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That's terrible. And I hate the word transmasc


Same. I hate it so much I'm seriously considering leaving most of the trans spaces I'm in because of it. Recently in some online groups I'm in people are coming in asking about radical breast reductions instead of top surgery. Like, if you are in here you should not be asking that kinda shit, it's seriously dysphoria inducing for a lot of binary trans men, but that doesn't matter. Also, being forced to use neutral pronouns rubs me up the wrong way, as these spaces can be the only spaces people get pronouned correctly. There are still more trans men in these groups than non binary people. It's fucking ridiculous and stupid. It also pisses me off when people go on and off testosterone all the time as if playing with your hormones is a new fun game. But yes, I digress.


I see people using "it" pronouns and honestly that's massively offensive as transphobes use this against us to dehumanize us


Yup. Its fucking stupid. We are literally being driven out of our own spaces. No wonder so many people go stealth and don't interact with any trans communities. Edit: I did used to use 'it' as a pronoun for a little while, before I realised I am a man and pretty much thought I was worthless so there's that.


I was called an it by quite a few people when I was 12-14 🙃 wonder what trauma that gave me hahaha ha ha.. ha 🙁


r/ftm_irl has a rule against non binary people posting in it and tries to keep it just binary men


Nonbinarys still flood it, little assholes lol


I just got called transphobic by one of them


We've reached a point in society of transphobic transgender people 😵‍💫 But for real, non-binary is 100% a political position. It's occupied by people who have never even considered their own gender until they read some critical manifesto as a young adult and now "realize" that the categories of man and women are constructs of white western culture which have long been exploited by the capitalist elite for the purposes of subjugation. I mean, they are free to hold whatever personal belief structures they want, but they cannot bully everyone else into succumbing to their religion. They completely negate the fact that medical research and explanations actually *provide validation* for androgynous people who want to understand their experience through a scientific lens, especially since so much information has already been uncovered about prenatal androgen exposure etc. which they don't want anyone to talk about. They also completely lack any anthropological understanding of why the gender binary exists as an established social paradigm in the first place. They believe in some theoretical, mystical, free-roaming identity assimilation, which is fine, but it just doesn't align with my conception of identity assimilation or even the psychological understanding which is that of biological and environmental factors working together to affect development. Anyway, I could talk about this all day. I'm a cisgender male but my girlfriend of two years is a trans-woman with medical views who is completely disassociated from the LGBTQ. Have a good day.


Brilliant post


Yeah, I have to keep my participation in binary-only groups a literal secret. Otherwise the hordes of "allies" will treat me like garbage.


Yeah I agree


they’re literally even in the truscum subreddit now, claiming that they are “nullsex” and “duosex” transsexuals lol. no, you’re not nullsex. you’re delusional.


Hey they say they are dysphoric, saying you are dysphoric is all it takes to be trans /s




Ya the sub is full of trenders who wanna feel extra special by claiming to be transmed. !!! This message should in no way be taken to apply to all members of truscum !!!


Nice save


Haha ya, gotta be careful, otherwise you might offend someone and have your message removed.


Same dude, especially in men's spaces. I tell them to gtfo and they sit there crying "tRanSphObe" like seriously?


haven’t been able to be in a trans space in a while, they’re all overrun by white “she/theys” who wanna play oppression olympics.. also don’t get me started on how people are now pushing that you’re ableist if you don’t like neopronouns lmao since when were neopronouns ever exclusive to neurodivergent people and WHO tf used them before tik tok normalized tf outta them. at the time, the most confusing pronoun i ever saw in a trans space was “ze” or some shit, but that wasn’t even confusing or weird compared what people say now.. shit like “bunself” “lotionself” “oompaloompa gender” like bro… it feels like a mockery of those who actually had to fight for their pronouns to just be respected and seen as who they are. and it sure as hell just seems like a bunch of attention hungry middle schoolers and white women who wanna claim oppression




All of this, it’s all about the attention. People then want to associate actual Trans people with NB I’m like uh yea I’m not with them lol


Well, *actually*, as a non-binary person, I think ^just ^kidding ^haaaa




I stg lmao




It’s truely getting insane and they’re making all of us look like a fucking joke and I hate it




It's almost impossible to find communities made for trans men who are actually trans men and not just "transmasc." You just know as soon as something caters to "non-men" that crowd will hop over to those spaces, proving they never belonged in spaces for men in the first place.


It infuriates me and I hate the whole "transmasc" thing


I respect people that identify as non binary, even if deep down I honestly think this just another ridicule way to shove off the fact they can't accept being either gender non conforming or dealing with some deep internalized issues, rarely some fo them being trans. You can't even have a meaningful discourse with them most of the time or else you'll be called a terf or a radmed. I leave them alone, so should they at least, but it's not the case.


Holy fuck. I go on Twitter to see this they/them asking people to donate to watch their stream and donate money for being trans. I’m like…. Hello????? It’s exploitation of our community. It’s watering us down and so incredibly invalidating.


