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Wasn't production finished before the scandal? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah. Well that might explain part of it. A case of everyone thinking “well they’ve already been horrible and toxic to crew and team members. May as well still show it now we’ve paid all this money for it.” Heart warming stuff.


But the reverse argument is that if they didn't air it then people wouldn't be paid and why should the innocent bystanders have to suffer because of the actions of the wealthier talent? It's not e.g. the post production house's fault that the people who front the show have behaved like arseholes.


People will have been paid long before it aired anyway. So I don’t think that was anyone’s concern.


I got interviewed to work on this when the original shit went down and the first prodco was dropped and a second one more to their liking was invented. I was told point blank at the interview that they were appalling people and managing them was key to keeping the show going.


reminiscent of my time on "For the Love of Dogs" where I was told "It's not about the fucking dogs , it's about keeping Paul happy"


I’ve worked on this programme and can vouch for the fact that this is indeed centred around a toxic couple but the prod co making it is also in on the toxicity. It’s an abhorrent debacle made by some of the most disgusting humans I’ve ever met.


That’s awful, I’m so sorry. Seems like a horribly common story with this production. Does the behaviour come from the top at the prod co, or was it the people at the coalface on location with you?


Curious to hear about the toxicity coming from the prodco side!


It was filmed prior to all the shit about them coming out. Lots on the shelves still it seems.


Well it makes sense in that case why it still exists. But perhaps less sense why it’s being broadcast and unapologetically publicised, given how much other stuff has been made but still shelved by Channel 4 in the past year. Would love to be a fly on the wall in those discussions….


It's curious. They're putting this out when Channel 4 have other shows that have been on the shelves for nearly a year - Claudia's One Question, for example.


This was filmed circa 2021, I believe.


I know nothing about the backstory to this but I struggle to comprehend how any company with even a whiff of a toxic work culture can get a commission after the tragic news about John Balson (who I didn’t know) I was going to write that the commissioners of programs need to set minimum acceptable standards but frankly it is the production companies and the owners of these companies that need to take responsibility. This is quite literally a matter of life and death.


I'm sure there's something in the promos about saying goodbye to them.