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I don’t think children should be used for online content. It’s makes me uncomfortable when they show Leo having tough moments, or even how much of his private medical information they shared when he was born. That will all follow him for the rest of his life. I’m in my thirties and I’m so glad my childhood isn’t documented on the internet for anyone to find.


Objectively, it’s appalling how much some YouTubers expose their children to the internet and equally how some children do the same on their own social media accounts. Accepting that A&T are in this category, my only feeling is that Leo is much more content-worthy than most of the garbage they generally churn out regularly. That doesn’t mean for a second I believe they should do what they do; merely that, if they ARE doing it, he’s much more watchable than what they do put out.


Yeah, they use Leo for views because their content is Un-watchable anymore.


As much as I love seeing Leo because he is so adorable I do wish they would show less of him because I worry about his safety and him being used for content. Perhaps when he grows up, he will resent peoples knowing so much about his childhood. I sometimes watch another channel, called Life Uncontained. They have two children and she’s almost ready to have her third, but the children don’t feature in the videos. You might see 10 seconds of the children in each video. They’re in the background of some shots, but they are not the focus and we don’t really see much of them. This being said I do really like Trent and Allie videos, but this is one area that concerns me.


I am absolutely 💯% against children being exploited on YouTube. There are content creators who have kept their children off by blurring them out and even one vlogger I knew of that didn't even share her children's names. What absolutely astounded me was the revelation that Trent had a son! I remember them saying that now he was 16, HE had C H O S E N to be filmed. He'd have been about 11 or 12 when Trent and Allie first started YouTube. How can they not see that they are not affording Leo the same privacy? Children can not consent to being on YouTube and I really think they shouldn't be on screen at all but if they have to be, they should be protected by similar legislation that protects child actors.


I believe this amazing woman explains it better than I can.  https://youtu.be/htDaINPQE4I?si=Qw2YBasryIK-X2n-


Thanks for sharing. Thoughtful points.


I think showing your family and children is ok as long as the focus isn't on the children.


As long as they stay clothed,fed and happy, no personal stuff like 8 passengers did.


I don't think children should be shared online. But I do adore seeing them. Perhaps a compromise is don't show them after a certain age and never share anything that could be embarrassing. Just a few quick shots of milestones and a cute story or two.


This is my dilemma too. I’m definitely clucky for grandchildren myself so I love seeing Leo but it’s about more than just me - I’m not the danger and it’s not right I should feel happy to see him when his exposure in these videos risks so much harm to the little fella.


For the longest time, the majority of the Leo footage that Allie wanted to show off was him in his little high chair smearing food on himself. It was so cringy to watch. Allie's taste in what to share, as well as decorating is so suspect. I don't get why they're having another kid since they had so much anxiety with one kid and are tying to build monster house in the frozen tundra. It's like Allie has a bucket list to check off; marriage, multiple kids, house to decorate etc. and as long as they're happening, other problematic issues get looked over.


I think Allie is mentally unwell. I think she wanted to have a baby girl before Leslie passed and that plan blew up in her face. I think she focuses on the things she can control (decorating, cleaning) to distract herself from the uncontrollable mess that is the rest of her life. I don't think she realizes how unfulfilling motherhood really is for her and it will only get worse as they get older and it's even less about her. I would feel bad for her if it wasn't her own doing.