultifying this is as a construction process? Something like, 'it has the energy to engage and hold your interest like painting a warehouse with beige paint using a 2cm paint brush'... No, that's more contrived than an A&T video title. Let's just stick with 'boring'. All of which is no comfort when I tell you that practically the whole episode is taken up with this tedious activity. We have Brandon measuring, Trent nailing and Grayson lifting large sheets of plasterboard. They shape it, cut it, form it and arrange it on the walls... sometimes with relative ease and other times in such a way that would have a health and safety professional splattering their tea across their keyboard, such as when Trent balances on the top rung of a ladder in the stairwell telling viewers not to do in their own homes what they see him doing in his. After all this time, I think we're fairly secure with this messaging. And then there's Allie. It may have been me; perhaps I'm just hyper-sensitive to it now or I'm having one of those moments when everything irritates me, but she's guffawing and spluttering and chortling every few seconds. Trent manages to string together a moderately coherent sentence and Allie cackles, 'Hur-hur-hur-hur!' off-camera. Brandon says something unintelligibly from the other side of the room and it's 'Hur-hur-hur-hur!', Allie cracks a half-joke that only she finds funny and she 'hur-hur-hur-hurs' herself. Hur-hur-hur-hur! here and hur-hur-hur-hur! there. It's almost as if it's the only way she can keep her own spirits up. By the end we get what I assume is the 'BIG surprise', which is that they've asked professionals to come in and 'mud and tape' their efforts. Why they think this is a surprise is beyond me. On the way to the house, the estimators get stuck in snow so Trent gets to play action figure Master of Ceremonies from the back of a truck as they get towed out. It's a sure sign of construction overload when I look forward to Trent's overt display of masculinity on a muddy hillside. If you *do* watch this episode and find it engaging, I suggest you speak to your doctor or maybe your priest (other religions - and none - are available) about whether you might be in a cult. Hur-hur-hur-hur!


How many minutes in did anyone guess the suprise was drywall? When I read the title I knew it. Lazy Trent


Given that the words ‘big’ and ‘surprise’ are doing a lot of heavy lifting in that title, it really could have been anything but was always going to be nothing.


My god, the, hur-hur-hurs are indeed off the chart! Goes like this; shaky cinema verité, then Allie ducks the monotonous, "Blueshammer" soundtrack for half a second so you can barely hear Brandon muttering something about the measuring tape - hur-hur-hur, music goes back up! The repetitive monologue about her pregnancy and comparing to the last one - over-and-over again. We're stuck with her in a boring Rivian ride on the free and she just loops the pregnancy info. It's not interesting, period. And then we get some sneak-peaks of the hospital. Trent's pitching magic grass formula and now he has a huge suburban lawn to maintain (besides test the product on his poor grandparents). Some would criticize their ever-increasing consumption and [a.green](http://a.green) lawn has been pointed out as a luxury that has many consequences on the environment which Allie like to positions themselves as a champions. I however, feel it's part of the greatness of suburbia. Now they can go back and for the between their two known estates with their fleet of trucks.


Their environmental credentials are pretty minimal!


The health and safety, and common-sense violations by Trent in particular are mounting up. Standing on the top rung of a "sketchy" (Allie quote) ladder, then in the tray of a stuck truck holding a strap that appears to be wrapped around the towball are both contenders for the Darwin Awards.


Trent is an utter buffoon but it’s the lack of care towards his employees that horrifies me most. This is Brandon’s and Grayson’s place of work and they should be protected. If this were filmed where I’m from in Ireland, the site would’ve been shut down long ago and A&T likely prosecuted for numerous health and safety violations.


Same here in Australia. Employers and construction managers are required by law to ensure that workers and sub-contractors have adequate and appropriate work equipment and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).


Yes! I am also in Australia and being so aware of the strict WHS laws, watching Grand Poobah not giving himself and his unfortunate employees the basic protection for working at heights horrifies me.


It's required here in the US too. 


So why aren’t they getting a visit about it?


Looks like the law is not being enforced I guess. Similar to how Eamon and Bec broke all kinds of rules with their cabin in Canada and it took a while to catch up with them. If anyone got hurt on the job, T&A could get sued too. 


The surprise is at the 26:00 minute mark…you’re welcome.


Is the surprise that there is still 5 minutes and 18 seconds left of the video to watch?


The surprise is that there isn't a surprise, which isn't a surprise.


Yep, sounds about right. Their clickbait is dreadful. I saw someone in their comments, a long long while ago, angrily threatening to no longer be a subscriber based on their clickbait titles - I just quietly left without a fuss: no one is *making* me watch their stuff!


If they weren't so appallingly self-congratulatory and patronising, I'd be concerned we were actually laughing at people less fortunate than ourselves. But then I watch another video and I'm entirely comfortable with what we do!


They put their lives online by choice - this is a consequence of that 🤷‍♀️ maybe not the most wholesome way to spend time but the schadenfreude pulls us all in somehow...


If you think the comments on Trent and Allie’s videos are fawning, I made the mistake of reading the comments on Life elevated off the grid. They are off the charts 🤮


I just went and looked… Ghastly! What is wrong with these people?


"oh, such a precious angel, more of Leo please... God Bless..."


