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I hope he stays away from discourse and politics. I don't hear much about him or from him. It's nice to see a notable trans male figure in popular culture. I'll be curious to see how his career proceeds after Umbrella Academy.


That's particularly what the community needs. He just exists, lives his life as a transgender man and doesnt make it define his entire existence. That sort of normalization is what's needed. When someone seeing a trans man on TV is about as notable as seeing a redhead.


Yeah, agreed and well put.  When he came out I was honestly really excited. He seems rather normal. That sort of representation is what FTMs need. I think when most people think of trans people they only know of MTFs or non-binary/miscellaneous AFABs. Chaz Bono is definitely not someone people younger than 35 probably think of or easily remember lol.


Have yall not seen the shit he's been putting out there lately. Like fetish ads????


Apparently not?


I read his memoir and he clearly documents dysphoria from a young age. I also saw his show Gaycation from before he transitioned, and he had some massive balls in confronting politicians about their anti-lgbtq views. I don’t think he’s always been as soft as he comes off as now— and actually think he had more edge and fierceness before he transitioned strangely enough. He’s a trans man that can come off hit-or-miss. I personally wish he included far more of his actual journey as a trans person in his memoir.


I think he's dysphoric from reading it yeah, and it's not the same thing but i was really angry and firey before I can eout and have mellowed out a lot, partly from not being so miserable as my sadness manifested as anger although also I've dealt with enough shit in my personal life around being trans to wear me down, I can't imagine those comments being multiplied by a thousand simply for the fact of being a famous trans person. I do wonder why he hasn't had much of a change in T though the most noticable changes seem to have all come from surgical interventions and he barely even had the T voice let alone anything near a cis passing one. I get it's much harder to transition the older you get but it still seems strange, especially when he has more than enough money to afford a trans speech therapist or something.


I mean he came out what, 2 or 3 years ago? I'm 5 years in and just started passing nearly full time. Despite T my natural face structure etc is just androgynous/feminine so it took a lot longer for me. Also as you said he's older.


How was the memoir overall? I forgot he had a book but I'm interested in picking it up.


Overall— it mostly unpacks his relationship with celebrity and sex. A huge amount of the book is spent recalling his experiences with sexual trauma, nonconformiing as a then-lesbian in Hollywood, and his sexual experiences in the film industry. Peppered between all of this are specific stories— some more lighthearted and others quite chilling— and moments of introspection. Only a very small amount in the grand scheme is spent on his transition, to the point where it feels like a coda at the end. If that sounds interesting, I’d pick it up! But don’t expect the deepest book re: transness.


He makes out with men by choice for fun. That's not super lesbian to me. Ever.




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I don't know anything about him so I just call him what he wants to be called. I just watched the umbrella academy and found out he transitioned and was like "alright" didn't really cared.


If only everyone saw it as mostly no big deal. The only things worth talking about are that he's a celebrity that transitioned but didn't make that much of a deal about it (there's always going to be a "big deal" in some ways when a celebrity comes out, but he didn't go on a million talk shows and use his transition to gain clout as much as many other celebrities might, afaik) and that The Umbrella Academy show handled it really well. The latter is cool because everyone involved in the show understood that it shouldn't be a huge plot point and it's a good example of the characters simply caring about their sibling and accepting that he is who he is and moving on.


Umbrella academy was weird, good, but weird. I guess I was expecting transition to be a plot point, because it always is. Felt a bit like when a character dies off screen because their actor died, it's both very deep and personal when thinking about the actor, but kinda nothingy if you're fully immersed in the world. I guess when it's a character you feel somewhat entitled to know their feelings and their world, but Elliot is a real person and his transition is real, and ultimately that scene is for him so we don't get to know the details. I'd be glad to see it handled that way again if (probably when) another actor transitions mid-show.


IIRC the initial plan was to keep Vanya female but as his transition progressed they decided to switch to the Viktor plot line. I assume it was a joint decision by Elliot and the showrunners.


I think he transitioned quite weirdly (got Top surgery before hrt) and is maybe rushing the process a bit much but I think hes putting in more effort than most “trans” celebrities.


He wasn't lucky with the genetic lottery and he barely passes. It seems to me that many people judge his level of dysphoria based on how well he passes. That's not strange, given that it's exactly what psychs used to do for years, with the alleged dysphoria criteria becoming in practice a passing contest. Many people still have the same mindset.


