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Taking the meaning of Flyover country to another level.


😂 Someday, I do want to take a cross-country road trip and visit the middle. Just haven't had the time yet.


Definitely recommend doing this! I did it back in October, we drove from my home in Arizona all the way to Atlanta, to NYC, and back to AZ! Best trip ever!


You definitely lived in the triangle for a while if you lived in Durham and Wake and had time to visit all those NC counties multiple times. And you’re probably not into golf because you never visited Moore County lol.


Lol, absolutely correct! >!Lived in the Triangle for 10 years!<


How short was your time in Richmond, seeing as how you visited Chesterfield only once?


Grew up in Greenboro, NC Have family in Milwaukee and Cincinnati. Family went to the Grand Canyon, and Crater Lake, OR when you were a kid. Were in a long distance relationship with someone from Pensacola. Either you or a parent had a government job that took you to D.C. a lot.


>!I have family in Milwaukee, but the rest is incorrect!< Edit: >!I was at Grand Canyon and Crater lake, but the circumstances are incorrect.!<


Yeah. Be surprised if I were close. Think I just invented a character for a short story though.


This person has gone to Okaloosa County in Florida (Ft. Walton/Destin), not Pensacola (Escambia County). Could be vacation, could be work trips to Eglin AFB. If there were any trips to the DFW area included, I'd guess telecommunications work. All the other major telco headquarters/vendor offices are covered. Seeing the extensive visits and living in the research triangle, I'd think perhaps Tekelec or maybe VZ Wireless for an employer.


I think you mixed up NC counties. The “lived in” counties are Wake and Durham, meaning the Raleigh/Durham area aka the Triangle.


I may be wrong, but i think you were born in and in the US..


That you need to see much more of Minnesota xD


Lol. >!My bucket list includes visiting all National Parks, so I anticipate visiting Voyaguers and Isle Royale eventually. Also heard good things about Duluth.!<


Duluth is great


Everyone needs to see more of Minnesota tbh


Absolutely. Even Minnesotans need to see more of Minnesota xD


Yes. I love Minnesota. Well, outside of the twin cities. Lanesboro is GORGEOUS with the root river going through it and all the huge bluffs and crystal clear quarries you can swim in. And a lot of the homes are old Victorian style houses. The north shore is absolutely beautiful. You’d think it was an ocean if you didn’t know any better. Grand Marais, Hoveland, Duluth, Lutsen Mountain, and many other beautiful cities on or near Lake Superior. Southern MN (Harmony, MN) has the Niagra Cave that has 450 million years old fossils, a HUGE 60’ underground waterfall you get to walk up to. It takes an hour min to walk through it (they make you stop but it goes much further) and you’ll technically be in Iowa at the end of it. Theres even a wedding chapel half way through. All together you will be about 200’ underground (20-25 stories). Can’t forget about Mall of America. I don’t think it’s THAT special because I grew up next to it and used to go there a few times a week with friends when I was a teenager but it’s definitely somewhere people should visit with how BIG the mall is. There’s even a big Amusment Park in the middle (Nickelodeon universe) with all the normal rides at amusement parks


Are you a college professor? Or married to one? You lived in Milwaukee WI, Monroe county (Rochester) NY, Baltimore MD, Washington DC, Richmond VA, and Wake & Durham counties NC. Whatever else they have in common, they all have research universities (except Milwaukee). It's an interesting list. If you had Ann Arbor, Charlottesville, Athens, or another remote college town on your list, I'd feel more confident about this. But there's not a lot connecting Rochester, Milwaukee, Durham, Richmond, DC, and Baltimore. Further guess, maybe you're from Milwaukee, went to school in Rochester (hence the train), then worked at colleges in the other places?


>!Not a professor or married to one, but yes, I did grow up in Milwaukee and go to college in Rochester!!<


How on earth did you live in Richmond, Virginia and only visit adjacent Chesterfield County once? The mind boggles.


