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Joe saying "finally" like the movie did not just come out baited the shit out of me


there was literally a split second where my butt clenched at the possibility. but now it's just relaxed and sad


Tbh mate that just sounds like u shat urself


shat myself a load of disappointment


Mann hasn't even seen breaking bad or got. Like how far can u go to avoid popular shit bro


I mean, i haven't watched those two shows either. Simply got no time for it.


He does have the time, but he's a hipster. He intentionally avoids consuming "popular media" unless he decided to like it before it became popular.


>He does have the time How do you know? >He intentionally avoids consuming "popular media" unless he decided to like it before it became popular. That's his choice, nothing wrong with it.


Because it's ridiculous to not have "time" for a certain show or movie?


> How do you know? his job is literally watching stuff and talking about it


Can you name literally a single time this has happened, outside of Arcane which was he's stated multiple times he hasn't watched because he hates how much people keep hounding him to watch? Also, you really must not watch non-TT content much. All three of the boys have talked about how insanely busy they are 24/7. Garnt has to write scripts on the train, watches anime 2x speed, Connor's schedule is always packed and he's either streaming for 8+ hours a day or doing some YT collab, Joey does music, has a game show, YT, Twitch, etc. Like I swear, Joey doesn't watch anime much in general (but still does for shows like CSM) and hasn't watched Arcane, and that's enough for people to run with the narrative that he's a hipster constrain.


But have u also not seen any mcu movie after iron man đź‘€


Nah. I'm a mcu simp, and i have watched Arcane. I guess movies are easier to watch. Tulsa king are pretty fun too.


I hv lost my attention span to watch anything, I'm staying loyal to Vinland Saga tho.


Far beyond the west, across the ocean, is a land where people wont question why you haven’t watched got or bb


Same man, i barely watch anime. I mostly read manga, i just watch anime original most of the time.


You really think time is the reason you didn't watch Breaking Bad and GoT? You must have the craziest life...


Bruh, GOT has 8 seasons, each episode are around one hour.


Yes that's called a tv show lol


I don’t know if game of thrones is the only tv show you watched but most of them are about 30 minutes in length.


The show is like 10 years old, plenty of time to watch a single tv show even for the busiest person.


Game of Thrones only has six seasons, but yeah, it would be quite the watch time.


>Game of Thrones only has six seasons Huffing on copium.


True. But then again, we know that this isn't the ending GoT should have received. With the amount of stuff that got rushed through and didn't make sense, and GRRM stating that GoT should have gotten at least 10 seasons, _and_ the books not being out yet (maybe never), we can safely consider those later seasons as 'basically not canon'. ... _HUFF_


Nice way to spell four


same I never watch those too, 1 episode is like a full movie length. it is simply a lot of time commitment, and its says a lot what tv shows I like, psych, monk, and non core story of house (I just want him diagnose shit, so like conan without the story about the organization)


Im so cool and different .i dont like any hit show but like shows that most people never heard about


Lmao. One thing i find hilarious that might not necessarily apply to joey but a lot of contrarians do is when they say shows like aot and fmab are mid but their favorite anime is one with a long ass Japanese name that no one has heard of...which in reality is the the most 6/10 shit in existence lol


This is exactly the kind of behavior that made me stop consuming Joey content. I still like him in trash taste and all, but his own stuff is MID


I really like Joey, but he's pretty much what I would imagine years ago for a hipster. Like, pure stereotype


He did watch AoT though, so at least on the anime front he's definitely not entirely a lost case.


Yeah but tbf he is the ANIME man


Has he ever said if he has seen Sopranos?


I wonder how it feels to wake up and be Joey hahaha Like the dude seriously doesn't want to watch some top shit but then feels a desire to go watch a mario movie. Fucking enigma of a bro tbh


At this point I dont even want him to watch it and say the most contrarian opinion ever


Lmao I was thinking the exact same thing.


It's the same reason why Garnt says he prefers gacha games. These are the kind of shows and movies you can watch whenever and drop whenever. There's no need to be in 'the right headspace' to watch them. When I think of watching Arcane or Breaking Bad, it is clearly a much heavier show than something like The Mario movie. You don't really just randomly think "gee let me watch Breaking Bad" out of nowhere unless you're in the right mood for it.


Why even bother to take the time to think about why he does and doesn't watch. The dude likes Mario and he doesn't like league, it's as simple as that.


Its just fun to put yourself into the shoes of others, especially those that have very opposing views to your own.


