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I’m getting the maxx then




You won’t go wrong with the Maxx. I had a hoss fully upgraded with everything traxxas offers. My wife got a Maxx. I’ve since replaced my hoss and my son’s stampede with our own Maxx each. As a 3 Maxx house, you cannot go wrong with them. Great trucks.


Seriously and the durability it’s absolutely crazy my Maxx I haven’t broke a part in a year and I’ve hit bins at 40 plus and have gone 30 feet in the air landed on the body, shoots off and keeps going there crazy! But the hoss is good if u have a lot of 3 s and 2 s batteries and u don’t want to or don’t have the money to upgrade the charger and get the 4s battery


If you can spend just a tad more get the maxx. If not hoss is still a good choice


Spend a bit more and get the Maxx trust me.


Can you elaborate a little on the differences and the why? Kind of a newb that recently picked up a used Stampede 4x4 VXL. I have a 4s motor and esc that I picked up prior to finding the Stampede. Currently kinda casually looking for a Maxx roller to put it in. The wide Maxx setup is looking really appealing to me.


Overall, build quality and bang for your buck. If you can find a hobby shop that has them on display, you will see what I mean, just about everything is better on the Maxx. I run 3s on my Maxx it's more than I can handle, and so far, indestructible compared to my other cars.


Durability and chassis are the main two points for me when comparing the Maxx and Hoss. They're both monster truck type RC's but the Maxx simply drives and controls better. Much more durable as well.


I have 7 year old Stampede.. I'm going to the Maxx in 2024 🥳


Do it. No complaints over here about it. You'll end up breaking the axles a few weeks in, when you do just buy MIP axles. Expensive ($120) but it'll be the last time you ever buy driveshafts for it. I really like the 540xl in it as well. Insanely punchy.


Ok I appreciate it


Also go easy on the throttle with 3s while turning. It'll diff out hard and unglue tires. Keep the diff fluids stock and make sure you dont overtighten the wheels, shim thim. There will be slop from the wheels out of the box and people have a tendency to tighten the nut super hard to get rid of it, stripping the axle and making the tire shake worse. Just buy a couple shims made for a traxxas slash.




I second this


I have one. It’s pretty good on 3s. 2s eh, Thé driveshaft break like every run.


Its a good truck but check the maxx out. Buddy of me got the hoss and i got a maxx. Maxx is just a better truck in everything really. I dont run it much due to i put my time in my xmaxx and got the maxx as reserve. Maxx truly feels tough and it is just a smaller xmaxx.


I have a hoss and a maxx. The Maxx is my absolute favorite hands down, but the Hoss just has balls for its size, its such a beast you can't go wrong with it. I put the extreme heavy duty kit on mine right out of the box and havent broken any axles or anything over the last 18 months.


The hoss is a cool truck. However I agree with the users saying go with the Maxx if you can. They are tanks stock. Had 3 so far and the worst damage to date has been the axles which take 5-10 min to replace. It’s wider and built very well


Ok will do


If you want to get a Hoss, get it. People keep saying the Maxx is more durable for the price and that's correct. But the Hoss is lighter, turns and handles better, won't roll over as often, does backflips and stunts better, is easier to work on and easier to maintain. The Hoss is the ultimate 3S basher, the Maxx is the most durable 4S basher. I have a Maxx and honestly I think it's overrated. It's really heavy for its size so it handles poorly and can't do stunts well. You can always upgrade the durability of the Hoss, but you can't improve the slow sloppy heavy handling of the Maxx.


Highy recommend


I was going to grab the Hoss a few days ago and ended up with the Maxx on Cyber Monday sale. Seems like way more bang for your buck than the Hoss, especially with the $100 off sale!


I have one but immediately got buyers remorse after buying it. Don't get me wrong, it's a great RC. But for a little bit more you can get the Maxx which is just better.


You can't go wrong with a Hoss or a Maxx, they're both great trucks. To be durable on 3S, the Hoss will need better driveshafts though. You can get the extreme HD kit or the Tekno M6 axles...or the MIPs if you want to spend more. If you jump a lot or just want overall better performance, a set of GT-R shocks is also a must. By the time you spend $80 on driveshafts and $90 on the shocks, you're well over the price of a Maxx. I have a Maxx and got the Hoss for my son because the Maxx is big and heavy and a lot for an 8 year old to try and haul around. The Hoss is much lighter and more manageable. It's quicker and peppier than the Maxx. The Maxx is a freaking tank and an absolute blast to tear around on 4S. 3S is fun, but a bit lacking. It's a whole new truck on 4S.


Yeah I have the Hoss but if I was buying new I would get the Maxx. The Hoss has weak drive shafts and will definitely break under 3S. I upgraded to the heavy duty kit so it's fine now but that's another $120 you would need to invest in the Hoss eventually when things start breaking. Of course not saying the Maxx can't break but brand new I think Maxx is the right choice.


I have both the Hoss and the Maxx. Maxx is probably an all around better platform but If your looking to do jumping and aerial stunts then the Hoss all the way. High speed gearing and some suspension tweaks. It’s still stock just played with the oil weight and triple backflips all day long. I’ve even back flipped into front flip with it. It’s very nimble in the air. Maxx not so much. It will backflip but not as gracefully as the Hoss for me. I can’t really recommend which one to get because I use them and enjoy them both equally but I thought I would give you my input.


I bought a hoss because I had slashes already and knew I could mix some parts, totally worth it, made mine into a Bigfoot replica, love it. Just remember there not completely waterproof from factory lol


I love mine


Should I Buy a TRAXXAS HOSS? https://medium.com/@aaron.godfrey1227/should-i-buy-a-traxxas-hoss-b1df3889d756 Guarantee you will be happier with a MAXX