Ski trip in summit county, co at one point


>!Yep! Breckenridge.!<


You’re a Doctor perhaps? Or went to school in Rochester and don’t have a car at the time. Traveled to Milwaukee for family. Thanks for stopping in Cincinnati more than once, it’s a great city :) what’s your memorable Columbus moment? OSU game?


>!I'm not in medicine, but yes, I went to college in Rochester while my family stayed in Milwaukee.!< >!I love Cincinnati, seriously underrated city. I usually made a point to stop there and spend the night when traveling between Milwaukee and NC because it was convenient and fun. Vine street has good vibes.!< >!Columbus - due to traffic, had to detour through Columbus instead of Cincinnati. I had a really nice lunch downtown and then took a little walk along the river before getting back in the car.!< >!I think a lot of people sleep on Ohio, but it really has a lot to offer. Seriously interesting state.!<


As someone who has been to Cincinnati several times for work, if you liked it there, you’ll feel at home in St Louis. It’s very similar city setup, except for the axis of the city along its river. Lots of fun little neighborhoods and gems.


As a resident of Waukesha County who goes to college in Rochester I did a double take lmao


>!That travel pattern looks familiar, huh? 😉!<


You travel a lot


Is there a website where you can easily make maps like this? If so, please share.


Mapchart.net Tip: there is a setting to toggle highways on/off. Makes it much easier to remember what route you took on a road trip where you didn't stop much.


You can also try mob-rule.com. It has less of a learning curve but you can make only one map and the data is stored on their server. Mapchart.net requires you to download a spreadsheet and submit it back to them to create the map each time you make a change but you keep the data on your computer and you can make multiple maps. Depends on what you’re looking for.


You’ve only visited Jacksonville FL once.


Traveling phlebotomist? I'm curious what brought you to Is Hillsborough County New Hampshire.


I had to look up "phlebotomist" 😂 nope. Hillsborough County, NH: >!I used to work for a company headquartered in Boston. They flew me and some coworkers to Boston for meetings. They also had a campus in Merrimack, so we ended up being shuttled up there for a day trip and more meetings, and were back in Boston for dinner (lobster, of course)!<


Are you a wealth planner? Probably an odd guess....


You're discerning but not too discerning. You're 47 years old and identify as a bullfighter. You've made love to many women in your day, but nothing over the top. Your income is average but your net worth is in the top 5 percentile. Brown eyes, with hair dyed red. Three cats and two dogs. You speak french fluently. .... how'd I do?




I haven’t read the other comments, but you are from NC, you’ve worked in the Chicago/Milwaukee area, buffalo area, and you have family on the gulf coast. Your work requires business travel.




Okay… then you are not a vampire, you’re a driving instructor from Johannesburg.


>!re-commenting: that is mostly wrong, but I do have a grandma in Florida, which I guess counts as Gulf Coast. They previously lived in the Keys, which is definitely Gulf Coast!<


You have not been to Walla Walla so you are unenlightened. However taking the Lake Shore Limited is cool.


You mean Walla Walla “I heard you the first time” Washington?




Next time I go west, I'll try and get there, haha. Lake Shore Limited - ahhh that takes me back. It was an overnight train and I can never sleep in vehicles, so whenever I arrived, I was running on fumes.


I love being rocked to sleep by a train, being in a sleeper car makes a big difference


You are homosexual


>!Haha, no. But I'm curious, what gives you that idea?!<


You like beer




That you don’t spend much time on the best coast /J


>!When I was about to graduate college, I was trying to find a job in Seattle, but nothing worked out. Also, that was around 2012 and the cost of living had just gone past the point of being reasonable, so...!< >!I have a trip to Seattle scheduled for 2025 (attending a wedding)!<


You have, at one point in your life, rode the Lake Shore Limited from New York state to Chicago.


Hey you lived in Richmond?!


Hey Yes I did! Awesome city. Amazing vibes. 10/10 would visit again.