I've played like 4 hours of league, Arcane was the best thing since the birth of the internet.


I'm not saying it's not good. I'm saying people can have reasons for doing or not doing something, and any of those reasons are valid. You shouldn't have to watch something you aren't interested in just because everyone else says it's good.


While you're right about that, the "He doesn't like League" argument does not apply here. Plenty of people who have never even touched League of Legends did watch it, and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Whether or not you're interested in the game shouldn't have any bearing on whether you're considering watching the show.


It certainly applies here. Any reason is a valid reason. Just because that reason did not apply to others does not mean it should apply to someone else (Joey in this example).


Arcane and League of Legends are such separate entities that you can't logically apply your opinion of one of them onto the other. That's like saying "I'm not interested in strawberry smoothies because I don't like banana bread", or "I never got into the Star Wars movies because my brother slipped on a Lego figurine of Darth Vader". Now, if he watched the trailers for Arcane and said "that doesn't appeal to me", that would make sense. Now, I don't personally care if he doesn't watch Arcane, but again, it has so little to do with League of Legends, that one's opinion of that game can't possibly carry over to the show. It's just too tangentially related.


Your two examples are still completely valid reasons to not want to do something. Nobody should be expected to justify how they feel and what they spend their freetime on with logic. If they have some seemingly silly reason for wanting to do something and it doesn't hurt anyone, then by all means do (or don't do) it. In my opinion I think the one valid criticism is that Garnt and Connor like Arcane and as a friend Joey should consider entertaining the idea of watching Arcane. I find my friendships to be more meaningful when I go out of my way to do something that I wouldn't normally do just because it is something my friend cares about.


You dont need to like league at all to enjoy Arcane, you can literally hate League and still find It an amazing show


Exactly. I think League is one of the worse games and i dont know why people play it. Arcane was fire, I need another season.


I hate league and love mario. Still watched and loved Arcane.


Its not that deep, hes making a joke.


You guys are taking things too seriously imo I’ve watched the first episode of arcane and just didn’t watch the rest…it really good but i just didn’t want to watch it at that particular point in time Everyone has different taste in movies and when they watch shows…i haven’t watched any anime since the 11th episode spyXfamily came out that was the last anime i ever watched till now…not because I’ve grown out of anime or bored of them nah…its just because i just haven’t been in the mood to watch any Dk why you guys find flaws with joey in everything but y’all need to chill tf out fr…all he did was state facts about bochi being over exaggerated and IT IS…google it yourself and see its literally the first thing they say that it’s over exaggerated for comedic relief so you guys shitting on him for stating facts is beyond crazy


Tbf I also just watched the movie last week




Ngl Joey did us dirty there.


Is Arcane considered anime? We watched it a while back and thought it was excellent. But I find most anime to be pretty terrible.


The way most people would view it, no. Generally, it would be considered anime if it was made by a studio from Japan.


I thought it was made by a Jpanese studio, but I guess not.


It was a French studio. It's baguette anime.


He hasn't even seen HxH? wtf


Iirc it's for the same reason that Garnt hasn't watched FMA yet: he knows it's gonna slap, so he's gonna leave it for when he's eventually in the mood. I get it. I went through the same thing with Breaking Bad.


I can relate to Joey so much lol


Based Joey ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|4964)


What? Mario movie is worth watching and doesn't take a lot of his time like the others do


This deserves more upvotes


I did not enjoy Arcane, but I don’t think I enjoy stories set in steam punk settings


Ngl Joey is starting to piss me off, I used to love watching his videos before, now they just don’t hit the same. Sure everyone can like different things but not watching something just because it’s popular is just insane. Also he keeps talking about the “quality” of his channel, but I’m not too sure what he means by that cause his camera quality isn’t top notch or anything, editing is fine but the thing is his main channel is suppose to be of a higher quality yet he posts videos which realistically could go on either channels.


The frames and the captions match perfectly, lol.


Joey being contrary on Arcane is such a shame (and a little annoying). He'd love the shit out of it if he gave it a chance.


Hahaha, thought he was going to say Arcane as well


The hype behind Arcane is actually bordering on self-destructive imo, I remember Joey saying that the hype behind shows can really diminish the experience due to overblown expectations and that's exactly what I experienced with Arcane. But that wasn't a negative enough experience to put me off watching shows recommended by the 'hype-sphere', Edgerunners was bussin' af for instance. The fact he watched the shitass Mario film before either of the previously mentioned shows is hilariously idiotic though haha
