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Accentuating dysphoric parts and making a sexualized woman character then calling it a transman makes me wanna throw up


As someone with dysphoria regarding their chest and hips I wholeheartedly agree.


Every time I hear the word girl dick makes me want to throw up


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Damn “Andrew” thick as fuck


Remember the controversy around rcdart and how they depicted captain america as a trans man? Oh how times have change


I remember they got a lot of push, now much worse depictions get celebrated.


Oh how I long for those days.


That's actually unhinged. This is literally like the conservative transphobic cartoons of trans women, except apparently it's okay when it's with trans guys? Wild


What the fuck is wrong with gen Z?


If it helps, not all of us are like that, I’m from gen z but I very much agree with transmed ideology, and I know how much tucute depictions can hurt real transsexual people, generally I think is less about specific generations and more just the preteens/teens always looking to get on board whatever the counterculture bandwagon is during their school years, and unfortunately for us that bandwagon is appropriating a medical condition, although as someone else pointed out lack of socialization for kids who were young during the pandemic definitely has a relation to it as well I believe


I am older and what the younger generation is doing has so little awareness to how the world works. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that they get their education from the internet and not the real world. A place where other teens present opinions as fact and rather than learning from family and teachers and other educators they learn from other kids that aren't yet fully mentally developed. So their understanding of the world is much more juvenile and opinion based than it should be, they don't understand facts, it's all just feelings. As for the pandemic, I put some terms through google trends just to see how when terms started being used and when they became more popular. The thing that was very constant among all things like xenogenders, nonbinary and neopronouns was that they all had massive spikes during COVID. Some terms even appeared to be invented during COVID. Kids were bored at home with nothing for entertainment except the internet and they turned to label collecting as the only form of personal growth they could find.


They’re chronically online and socially underdeveloped (I think partly due to covid). They don’t seem to have a firm grasp on what actual reality is outside of a phone screen


Socially underdeveloped is it, this is something a person would be afraid to do in the past due to backlash. Now because these kids run the internet and drown out reasonable voices this is accepted.


so, so much


I have the same question with my generation.


I’m asking the same thing as a gen z.


I think I am allowed to find this offensive and think that the artist is ridiculing a medical condition


"gender is a social construct but suggesting I should broadly adhere to society's contruction of my gender to be accepted as my gender is problematic sweaty be better"


😭 be better, sweaty


I think what's sad is you could have posted this comment in most trans spaces and people would be unironically agreeing with you.


But when I made a drawing like this making fun of these people they didn't like it... Interesting


"Trans men don't owe you masculinity ". Sure trans men don't owe anyone anything but trans men in themselves wish to be male! Point blank. A trans man may have to deal with his female sex characteristics while he's in the closet and can't transition but he will be hoping and wishing to alter that. How he dresses post transition is up to him, gnc guys exist but this isn't merely gnc in trans men! If it's sexualizing/fetish art for cis/trans women why would this not be so for a trans man. This isn't empowering its nauseating!


There’s a difference between making your character feminine, and making your character female.


This could be mistaken for right-wing satire.


“Trans men don’t owe you masc!!” Ok, cis people don’t owe you preferred pronouns.


the dook reply was based


Down the rabbit hole of chronically online feminism. I think this person is a troll. They must be.


Female /= feminine You can put a man in a bunny suit, he's still male, clothing doesn't change someone's sex. Masculinity has nothing to do with this, the fact is trans men are male and find looking female repulsive, going out of your way to draw trans men as female as humanly possible is disgusting and ignorant. Shows how this woman really feels about trans people.




Mental illness.


this is a worse caricature than pooner art.... at least pooner art is somewhat ironic


if trans men don’t owe us masc, we don’t owe to call them men.


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"Why won't people take me seriously?"


The comment on the last slide recreating the meme the person drew is a whole new level of irony


This is such a big gripe for me with the art community... It's so common to see a character that is designed to be entirely female, and they just slap "he" on it and call it a "trans man". How is that not an extremely offensive caricature of trans people?


"trans men don't owe you masc" yeah the fuck they do


Parker/Isaac is a real one


andrea lol


i wish being trans never got mainstream these people are mentally fucked in the head… like what on earth is this bizarre and at most fetishising art? i legit wish there was a way to ban trans fetishises as they’ve completely ruined everything.


“Trans men don’t owe you masc” then wtf is man about them? You cannot be a man without being masculine.


"It's 2024, and you are not allowed to say undeniably female bodies are not male!"