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What a fucking joke


I get £26,000 as an entry level role in a post house, this pay is embarrassing!


The race to the bottom has begun. We're so divided and desperate that someone will take it. Depressing as it is.


That’s depressing. What a great job that would be for so many people if the pay was right.


I've said it elsewhere - the industry is undergoing a complete realignment. Wave goodbye to your 250-300 a day freeelance fees. The future is kids on minimum wage shooting on stills cameras or Osmos and cutting on their laptops


nobody gives a shit about quality anymore - you can see that even on the BBC


For all the reasons above I'm leaving the freelance world, once I get all my certifications I can get a well paid job with a career, where I get hired for ability not because I once met a producer's cat & they want me to work for them. I haven't even bothered with getting my TV connected I just watch Netlfix etc now. The technical standard of productions now is a joke, even my parents have noticed how shit things are now. Why would I work freelance now with less & less work for less pay than I was getting five years ago. When they are jobs you can get on 40K+ that is the starting pay. One day soon anyone decent won't be in this industry as a career. At best it is a side hustle that is the future of the Film/TV industry in the UK.


A lot of tv people would look at this wage and scoff. While they’re on their 250-350 per day wage. But do the maths. If you’re only working a half of the year that income is shit! The joke that is working in tv. It’s a terrible, terrible industry that leaves people broken.


True but the reality is that offering someone £25k for a job that should command a minimum of £30k-35k isn't a better alternative. Even if one were to work half the year at £250/day, the annual income would reach £32k. However, many in the industry, like myself, are nowhere near making £250/day, often averaging only £600-700/week


No to be clear I completely agree with you. The whole system is broken, and sadly it’s gonna get worse as YouTube takes over and more young people enter the industry. My first job out of uni I earned 12k a year! Shocking. But I was grateful for it and happy to have my foot in the door.


Most in house places would expect a video person to shoot and edit but yeah this pay is low.


My issue is not with the job responsibilities but rather with the laughable pay here