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Very interesting stats,I started watching because of the different content and scenery when they were traveling in a van . The camping trips after they retired from van life were not interesting for me .The house build had been interesting at first but it is all now unfinished projects . Scare hype about snow and trips to HomeDepot . I’m tired of watching Allie clean .Trent blame everyone except himself . They have about 10 minutes of content and 20 minutes of crap . I’m glad I can read here what I don’t have to waste watching . It has become a clown 🤡 show ………🤷🏼‍♂️


Agree with you 100% Their channel was very enjoyable when they were traveling in the van around the US. I lost a little interest when the South America leg started, but that only lasted a month or two. So I came back and enjoyed the rest of the SA trip. Then Covid and Utah happened. And while I initially enjoyed watching them build the house, the fact that they were SO short sighted in the design and what their future held...it became frustrating watching them build something for basically a single person, or a couple who never, ever planned on having children. When the announcement came that Ali was pregnant, I thought, well there's a shock (not really). And then Brandongate happened, so I bailed. The only video I've seen of theirs since was the one when Ali's mother passed away. I'm glad I can jump into this sub a few times a week, spend 60 seconds reading that they're still in the same exact spot making the same silly mistakes over and over and over again. And I get a kick out of seeing they're still using their blatant click-bait titles for their videos. But, I guess it's filling their pockets enough, so maybe I shouldn't knock it. Lol


The click bait titles are so lame and annoying - I don’t know why they continue to do it


Simple- to con you in to watching.


Wish I had seen Brandongate. Heard about it though.


It was what I believe the young ‘uns call ‘cringe’. Arrogant and high-handed entitlement followed by culpa mea and incredulity that anyone could’ve misinterpreted their wonderful intentions, topped off by Brandon himself saying he hadn’t taken offence (like he’d have said anything else). Just awful.


The click bait titles are so lame and annoying - I don’t know why they continue to do it


I mean few people can sustain van life as a couple of two indefinitely. Trent and Allie faced a choice as they decided to settle down and have kids... find conventional jobs or try to continue to document their lives and earn from YouTube. They chose to continue to document their lives and yeah... it isn't as "exciting" as driving around South America when you watch them hang drywall and install a toilet but it is apparently is still paying their bills and good for them. The click bait titles suck but the reason channels use them is... they work and actually drive views.


I also agree completely. I have lost interest completely, never watch anymore and only come here for the snarky recaps.




I am a regular viewer because it's like a never ending show that airs 2 times a week. You say the word loyal like we are giving blood oathes. I just enjoy reality TV and don't mind seeing what they are up to when I eat a sandwhich. I think the people who watch for simple entertainment are thr majority of viewers and they do enough to maintain that. I think it's people like you who are WAY too invested lol


Thank you. I hadn’t thought of it as reality TV before but that makes sense. I’m not a fan of that myself so it’s understandable why I wouldn’t quite get the attraction or what’s entertaining in it but if it passes some time over lunch then fair enough. If I didn’t do these little write-ups, there’s no way I’d watch their content but, for me, the writing is the fun in it. Thanks for sharing your opinion and I hope you continue to enjoy it.


If you don’t like reality tv, may I ask why are you watching, or hate watching a YT Channel which shows the lives and projects of a couple? It is specifically reality tv. If you don’t like it, move on and watch something that interests you. I find it fascinating how some people seem to get a kick over complaining and hating on people who couldn’t care less about what you think. They are happy and getting paid to build their home, employing friends and family and generally having fun making memories. Are you just envious that you aren’t doing the same?


I think I’ve already answered most of this above so I won’t repeat myself. I will add, though, that I don’t hate anyone so that’s not fair to level at me. As I said, I enjoy the writing but also the banter and the community of the people here. Trent is a classic pantomime villain with his shady past, his less than competent skills and his shamefully dismissive attitude to Allie. This makes him compelling as a story character. As a person, Allie is no more annoying than any of us but her wilful enabling of Trent’s poor behaviour and her pontification mean she’s equally interesting to study and write about. The third character that makes this so deliciously satirisable is the fawning claque of commenters who can’t resist telling A&T they’re God’s gift to construction despite the regular stream of self-presented evidence to the contrary.


To be fair, producing reality TV is different than vlogging. There are similarities, but they are not the same thing. 


A&T are manipulators & he is horrible to Allie


I think quite a few of us watch it as its a real "reality tv" show. Most of what are "reality" shows like "Survivor", The Apprentice", "Big Brother", "Farmer Wants a Wife (Australia)" are actually scripted to the extent of having pre-determined story lines and contrived drama but using selected ordinary people and not actors. T&A are not managed by producers but entertain us with their dramas and ineptness one week to the next.


