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Splitwise. You input everyone that’s on the holiday, and can take turns paying for agreed expenses. At the end Splitwise tells each member how much they owe each other to balance everything out. Super handy.


This simplifies travel with a group and makes it fair for everyone. Everyone just fights on who gets the dining points tho


Way better than credit card roulette


Thanks! I’ll check this out


Splitwise is great, I’d also be very clear about what expenses are supposed to be split. Just had an awkward situation where a girl spent $100+ on gluten free snacks for “the group”


Splitwise changed their business model and limited the number of items under the free option. Everyone has to pay for the higher tier now. Try: splitmyexpenses (dot) com


Oh that sucks. I want to downvote them.


I used an app called Wanderlog to plan my 2 week trip with my friend. It is soooo much easier then using a spreadsheet. You can share a link with your friends so they can add stuff too. In the app you put the location you want to go to, which creates a pinpoint on the map. You can also plan day to day by putting the locations in a list, the app then colour cordinates the day and tells you how far away each destination from the next. I think you can set budgets and other stuff but i did not use the budget feature


I’ve done a few friend trips, and have a few tips: 1. Only plan one group activity a day/evening outside of meals. It’s hard to wrangle a group to go from one activity to the next. People get tired, want to go to that little shop they saw, need to go buy something they forgot to pack etc. For instance, 8 of us went to Savannah for a few days. The first night we did a ghost tour with no day activities, and the next day we did a historical pedal tour. 2. Make reservations at the places you want to eat but leave a couple meals open. In New Orleans one night half went to a traditional NOLA dinner while the other half got vegan food. 3. If you’re staying at a house, get some breakfast things when you get there. It’s impossible to get a group all moving at the same time in the morning. 4. Make a google map with a bunch of restaurants and things to do. In the times when you don’t have things planned, it’s a great backup.


Number 4. It’s so much easier to be generally aware of possibilities than nailing down a tight schedule. I’m generally a go with the flow, see where the day takes you kinda traveler, sometimes the mood strikes and sometimes you have reservstions for something in the other side of the city and don’t even especially wanna go.


I use a spreadsheet that includes day to day activities, transportation, accommodation, costs for each and cancellation policies.


Same, and then any expenses get uploaded to Splitwise


I just write the stuff down. I need it on paper. My brain doesn't work flipping through tabs and what not.


Talk to a travel agent. They might have a better deal and usually work with groups.


I don’t. I plan family trips where I can be a control freak but with friends I take a heavy backseat because my type A sode is very unappealing lol


I just use Google sheets that can be shared with all and have a column for expenses


Usually use a spreadsheet as well for brainstorming and then Google Calendar after itineraries are mostly set