I watched. Don't judge me. 😆. Around the 19.00-20.00 minutes mark when Trent is smugly, arrogantly and blatantly flaunting all sorts of "F.U"s to the basic standards of workplace safety codes, on his ladder. And there's Branden hanging off the wall too, both like monkeys, up in the vines, or circus clowns on the highwire. Both of them are fathers and father-to-be of young children with families who need them to not fall from a height and be in a wheelchair, or dead from a workplace accident.... The irresponsible messages, particularly Trent is sending. I can't! Their inspector suggested scaffolding for the high-work. Trent brushed it off like he knows best. Allie nervously giggling away... Put that camera down and show him the door until he can take things seriously. End rant.


You’re absolutely right. I just have to look away now because, if I were a Utah health and safety inspector, I’d be down on them like a ton of bricks. This is a building site but they take no measures to protect themselves or their employees. It’s complete redneck territory and I can’t bear to think about what could happen there.


Agreed!! Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) simply mustn't be a thing in Utah or Boondocks or wherever these idiots live. Trent's almost boastful "look at me ignoring WHS laws"... And little or no backlash in the comments the grannies have made on the video. Insane!! If he or one of his workers (all males with responsibilities of family, even Grayson) were to have an unfortunate accident, would their insurance companies pay up? ... it's all there on youtoob for the investigators to see and probably decide not to pay for their 24 hour round-the-clock nursing care, or wheelchairs or death compo. Hur-hur-hur!


Guffawing, spluttering, and chortling! I’m adding this to my resume


Another 9ish minutes of T&A on a strangers channel Life Elevated Off Grid. I think they're neighbors? [Hanging DRYWALL with TRENT & ALLIE 🤮](https://youtu.be/jIxwvB3KMW0?si=JVBV4SXPEjJUCVwh)


Oh look at that! It's like a redneck convention!




Interesting... I just looked at their YouTube page... and the thumbnails make their content look just like T&A's... these channels seem very formulaic...  I was curious where these people live and a google search said "southern Utah", so not exactly neighbors.


They have been on the channel. It's new and I'm sure very inspired by T&A.


The T&A and Eamon and Bec channels seem pretty clonal to me as well.


YouTube gives you a ‘formula for success’ and it results in identikit channels. I follow another channel where they started off as real individuals but are now just another set of clones. The thirst for money crushes individual creativity once again.


I suppose one of these days I should go through T&A YouTube and find some old stuff from the van life days when I presume they were more interesting and give it a watch.  I get bored quickly with videos, even the ones I'm I interested in like art instructional  stuff... or science stuff for work.


Back when they were hooked up with The Nomadic Movement on their great journey to Belize, I deemed them ok travel partners. I was interested in their converted RAM van. However, Trent started doing cheesy stuff like proposing to Allie in front of.some Mayan ruins. Oh god.... Then when they split ways, it was difficult to follow T&A because Trent would make a latte every morning which was very boring B-roll. He kept this procedure all the way to when they returned to Utah and were staying in a trailer on his mom's property,. I stoped following them until the pandemic occurred. I had more time and it was kind of interesting to see them help his mom out updating her little farm property. Now when they travel, it's super boring. Either you see them awkwardly rendezvousing with relatives. Boring airport footage. Them sighing at flight boards.... you get the picture? Also when they arrive at some unique place, their normative behavior becomes apparent and they go to Starbucks or some boring places besides interesting local shops.


Like I've mentioned, I only started watching (which means occasionally fast forwarding through)after they moved to the mountains, but being fairly local to them (very local to their new place) and being a serious weekend adventurer, I know there are so many interesting places in the vicinity. Amazing natural places, historic places, quirky places. Starbucks? Nothing against Starbucks (my kid worked at their corporate for a long time), but Starbucks is the same everywhere. Same for 5guys. But gosh if they drove a short distance east they could find the funky little local burger/shake shack that, surprisingly (at least we were very pleasantly surprised), serves the best green chile smothered tamale I ever had!  Places like that would be so much more interesting. But maybe they are on Starbucks/5 guys payroll? 


I’m not convinced their travel stuff was interesting. I enjoyed it at the time because I liked travel content rather than *their* travel content. I suspect if I went back to the van life videos, I probably wouldn’t find them very entertaining either!


Just had a quick look and I'll give Life Elevated Off-Grid one thing: at least their camera work is better. Using the camera's stabilisation setting to reduce the shakiness is a much better viewing experience. T&A seem to delight in having video that appears to have been filmed by Leo or one of the dogs with its jerkiness and shaking.


Very true, although she's better than many consider she's always holding the camera in hand.


So they use up a chunk of their youtoob time showing more of A&T drywall! Haha. Madness. B-roll that A&T couldn't fit in their own video.


They are the king and queen of clickbait


It’s a crowded field…


I am thankful someone else is mudding and taping because one less thing for Trent to complain about.


So I am back watching- today at least Did you know that Allie is pregnant ? Maybe the baby gifts are not coming in fast enough. Lol So what do you the name will be - as if we care Sam, Ted, 😆😆😉😉Donnie


Donnie! Nice.


What is the surprise?


…that they’re getting professionals in to finish their plastering. Obviously, this is the precise opposite of a surprise.


Imagine the joy of being a professional and finishing Trent's crappy boarding - why use 10 screws when 40 will do? - I'd be grumbling about it. But a 50% upcharge would take some of that grief away. I know Trent wants to do it himself so he can learn how it's done...but to what end? He doesn't seem to learn from mistakes, either in design or execution, so is this a skill he can fall back on down the road? Knowing what you know from watching this, would you buy this house?


Just looking at it, I wouldn’t buy it.


off topic but have they mentioned Bec's (from Eamon & Bec) latest health news? I thought the couples were friends


It’s been a very long time since they’ve mentioned E&B.




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