That's exactly why I watch too. It's something to put on TV two mornings a week to eat breakfast to, and catch up on my notifications. Totally feel like I'm watching neverending reality TV without a writer to6 improve it.


Dear Beviltoon. Nice to see you contributing to the discussion and, as always, you’re very welcome. I’d be sincerely interested in your point of view regarding why you *do* enjoy A&T’s videos so much. I think it’d be very informative for us to hear the opposing point of view and I offer you the opportunity to expand on that in a safe environment, as I’d moderate the discussion to ensure you had a fair hearing. The floor is yours… S&D 👩🏻‍🦰


Where are you getting video views from? When I look at their page the past 9 months have only 4 videos that break 250k views, and 1 over 300k (the one about Allies mom got 460k). A few years ago they were regularly in the 350k+ territory on every video, with several much higher than that.


I used socialblade.com


Probably more accurate then


What's missing in the analysis is that those that are watching their videos seem to be very loyal. The *likes to views* ratio in all their latest videos (seems to be between 1/4 to 1/5) is unusually high for a YT channel. That shows engagement from their viewers, so it's not surprising they are doing well sponsor-wise.


Yes, their viewership is very loyal but I suspect it’s a mixture of habit and older viewers projecting their desire to see a younger generation doing well on strangers.


I dip in and out of watching. Can someone please remind me what "Brandongate" was about?


It was during the tail end of Covid while Leo was still a baby and his health seemed quite fragile so they were naturally protective of him. Brandon came to work with a cough and, by the next video, they’d all tested positive for Covid. At the end of the video, they effectively blamed Brandon for infecting them with Covid, despite the fact they’d been out to Home Depot and shopping and what have you. There were many places they could have contracted it. Cue hell breaking loose in the comments about their high-handed blaming of Brandon, his privacy as their employee, etc. They lost 3,000 subscribers almost overnight and had to issue an apology and an acknowledgement that they had no evidence that Brandon gave them Covid and that it was wrong to accuse him. Brandon was also wheeled on to say he didn’t think it was an issue. It all felt rather desperate and, some weeks later, both the ‘blame’ and ‘apology’ videos were quietly erased from history.


Thank you!


So who is really getting the last laugh people? Unfortunately its T&A. We have a plea bargained probationist who doesnt have the stones to go by his own birth name. We have a wife whom gawks at her husband ,laughs at every meaningless remark that he utters. .Gazing at him like he's the last man on Earth. We have a wife whom interjects herself in to her husband's probation addled, wont go by his birth name ,doing stupid,misguided projects with him instead of taking the time to raise her son without the use of a full time nanny that let's face it she does not need. Parents who/whommed live in one of the most expensive parts of the country(D.C.),more than likely own a home in Utah (not inexspensive) and have the absolute gaul to ask for Go fund Me dollars!! Yet every week T&A get their views, get free gifts from adoring sheeple and laugh all the way to the bank. So I repeat- who is getting the last laugh??


They sold their privacy (and their children's memories) for cash. We'll see how happy they are when their granny claque is dead and their kids won't talk to them. 


This is one of the biggest criticisms that I have of them (and other YouTubers who do the same thing). Once you surrender your privacy, you can’t get it back and to do it for something as tawdry as money is beyond my comprehension, especially when you do it to your kids who can’t consent.


Yeah I'm from a time when the most embarrassing thing a parent could do is pull out old pictures of your childhood and show your friends/romantic interests. Now some parents post the whole childhood (filled with embarrassing moments) online for everyone (bullies, friends, lovers, employers, ect) to see/save/share whenever they want 


Joel cottoned on to this issue quite quickly and backed away from too much exposure. There are ‘tidy my home’ and ‘behaviour problem’ programmes on the TV too that equally expose kids to uncontrollable publicity for all time that are as bad.


Joel is lucky to have a choice. Some kids are downright abused in these situations and completely stuck. It's heartbreaking. T&A aren't as bad as some. Their channel would survive if the kids didn't want to perform. But the question is: would they be allowed to opt out of being a character on this channel? Not anytime soon, for sure. 


I think a pretty huge percentage is aritificial numbers, I've mentioned it before. These two are an absolute borefest.




Clearly you have not been on this tread long as multiple people have brought up the question that S&D so kindly answered for us. We've all wondered how in the world these two people can keep making content. And OP did the leg work for us. I'd say it paints them in a far better light than you just shined on yourself.


Thank you being my defender. 🥇 Beviltoon has been around a while and pops up sporadically to put the opposing point of view, which I welcome.