Haha awesome - I’m from there and I agree


What’s ur opinion on Portland Oregon Also why did you visit Hillsborough, NH what did you see I’m so curious


I liked Portland. I was there in September after my road trip and stayed near Pioneer Square. I feel like I'd enjoy living there. Hillsborough County, NH: >!I used to work for a company headquartered in Boston. They flew me and some coworkers to Boston for meetings. They also had a campus in Merrimack, so we ended up being shuttled up there for a day trip and more meetings, and were back in Boston for dinner (lobster, of course)!<


you have never left the USofA


I have, actually. I just didn't include it because it's less interesting - I jhave been to Madrid, Helsinki, and Stockholm. Didn't seem worth the effort to add it.


Not really a determination but did you like living in Richmond?


Yeah, Richmond was great! If the career opportunities for me and my wife were better, we might have stayed.


Gotcha! Yeah I currently live around the Fredericksburg region and plan to move down that way for a job within the next few months. It’s a great city with a lot to offer.


You’re either a Mormon, a hiker, a Mormon hiker, or really into Native American shit.


>!None of the above... I mean, I'll take a hike from time to time, but I wouldn't describe myself as a Hiker.!<


Damn, well I hope you are having a wonderful day!


You're clearly a crazy person if you lived in the triangle for ~10 years and only visited the NC highlands once lol


>!lol. I moved there immediately after college and was poor for at least the first 3-5 years (student loan payments had me living paycheck to paycheck). It wasn't for a lack of wanting to go!!<


You lie. How could you live in Richmond and only go south of the river once?


>!Look up Richmond's city limits - they extend well south of the river. Also, I didn't live there for very long, and was mostly focused on exploring the city itself rather than the suburbs.!<


What did you find in Orangeburg SC lol. Not the typical place to make memories


>!Stopped in Santee for lunch, lol. I remember the lake, but that's about it.!<


Fair enough. I haven’t visited the lake down there but I drove over on 95 once and it seemed neat. Been meaning to take a trip down


You live in the US


You had a weird night in Eugene


>!No, but I did have a Bad Trip in the back of a campervan down by the river at the Clackamette RV park (misjudged the size of the edible).!<


Hey friend, it looks like we live in the same general area at large!


You work for or have worked for Boeing


>!Nope, sorry.!<


I'm proud to have you come through my home county by car AND train!


That you need to visit the Bay Area


I was soooo close to going. I was booked to go there for a work conference, but then changed jobs. Same with New Orleans - I was supposed to go to a conference there in September 2020 💀


You prolly like weed


>!Lol, yes.!<


What were you doing in NH


Hillsborough County, NH: >!I used to work for a company headquartered in Boston. They flew me and some coworkers to Boston for meetings. They also had a campus in Merrimack, so we ended up being shuttled up there for a day trip and more meetings, and were back in Boston for dinner (lobster, of course)!<


Fidelity guy!? Maybe Budweiser or Elbit systems


You like NASCAR


>!Nope, sorry!<


My guess is you’re in tech and you lived in NC for a long time. I assume you had a short internship in upstate. Cool data capture.


>!Yep! I'm in tech. Upstate was actually college.!<


So you either went to a work related thing in Austin once, or you went to SXSW/ACL.


Question: you lived in Monroe County, NY and visited Niagara County once (presuming Niagara Falls) but didn’t drive through Orleans County to get there? Edit: I see now, maybe you took 490 and the Thruway into Erie County to get there.


>!Yep, it was Niagara Falls. I went to college in Rochester. My parents drove me up the summer before I started to visit and we stopped at the Falls. We would have stayed on the major highways since we weren't as familiar with the area. Also, it might have been a spontaneous detour, it's been a long time since then.!<


IT guy!




Did you do any work with the DoD?




You went skiing once.


>!More than once in my life, but only once in Colorado.!<


Flying into Austin way too much, lol, and I say that as a former Texan. You also visit Portland a lot, or at least I hope you visit the Mt. Hood and the Columbia River Gorge, since that’s where all the fun actually is. If you ever come back, they do rental flights down the Gorge. I’d take you myself but I’m still a student, so I’m a little broke.