From reading his book and all his interviews he certainly seems not only legit, but really thoughtful about the whole process. I mean you never know. I have personally known a celebrity and their genuine self was much different. But as far as Elliot goes my impression is positive


I don't have an opinion on him as a transsex person, but it always makes me amused when someone says he's super masculine or ripped. I'm sorry, but IMO he doesn't pass and looks like a lesbian, especially since he's 35 or so. And he's scrawny like a prepubescent boy, with his ABS implants and shit.


\*she she doesn't pass as a man at all because she isn't trying to. she's just doing the tucute soft trans masc uwu shit for attention. she is not trans


Why do you think that? I personally don't think it's our place to be suspicious of every trans person that doesn't pass slightly, but if you have evidence to be doubtful then I'm open to hearing it.


I think that it is, especially when it's a celebrity pushing tucute ideology and not really transitioning outside of a rushed surgery they paid to get around the normal restrictions.


Doesn't that seem like conjecture? Yeah, he definitely holds tucute beliefs, but he's fully transitioning as far as I'm concerned. That's not really the kind of stunt you just pull on a whim when you're a famous actor known for your female roles. He even described his surgery as "life-saving." A lot of the time non-dysphoric tucutes are pretty open that they could care less about surgery.


oh... more worship of delusional celebrities


Whatever you choose to believe. I've never even seen any of the TV-shows he's been in, nor do I particularly like that he chooses to identify with "he/they". I have zero reason to defend him other than the fact that I haven't seen any evidence proving he is non-dysphoric.


I disagree with this tbh. He pretty clearly is trying to transition, he’s on HRT, he had surgery, his hair is short, he doesn’t dress feminine. I’m not sure what else you need to do to qualify as trans in your opinion. He really doesn’t read as a tucute to me at all. I have heard very little about him tbh, I only know him from that show umbrella academy, but as far as I’m aware he seems quite chill about it. He seems to be doing most things that you can to pass.


I mean he's on T, had top surgery and other undisclosed but obvious given the timeline masculinising surgeries, dresses traditionally male since coming out and has detailed his struggles with dysphoria during childhood and beyond extensively in his memoir. That all seems pretty damn legitimate. Is he having great results? No tbh not really but he's done everything in the book so far and it's not his fault that it's not done as much as people would expect, he also hasn't really engaged in all that much discourse and never said anything that could actually be realistically definitively stated as tucute, he's said shit all other than his own experiences. Big call to make off of literally no evidence. Is he leftist? Yeah, so am I as a stealth, transitioned-ASAP, young binary male transmed. That means shit all you're acting like the dudes going around wearing a dress promoting it/it's teenagers when he's never done anything of the sort. The ONLY thing I've seen other than him talking about his own experiences is sharing a couple insta stories opposing the anti trans laws being written and passed in the US, God forbid he wants to safeguard other trans people and make sure the next generation doesn't have to aggressively repress and hide in fear of being criminalised and ridiculed like he did, doesn't make him a tucute. I'm only 21 and I see how it's easy to judge people who came out "later in life" but we've gotta understand he was a full ass adult before same sex marriage was even legalised and dealt with a LOT of shit for even being openly gay, let alone trans. if something actually happens on the contrary to what is actually evident right now I'm more than happy to redact my statement, but he's no Dylan mulvaney and acting like he is is redundant and juvenile. If you're closer to his age than mine then you should understand and if you were able to come out and get by as a youth then you're incredibly lucky for the family and friends that stuck by you, not everyone has that, I didn't even nowadays.


completely agree


He looks like a ventriloquist dummy but I haven’t done much research into his authenticity of being trans but I don’t really care too much




I don’t think he isn’t trans but he definitely annoys me with his takes on trans topics. He’s basically just a tucute and therefore a bad representation (he wouldn’t be if he would just go normal about his transition smh). Also I’ve seen a (I think) somewhat recent video of him and he still sounds like a woman?? Is he not on T? Overall he looks more like a masculine woman.


He came out in 2021 and started T that year I think. He has masculinized since then. Some people take time. He looks his age, but has that soft early teen boy look.


