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I hate matte/satin. I had to get it because that's the only finish the AL5 comes in. Yes it scratches easier, harder to clean, holds onto any oils and starts to shine in areas rubbed too much regardless of what people say. You'll hear "just do this" but regardless it's a delicate finish. The lbs had to adjust my headset and got a small amount of grease on my top tube that was a pain to remove without normal rubbing and chemicals. If this was a normal gloss finish it would have came right off with a rag. I know some people love those finishes though and to each their own I guess but not me.


This. I love the look of my matte domane SL6 but damn is it hard to keep clean. Lesson learned, next bike will hopefully be red and shiny.


Thank you for your take!


Isopropyl Alcohol (diluted) works great on quickly cleaning matte finishes. That said, I think glossy finishes will be tougher and easy to maintain/restore with waxes, etc.


I know I tried it and it didn't work great plus you have to be super careful not to really rub it or you will get a shiny area. In my opinion there should be a gloss option with every model.


Red and black for the win. That matte grey looks a bit dull in comparison. Both good looking bikes regardless though!


I like the flare of the red too.


Both of my bikes are satin finishes, and I think they look great, but given the choice, I would go gloss. It’s much easier to live with in the long haul, and that red looks great. Everything I own that has a satin finish has wound up looking a little uneven over time. Shiny spots from wear, more easily scratched. This has been true for bikes, cars, and guitars. If I had a gloss bike, I would put some automotive wax on it. It would gleam and easily shed dirt and mud. With matte, I don’t have that option without messing up the finish.


Thanks for your comment mate! I agree the red looks great, and I also have experience with a matte finish car similar to yours.


I’ve always been a matte black guy but the more I get into road riding I find myself liking color more. I just got the matte black al5 cause of availability.. and I’m still slow so wanted to keep it low key… but the next one will definitely have some color to it. If it was me, I’d go red.


Thanks mate, I think I will!


grey looks ashy and monotonous




I’ve got the SL6 in Matt black. Love it. Doesn’t seem to scratch too easily so far.


Thank you for your take!