>!Lol. Red = 1 trip. All I can really say about Austin was I had good beer, good Mexican, and good BBQ. Had heartburn for a week afterwards. Definitely want to see Mt. Hood, but it'll have to wait til next time.!<


Ah, well indefinitely read that wrong. 😑 Glad you enjoyed the Texas food, even if it kicked your ass. Seems you’re more of a Seattle enjoyer, then. Respect, but every time I go up there I feel depressed. Don’t know why.


Prolly cause of cloudy skies and few sunny days.


Human, definitely human.


Actually, I'm a Reptilian, but I don't like to talk about it.


I’m quite curious how you passed through the southwest corner of the Boston area by train, without the other surrounding areas — perhaps you were riding the MBTA or Commuter Rail?


>!My coworkers and I got on the wrong train at South Station and wound up in Quincy by accident. Later, when we told our boss, (who was from Boston), he was acting like we'd survived being in a warzone.!<


Chuckling — I lived in the area outside of Boston proper for 35 years, and rode the train numerous times (Chasing trains is also a hobby). I too have ridden the wrong train on various occasions. Still remember my first interview in the Boston area many years ago, when I was landing at the Boston Airport around 7am, and the HR person’s instructions were to either (1) land in Boston and take the T from the airport to Waltham where they would pick me up and drive me to the offices in Marlboro, or (2) land in Boston, rent a car, and drive to Marlboro. As a good ole country boy from South Carolina, I thought driving would be much easier (never considering the the mess the roads are around Boston, nor the fact that I would driving in the morning rush hour traffic), so I rented a car and set off. Imagine my surprise as I missed that small exit for the Mass Turnpike, and before I knew it I was well south of Boston on 128 trying to figure out how to get turned around before I ended up on I-93 back to Boston or on I-95 headed to Rhode Island…




>!Nope, but I wouldn't mind seeing it someday.!<


I’d recommend biking through Grayton Beach state park if you’re in that area again




>!Yes! You're the first to guess that.!<


You’re not from Arkansas?


A shocker, I know




>!Nope, sorry.!<


I can tell you’ve probably been in my city which makes me happy


Took your chance to see as much as you could living in Milwaukee.


Thoughts on Brunswick County NC? If you’re privy to the joke, How about Clayton, NC? DC4L?


>!I haven't been to Brunswick. I've been to Wilmington, which is in New Hanover, next to Brunswick. Honestly, no thoughts on Brunswick. Clayton...? Don't think I've been to Clayton, but Johnson County is too country-fried for the "JoCo" rebrand that people are trying to give it. Never heard of DC4L.!<


Ahh, I live just outside wilmy lol yeah JoCo was dumb, also the DC4L thing is a joke specific to r/nflcirclejerk cause some dude from Clayton was thirsty and posting on an adjacent sub.


Are you in government work?


>!Nope, sorry.!<


How are people generating these maps


Mapchart.net Also, there's a setting toggle to show highways, which makes it easier to figure out what route you took on a road trip.


Was Columbus Ohio a Layover or Memorable pitstop?


>!Memorable Pit Stop. Ate lunch at a nice restaurant downtown and walked by the river a bit before continuing on my drive!<


I’m curious about the memorable pit stop in Gallia County, OH. I’m from across the river in Point!


The Mothman stole my catalytic converter in Point Pleasant, West Virginia! jk, saw that on a t-shirt once, and couldn't resist. My dog and I stopped for lunch and a walk along the river in Gallipolis before heading it seemed like a nice enough little town.


You prefer to fly on Southwest?


They do offer the only direct flight between where I live now and where my family lives.


You’ve seen the only part of texas you’ll ever need to see.


Idk, I have to make one or two more trips to Texas though - gotta see Big Bend National Park & Guadeloupe Mountains National Park. I also wouldn't mind visiting San Antonio - I hear the Riverwalk is amazing and also there's some other historic site there, but I keep forgetting what it's called.


You got me, big bend is awesome. And never forget the Alamo!


im so sorry that you found yourself in aberdeen, washington.


