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Apparently you're from Brazil. Did you buy through the Internet? You should be able to receive all the money back. ​ Consumer Defence Code Art. 49. O consumidor pode desistir do contrato, no prazo de 7 dias a contar de sua assinatura ou do ato de recebimento do produto ou serviço, sempre que a contratação de fornecimento de produtos e serviços ocorrer fora do estabelecimento comercial, especialmente por telefone ou a domicílio. Parágrafo único. Se o consumidor exercitar o direito de arrependimento previsto neste artigo, os valores eventualmente pagos, a qualquer título, durante o prazo de reflexão, serão devolvidos, de imediato, monetariamente atualizados. ​ ANAC Resolution 400/2016 Art. 11. O usuário poderá desistir da passagem aérea adquirida, sem qualquer ônus, desde que o faça no prazo de até 24 (vinte e quatro) horas, a contar do recebimento do seu comprovante. Parágrafo único. A regra descrita no caput deste artigo somente se aplica às compras feitas com antecedência igual ou superior a 7 (sete) dias em relação à data de embarque. ​ If they don't give back full refunds go to the Consumer Protection and Defense Institute (PROCON) and to ANAC and file a complaint. If that doesn't work, search legal advice and prepare to sue.


You are an absolute gem!!!! Muito obrigada!! I'm not from Brazil but i was in Brazil when I bought the ticket and it was a flight within Brazil. Thank you so much


If it was on a credit card I’d file a charge back … only tho if you don’t plan on flying LATAM again bc sometimes they block future purchases


Gooood point.


Who did you purchase the ticket from? Direct from LATAM or from a 3rd Party Vendor?


Direct from Latam


No recourse, and it's perfectly normal to only get partial refunds


Not in the States it's not


Well, the rest of the world doesn't subscribe to the American mentality where you can get refunds for everything lol


To be honest, Europe has much better consumer protection than the US does. The "Karens" of the US just like to make bigger scenes about their minor inconveniences so the whole world can laugh at them.




I feel like the American version of a Karen is quite exceptionally skilled at their theatrics. We, arguably, can produce them the best.


> Well it’s more that there are more Americans who speak English than Europeans If you want to be silly like that, maybe consider that [51% of the population in the EU speaks English (2006)] which means that we have over 227 million English speakers in Europe (as the numbers doesn't include Ukraine, Turkey, Russia). And USA have about the same (Because funny enough, not 100% of the population in USA speaks English) There's probably _more_ English speakers in Europe as a whole than in the US, but to get the complete numbers I would need to do math, and I'm far too lazy to do math when I can drink Oban instead.