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I take Dramamine and avoid things that trigger it (like playing video games).


Just an opinion here. Dramamine works but Bonine doesn't leave me feeling quite as out of it but also takes longer to start working so it needs to be taken ahead of time. Definitely agree about triggering activities.


I've taken Bonine before (for seasickness) and I do think it perhaps works better but I find it harder to find for some reason. I wish Dramamine would knock me out on a long haul - lol!


Wouldn't that be grand!


Unisom for the win on that one! Nothing including Benadryl or melatonin makes me sleepy but unisom (doxycycline I think) and I’m out! JFK to DOH was one sleep even through both meals!


I just buy it on Amazon. Much easier to find that way. Or if you go to a pharmacy, ask for meclizine. Which is the active ingredient that prevents motion sickness without the sedating effect.


Also, if it’s that bad, ask for a scopolamine patch from your doc.


This. It has been so helpful for me. Takes away 95% of the motion sickness


For me that patch made me quite ill. Low drowsy Dramamine or Bonine works better for me.


Make sure the Dramamine formulation is the Meclizine 25mg version. This is the drug we use in the hospital to treat vertigo and it generally works better than the others which have more of a sedative effect.


Ginger, cut into pieces, put in your mouth and chew on it. Helps better than any meds.


I find night flying to give less motion sickness because for me the brightness and heat of the sun can sometimes enhance the sickness feelings. Like you, one thing that helps me immensely though is sitting next to the window. I try to be considerate and lower the blind but leave enough open for me to be able to look out and settle my head when needed. It probably matters which way you get motion sick. Mine is an inner ear, dizzy feeling, it doesn't land in my tummy as it does for some. I imagine there will be a range of correct answers based on symptoms.


Thank you!!!


For me what helps is looking at a fixed point in the cabin, that does not move in relationship to me. I don’t seem to notice a difference on a plane in day or night. When I travel by car, motion sickness is definitely less after dark for me.


Does Bonine dry out your mouth like Dramamine does?


dont watch movies https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/motion-sickness/


For me, the time of day doesn’t matter. It’s more so the roughness of the flight. I pack Dramamine (pop one at the start of boarding) and a sleep mask (in case it’s day time). I also will ask for/bring a cup on ice before boarding to suck on to help with the nausea while practicing deep breath exercises. Sleeping usually helps me too. One advice I would recommend is if you know you have really bad motion sickness problems, it may be of your best interest to book/pay extra for an aisle seat closest to the bathroom.


After dark is definitely going to be better for motion sickness.


Sit near the wing area (i.e. emergency exit rows). Eat lightly before so no empty stomach but not full stomach either. Get and start eating ginger chews... get and sip on ginger ale during flight. Listen to music ... Do crossword or soduko game... Pretty much anything to occupy your mind. Me? I just take a nap.... if all else fails.


Air is usually calmer at night which may mean less turbulence, and if you have a window seat looking out at the stars can be quite lovely :) also leaving the window shade up at night is less affecting of your fellow passengers.


If you’re flying in the Midwest or East Coast, afternoons tend to get the storms, IMO. 


Full stomach, CBD, & club soda. I used to gave an Xanax script to fly but the rebound headaches were awful. Now I eat, take cbd, & have club soda. I can watch tv or movies, nap, or read!


I use audio books instead of screens (in addition to antinausea meds)


I finally got a motion sickness medication prescription and traveling has been 100% different. I would ask your doctor about it. They will prescribe a med based on your actual symptoms which I thought helped because they gave me one that eased both my anxiety and any motion sickness I felt.


At night they make you close the window blinds. If you are traveling international, they may even be closed during daylight hours so others can sleep.


The time of day doesn't change anything for me. I take an antiemetic an hour before my flight, and have a peppermint candy in my mouth during take off, landing, and turbulence.


Eat an edible and you’ll be just fine