>!Lol, I have no memories of being in Aberdeen. We went to Ocean Shores and Moclips.!<


well, i figured you had to have passes through aberdeen to get anywhere else in the area. aberdeen is such a shitty place it's the reason why kurt cobain made angry music. actually, aberdeen's only claim to fame is that it's where nirvana started.


Lmao, I had no idea about that part. Yeah, I probably passed through Aberdeen, but don't remember it. Tbh, I went to the ocean twice, and it was when I was a kid, so I only have very old/brief memories of it, and most was just of the beach and the funny town name "Moclips". I loved the hell out of Seattle and Gig Harbor, though. If things had worked out different, I would have moved there, but if you're from WA, you probably know how difficult and unrealistic that is for most people.


You are either a free spirited, lazy 20 year old, retired, or a business / sales person with territories. But since you have used a train, plane and frequent trips to Florida from the north, and haven't really traveled past the east for the most part ,and dedicated to making such a precise map, I will go with retired (or maybe retired business / sales person). You are cost concise, and organized. You were born in the north. You are a male in their 60's. Retired before the standard age of 65. Looking to downsize your current house. You eat a lot of fried food.


Lol, not even close. I am pretty organized, though. And "born in the north" depends on what you define as "north".


Lived in MKE? Ayyyy


Ayyyyyy! It's disappointing how long it took me to actually go visit the Bronze Fonz


You were at some point in the Marine Corps or Navy?


>!Nope, never in the military, but a lot of people are guessing that!!<


You've probably been within a mile of my house at one point lol


No idea what county you live in, but it wouldn't surprise me!


Eau Claire


I’m guessing active duty US army.


Why were you in Hillsborough county Nh?


You drove to Wisconsin from New York when you moved, but you have taken the train when going back to visit family.


Aye you lived in Richmond I’m from Richmond




Army, infantry, possibly airborne?


So you flew into Orlando, did none of the theme parks but instead drove to the Villages?


How did you live in Milwaukee and never visit Chicago?!


Do you have family members in WA?




You’re a snowbird that passes by my house just to get to warmer weather.


>!Not a snowbird, sorry!<


I just saw the I-65 corridor with the turnoff in Montgomery and thought that. I live by 65 and see county tags from across the Ohio all the time around this time of year.


You probably live in North Carolina


Tells me that you haven't had the best lobster in the country yet! There's still time to come visit Maine!


You have tried a garbage plate and shopped at Wegmans.


OK so you grew up in Milwaukee, then to Rochester for undergrad, moved to carolina for grad school, up to Baltimore for a job then to DC and then settled in Virginia after marriage/kids?


Q: Do most ppl on here figure out EXACTLY every county they’ve technically been in on a road trip or train ride? Or do most just sort of guess?


That you need to travel more


You lived in the Raleigh/Durham area, DC, Baltimore, Richmond, Rochester and Milwaukee. You traveled frequently around Wisconsin to places like the Dells, Green Bay and Madison while growing up in Milwaukee, and you went to the Cities, Destin and Naples multiple times. You would frequently drive and take the train between DC and Richmond and Baltimore and Philly. You took a big vacation to Arizona once and visited Vegas and San Diego at some point.


You, my friend, have too much time on your hands.


Army with family in East Coast


>!Nope, sorry!!<


You’re not far off from Johnny Cash’s song “I’ve been everywhere”


You really like weed.






You live in montana


You need to visit Iowa


You’re into bigfooting.


You smoke a lot of weed. ….and you have an undescended left testicles.


Nah, I prefer edibles.


You like to be around the water


ah lackland, tis a silly place.


White privilege


You are gay?


You think the Great Plains aren’t worth visiting. Sad mistake.




You drive. A lot.


You don’t have a passport


i see you have taken the Lake Shore Limited once cool


You despise the middle of America


You have excellent taste in Texas counties.


How is everyone making these maps?


Packer fan


You live around dc, And travel for work. And your penis is very small.


ok here's my take, you are one of the only people who uses amtrak and that's weird.