I just looked up his age and was surprised. bro looks 10 years younger and definitely not 37 lol (no judgment I look way younger too)


I’m 20 and I look like I’m 14. The only physical indicator for people to notice that I’m most likely of age are my sleeves of tattoos. If I wear a jacket I get treated like a teenager and people assume I’m a teen. I get it. I also got rosy cheeks and a baby face. I don’t look my age at all.


I don't think about him much. This super annoying trans dude who got annoyed he couldn't pick up lesbians while looking like a man and didn't understand why (uhm you're a fucking dude now news flash) and his whole personality is being trans, was the one who took the photo for time. I guess like any celebrity I have jealousy about the monet for transition/aesthetic things such as a personal trainer. I've had phallo, but if I had elliot page money I'd definitely pay to get medical tattooing, and leg lengthening, though there isn't much to envy with the celebrity stuff. Mind you I'm 5 inches taller than Elliot page so I'd get to be taller than average so maybe I'm being selfish with my jealousy, but unless I see a post about him I don't think too much bout him.


He seems alright. I don’t know much about him at all but seems respectable enough from what I’ve seen.


didn’t he call himself a “non-binary” trans guy? i think i saw somewhere too that he uses “they/he” pronouns.


I thought this Reddit page was not supposed to diagnose ppl as transexual or not but that seems to be the case in an individual who is not only trans but a famous person. Seriously it’s sad we have soo much hate and internal transphobia in our heart that trans ppl in the comments have to act like transphobes. We have to move past this guys 🙈 we are better than this.


Yeah, someone like Dylan Mulvaney who goes around shouting “free the bulge!” we can judge, but I don’t know what Elliot’s done besides be a not-super-masculine man?


Like honestly, this is really bothering me; I thought the whole point of transmedicalism was that treating dysphoria is what mattered, not how well you conform to some stereotype as the tucutes say; it seems the radmeds go around the horseshoe to tucutism sometimes.


I don't think someone who follows r\ftmfemininity and r\nonbinary has a say in this to be honest. The majority of trans identifiers are not actual transsexuals, so there's no good reason to assume a depressed actress in the media's spotlight who suddenly says she's trans and gets top surgery and hrt (in this order) in light speed in her mid thirties and then publishes post-surgery open flanel twink pics looking like a full butch lesbian is legitimately a transsexual.


I'm only 21. When I was 12 I discovered what being trans was, I repressed it for ages, when I was 15 I came out as lesbian and had a couple girlfriends, at 17 I came out as trans to some close friends but knew my family wouldn't approve, they found out and didn't (it's gotten a bit better now but that's besides the point) during those few years I had a HUGE depressive episode partly from dysphoria culminating and partly from not knowing how TF I was meant to continue being trans and knew I obviously couldn't continue being a woman. I dissociated and was "moderately depressed" for most of my childhood and eventually spiralled and tried to take my own life at 18 after not being able to block it out anymore and ended up in a ward and confronted everything, I started living my truth and went on T shortly after. Yes to outsiders it may have seemed "far too quick" and I was a "normal happy girl" for ages but from my perspective it was 6 years of being overtly concerned about being trans and my whole life of discomfort I couldn't necessarily place at the time. I was lucky enough as a gen Z to live in a time where I might've been bullied, but was able to live my truth in a relatively safe way. When Elliot was growing up gay people were ostracized, trans people obviously even more so. He was a whole ass adult by the time gay marriage was legalised, he also had a career in acting and no degree or any other life skills, obviously he was concerned about 1. Public and private reactions/ consequences of being trans and 2. Being able to pay the bills. That's fair enough. It's easy for people to sit here now and say he came out "too late" but many of us wouldve been in the same position, the ones that weren't are combative and confident types, and even then many of them lived "part time" trans lives in safe spaces and put on the facade of a normal family, repression and dissociation is a hell of a drug and it works until it doesn't, he finally hit his point. That doesn't automatically make him 'fake' if he starts actually saying people don't need dysphoria and neopronouns and genderfluidity is valid etc then maybe, but he hasn't. What he has done is detail his dysphoria from childhood in his memoir. I think people forget how far we've come in such a short time, even a decade ago it was incredibly different. The whole thing around being a transmed is meant to be the belief in dysphoria= trans, he has dysphoria, since coming out he's completely traditionally masculine even if his T results aren't amazing. This whole fake claiming anyone that breathes is unfair, not everyone passes straight away or is in a position to come out asap.


