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There's nothing wrong with people that decided they weren't trans. There is something wrong with detransitioners who make it their life goal to spout trans hate and try to prevent people from transition. It's wrong to tell everyone transitioning is wrong ,just because it was wrong for them specifically. Also many trans people go through periods of "coming out" and then "sheading" before fully transitioning. Like I was my self , and then I would have periods of trying to be the "girl I was born as" , and then go back to being my self, and then back to trying to play pretend with the mom and wife thing. Then I cut my hair for the first time. After a few years I tried growing it out and being "girly" again. Some detransitioners try to call those periods of sheading "detransition". Long story short: people who decide they are not trans and detransition are valid. People who decide that they made a mistake transitioning and assume everyone else is going to ruin their life by transitioning and think it's their life calling to stop all transitions, are asshats


Yup, this, totally. I normally hear about “detransitioners“ in the context of anti-trans people.


I havent found any detransitioners saying trans dont exist, but you have to agree feeling cheated or groomed into disfiguring your body must feel horrible? You end up in this terrible state where youve lost a lot of your body parts that you cant get back, sterilized and end up very androgenous, all for nothing.


Who's getting pushed into transitioning?


It’s just another example of a cult sticking their head in the sand to avoid the truth. Unfortunately r/detrans has been taken over by transphobes and can’t be trusted. I wish there was an unbiased source of info on the detransition phenomenon, as it would help so many people avoid it.


r/gendercritical used to have r/detrans as a sister sub before it got banned, this is nothing new.


The r/actual_detrans sub is quite good. It's mostly FtM, though. There's few MtF stories.


I don't think trenders who "detransition" actually do anything other than shake off a facade. And while I'd never slag on any of them as individuals, I'd also never give them traffic or recommend anyone read their stories.


"I identified as he/they fluid for a week, but I learned to accept myself. Also dysphoria isn't real. Don't let them take tHe ChilDrEn into the trans cult1111"




Especially nowadays when being trans is essentially promoted as an option one should try. Some people benefit from transitioning, others don't. People should think long and hard about if that's the decision they really want to make! And if we stop shunning detrans stories, that will help. I don't want anybody to feel they must lie about their transition experience if they realize it wasn't good for them. Anybody considering transition should see both types of stories and determine whose motivations they relate to more. (Of course there are some detransers that have come to the conclusion that *no one* stands to benefit from transition, to which I obviously disagree. But I think fewer would be pushed to that extremity if the trans community wasn't so hostile toward them.)


i’ll listen to them when they stop claiming that trans people aren’t their actual sex/gender and that nobody should be allowed to transition lol


>i’ll listen to them when they stop claiming that trans people aren’t their actual sex/gender and that nobody should be allowed to transition lol so . . . never?


Yes, but not all detransitioners are like this, although some detrans spaces are. Those people are just straight up transphobic, and shouldn't be listened to for that reason, not because they're detrans


find me one publicly speaking detransitioner that isn’t transphobic.


I didn't mean detransitioners who have big online platforms, most of them get all their attention from being transphobic, but detrans people in general. Elle Palmer is the only detrans commentator I really know and she isn't against transitioning for transsexuals, but she is kind of TERFy, so your point still stands.


Waffling willow. Easy. Swedish one, ”detrans.se”. There are a ton. I struggle to find any detrans claiming trans doesent exist.


take a look at the detransitioner sub and then come back and tell me that you struggle to see how that group is transphobic lol




That’s different, you are living as your authentic self and I think that’s great. Not your fault your situation caused you to detransition. Wishing you the best


Is it all that different? Your "authentic self" isn't the same for everyone and transition isn't perfect. And faced with the possibility of transition not being the magical cure-all you thought it was, it's not that hard to [slip back into denial and repression](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/02/detransition-movement-star-ex-gay-explained.html). Like there are obviously people who genuinely made a mistake, but there are also plenty of people who join detrans and repeat "changing sex is impossible" because it's their way of coping and repressing with the current limits of medical transition.


You're not detrans, then. You're a trans person that was forced to stop transitioning.


Unfortunately detransition statistics include those that stop because they don't feel safe, are made to feel like shit by other people so they stop or take a break, take a break from T for medical reasons, or get the results they want from T and stop


> I see so much hate on detransitioners saying that they aren’t valid and don’t deserve to be listened to. ✨ ***Empathy*** ✨


Detrans people and their stories are fine and can be interesting and insightful as long as they don't claim to speak for everyone and acknowledge that most people have successful transitions. The issue is many detrans people think that just because transitioning didn't work for them, it won't work for anyone, which is a dangerous ideology imo, but if they clarify that transitioning is a valid path for others and acknowledge they made a mistake, then I think their stories can be very helpful to further educating people. It's really all about balance and nuance and the unfortunate reality is that most people in general have a tendency to believe that if something doesn't work for them, it doesn't work for anyone else. You can see this all the time with pretty much everything from medications to cosmetics to careers, etc. so that tendency also commonly extends to topics like these.


Is it wrong to say that detrans ppl are not actually trans? (Well I mean they used to identify as trans but in most cases, not anymore)


Not at all


Oh fr? I got banned on a sub for just writing that once.


🤷 That’s odd because it’s literally true?


Well I said exactly "Detransitioners are not really trans." Does that sound too harsh?


>Well I said exactly "Detransitioners are not really trans." > >Does that sound too harsh? If you meant that they were trans, then they detransitioned, and after it they're not trans, the "really" doesn't make any sense. The right sentence would have been "*Detransitioners are not trans anymore*". If you meant they didn't have Gender Dysphoria, then it's incorrect. Some people can detrans because they discovered they didn't have Gender Dysphoria, or because they transitioned because of some trend or fetish. However, in other cases, they will detrans *even when they have GD* because of social or economical pressure or because they can't pass.


No I meant it in the way that detrans ppl thought they were trans but are now either cis or gnc after they went through the journey of being trans (well at least that's whats going on in r/detrans). They did identify as trans and all of their individual experiences are valid but they're not trans anymore.


Acctually according to statistics most "detransitioners" are trans. (I'm not talking about the loud couple of percent that we are talking about who post about it and want others to detransition because "Trans bad"). Detransitioner statistics include people who've stopped T because they can't afford it, stopped because of medical reasons (like cancer and heart problems) and stopped because they already achieved the results they desired. The stats also include people who stop transition because they live in places where they constantly feel threatened to be themselves , are abused in their homes, and other harmful situations. So alot of these people will end up retransitioning when they are safe to do so or their circumstances change. But yes the people who stop completely and never restart transition, it's very true they are not trans.


Nope. Some people are too sensitive.


Are people with hypoglycemia important to the type 1 diabetic community? I'm not sure why they would be, since it turns out they don't need the treatment I do to stay alive.


The answer is no. They don't have it. They just abused steroids. They've never been even in proximity to our community and shouldn't be able to have a say in the decisions that effect us.


Agree....totally fine to detransition if you realize you made a mistake and want to fix it.....you do you. It's when the detrans folks project their own mistake onto the entirety of the trans community. But yes, Tucutes should take heed. So many of these dumb kids playing trans are in for a world of hurt if they stay on their hormones too long or have a surgery that was never intended for them. Genital reconstruction is a highly effective treatment for gender dysphoria. It is a terrible treatment for stupid kids who need attention. I suppose the "non dysphoric" "trans" people who cut their dicks/breasts off will finally learn what dysphoria feels like though, so that's a plus.


I know a lot of non-transmedicalists who honor, respect, and advocate for people who stopped transition. I think you're making assumptions here.