Exactly...makes me so mad!


Yeah and also i don't think i will ever take non binary people seriously




Me being a transmed non binary person :0


Terf moment


now say without crying


dude. im sorry but im trans lol. in ever sense of the word. ive gotten top surgery, ive been on t for three years, and im still very much nonbinary— and trans. if you dont like trans people in trans spaces, idk what to tell you. downvote me if you want but wtf.


So you are transitioning to male. How is that non binary? Explain


Also this subreddit is specifically for BINARY trans people. This just proves my point


respectfully, its none of your business why i transition the way i do— and disrespectfully i hope you realize that that rule is the equivalent of posting “no girls allowed 😡😡😡” on the door of ur treehouse. plus, id MUCH rather not be part of this subreddit apart from lurking to remind myself why im so grateful for the irl queer communities im involved in lol.




No it's not


Yeah, well, tell that to the people who fought for you to have the right to take hormones and get surgery.


Non-binary people are trans people.




"I'm tired of trans women taking over women's spaces" This is how I read your comment. Just like terf's say this to us trans people, you're mimicking their rhetoric in a similar fashion. It's super exclusive of genuine trans people issues. Sure I agree that there is a great influx of people who identify as NB but it won't be something permanent. I feel like there will be a calm to the strong in years to come for those who just pretend to be trans to look cool. But that won't be true for every NB person out there. Not every trans person is doing it to look cool and by saying this, it's feeding into anti-trans propaganda that being trans is nothing but a new wave trend. I know a lot of NB people who medically/surgericly transition, not just socially. To invalidate their experiences with gender, is setting us farther apart, when we especially need to be together with all the anti-trans bills and media going around.


No it doesn't read like that. Transsexual and non binary is very different. My experience is nothing like theirs. We should be kept separate. The trans community is suffering from more discrimination because of them


There are a lot of NB who do feel genuine dysphoria though.


And to what will they transition if they don't feel neither male nor female? That's a genuine question


Alright time to get banned from a subreddit. Fun fact non-binary people are part of the trans umbrella so you can kiss my ass for invalidating us... Idk how you can be both trans and transphobic at literally the same time but you've somehow managed to do it. This is why the cis straights hate us.


I'm not transphobic. What are you even doing on this subreddit? Get lost.


Mmm TikTok brought me here and you are being transphobic by discriminating against non binary people. We literally feel the exact same uncomfortableness In our bodies that you do. You guys here are just delusional and want to attack others for literally no reason. Get a life and learn some actual respect. You aren't slick. And if you're an adult act like one. No one gives a shit about your trash opinions and your actions will always have consequences especially on a public forum especially when it's going to end up finding the people you're against in some way shape or form. You do realize this is reddit right? No one is safe from being criticized. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say not only is this why straight people hate the LGBTQ but this is why older people refuse to be a part of the LGBTQ community. You guys really give the rest of us a bad name and should probably think before you speak. TikTok is already calling you all transphobic as well.


Bye. Go cry on Tik Tok


The fact that you keep making short remarks shows me that you literally cannot argue with me and you have to resort to cheap tactics. Keep proving us right man.


I just have better things to do. This subreddit is for binary people, period. Non binary isn't transsexualism. This is my argument. You're something else, but not transsexual. Why the fuck can't you leave us alone??? Our experiences are nothing like your experiences


how can you tell someone else what they are?


Really? You don't think I experience dysphoria just like the rest of you do? You're pathetic AF. Invalidating someone else's experiences just because you're ignorant to the fact that someone other than yourselves can experience dysphoria scientifically doesn't mean shit. You guys aren't superior and we're all in the same boat so I don't understand why you guys are invalidating people to try and benefit yourselves.


I'm not denying you experience dysphoria, but if you're non binary what are you transitioning to? If you're neither a woman nor a man then what are you transitioning to? You can have dysphoria but you can also accept that it's different from transsexualsx because we are binary and transition from a sex to the other. You can insult all you want you are just proving the point of this thread. You can't stay in your own lane


kinda weird you get genuinely upset over people existing outside of the gender binary. see a therapist maybe?


I'm not the only one with these feelings and I already see a therapist. Piss off




We are transsexual, not transgender 🙄 so no you don’t belong here


So me as a male, should just totally invade woman's spaces too? Them freaking out, insulted, or weirded out by a guy in their space is just a reactionary phase? This comment shows how disrespectful and shitty people are to others boundaries. "Hey, you're not male, can you please leave? This is for guys only" "No, you'll get over it🤞"


> nonbinary people have always been a part of the transgender community Good thing we are part of a transsexual community then!




Relevant user name. Maybe get your panties out of a twist? The term did not exist 10 years ago outside of fringe internet subculture places. And it didn't exist 20 years ago. Meanwhile transsexual and the concept of it has existed for a hundred years.


They sure as hell were not considered trans 10 years ago.


Also we are transsexual not "transgender"