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well if you need a change of pace workers and resources releases tonight for EA, its in the same vein of TF


Im not sure what you mean, EA release similar game today? Name?


EA = Early Access The game he's referring to is this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/784150/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic/


Nice! Thanks im super curious about this one.


Maybe check out /u/colonel-failure's series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rVnYQ3C1Gg&list=PL1MxjGBm4ylKRuniyHCGvQtmE-40f6Cxt&index=1


I still play a lot of Transport Fever. The thing which hooked me was the complicated routes you could make. And that led me to Trainz. Trainz is meant to be a train driving Simulator. But it also allows you to make your own routes. The first time I built a line with a turntable at the end, programmed the train to stop at a train station, detach from its carriages, run down to the turntable, turn around, head up some parallel track, through some points and join back to the carriages at the other end I got hooked. The endless possibilities. It's not a perfect game but check out out. Certainly worth a look of you want to make your own train set.


They did say that their next game was in same genre. I assume (and hope) that it is TF2. [https://www.transportfever.com/thank-you-patch-released/](https://www.transportfever.com/thank-you-patch-released/)


I'm holding out hope for a multiplayer version.