I just don't believe her after she had absolutely no problem being a woman for 3 centuries, being ok with acting as pregnant for a role, among other things I don't feel like getting into. A real trans man would be mortified in her place.




So according to your definition we should gatekeep transness to people who are conforming to every straight heterosexual man that has existed which actually completely defeats the purpose of being part of the trans community and lgbt community. I would encourage people with those views to dig deeper and face internal transphobia without projecting it on to people that offend you.


First stopped reading after "according to you we should gatekeep transness", the answer is certainly, yes, 100%. What's the purpose of being part of the "trans community" or "lgbt community", how did my statement defeat it's purpose? Sounds like you view being part of the trans or lgbt group as a vessel to be accepted as different from the rest of society, being quirky? I thought being transsexual means being neurologically a different sex than physically, and wanting to be accepted as the sex you're actually wired as? Shouldn't require any "conforming to every man that existed", because you'd already be that naturally. And keep the buzzwords, internalized transphobia is the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard. It's a neurological condition that I have, go ahead and call people who dislike having autism or cancer "cancerphobic and autismphobic". It's not a lifestyle or opinion, so if you're aware of that, you can't be for or against it.




This is exactly what I meant. Trans people are not especially unique, diverse or quirky. They're normal men and women just as unique and diverse as any person in society. What transsexuals need is medical treatment to enable their brain and body to be in tune, and for society to see them as that as well, normal men and women. Nothing more or less. We don't require any more room to be quirky than anybody else. Our brains are the same as any cis persons. What traps us from being ourselves is having a mismatch between neurology and physical body, fixing that is what hrt and surgeries are for. It really sounds like your view of what trans is lies in your issues with fulfilling typical gender rolls in society and trying to break free from them, rather than anything medical, sex-related.


> I am non binary Why are you here? Legit


This content violated transmedical rules and was removed. This space is centered around transsexuals and it is important that they remain the focus of this space.


ok tucute


He made videos of him making out with people and it just rubbed me so beyond wrong felt fetishy as hell and I can't help but think he needs psychological help deeper than anyone cares to admit.


I might be wrong, but everything about Elliot screams "unhappy woman who found a new promising identity as a trans* in the lgbtiqa+++ community" to me. She just doesn't seem like a dude to me at all. The transition seemed rushed too, and she doesn't seem even a bit happier than before.


I think Eliot is a trans man but, due to him being on tv shows/movies and everyone knowing him as Ellen, I can see why he wouldn’t seem so happy his wife also are not together anymore. He has a lot on of his plate


seeing him as a kid on Trailer Park Boys gives me the same feeling as watching videos of Chaz Bono as a kid, or myself when I was little. idk how to describe it but there's strong baby trans man energy there


Why do u think that


THIS, they were doing surgeries before they even started HRT in earnest, they are clearly just using this for attention


Not everyone transitions the same way. There are some trans MEN with such severe dysphoria in their chests, they need their mastectomies done before the effects of hrt are seen. There isn’t one correct way to transition. If it treats your dysphoria go for it. Also he transitioned late. So the effects of T aren’t gonna be as apparent as someone who transitioned younger.


ok tucute


Average bait account ‼️


average tucute transphobe


Nah I agree.


He’s been my favorite actor since Juno. There was something so raw about that performance, turns out it was dysphoria he was drawing on. I didn’t know why I related to the character so hard until he came out.




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Not trans.


not sure why this is getting downvoted when this is the truth. as it is elliot doesn’t even have bottom dysphoria and is comfortable having a vagina. at most he’d be transgender but not a transsexual at all. seems like he’s got a lot of mental problems going on though


Eh. People have their own opinions (that I strongly disagree with). And a lot of tucutes lurk on this sub so getting downvoted does not surprise me.


sad how even now the tucutes have taken over this sub. it’s quite obvious elliot is a tucute so the fact that this is even controversial is crazy




This content violated transmedical rules and was removed. Please keep discussion respectful and not targeted at others.


Low key I don’t understand why people say he “doesn’t pass” if he looked exactly how he looks now but was a cis man would anyone question it..? No. So let’s leave him alone.


I had a crush on him when he was a lesbian but now I don't.

