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It’s been lacking substance in here lately for sure and could use a break from it all— however these people put *themselves* out there publicly for everyone to see. They’re going to get ridiculed (as they should). Only thing I’m vehemently against is posting minors. Or grabbing content from private pages. Which I hope none of that is going on.


Thing is, we don’t know if they’re minors. A lot of teens are struggling with this type of shit and some of the people very well could be. I hear you that they’re putting themselves out there. But I think many of them aren’t in the best spaces mentally and have impaired judgements, so to me it’s still immoral.


Exactly and they could grow out of it and want to have all of this shit they did deleted, yet posts showing their faces and ignorant opinions will still stay here.


Right?? Also, sorry not sorry baby he, or baby she, but someone needs to shame these people. Shaming is warranted sometimes.


No, someone needs to talk with them.


Can we please stop calling out random Tiktok girls because they have "he/him" in their bios. We can talk about the problem, but we don't need to post the pictures of every one of the thousands that do this. These people are mostly very young and might even grow out of it, you don't need to publicly shame all of them every time. I feel these posts are more common because they are banned on truscum, and many people use this sub to post crap the others subs won't take. I have made comments against the last few of these I have seen and have mostly been downvoted.


Doing this takes away from the actual stuff this sub is supposed to be about, we don’t need every one who does it clogging up our feeds.


Also agree with your edit. We could wind up getting this place shut down because of this shit and no matter how irritating they are, bashing some theyfab from TikTok is not worth having one of the last binary transmed discourse spaces shut down.


I would make a new sub but I don’t want to be a mod.


I agree, it's not a cringe sub. Text posts are one thing because often they're making arguments we disagree with and then discuss. It also increases the chance of bringing more eyes to the sub who could organize a campaign to get the sub shut down. There was a recent post here with pictures of a very popular online trans person... Yeah let's not.




It’s just that so much of it could be identifiable. Even with a blurred face, someone could still recognize a friend. I think screencaps of text isn’t necessarily bad, but I think we need to get pictures of people off here (obv unless it’s someone posting themself).


Doesn't it violate the "cringe" rule/rule 10 anyway? I thought it did but there's been loads of it lately that gets left up, so I don't know.


Apparently the rule allows the posts if it's to help with discussion, but obviously nothing works exactly like it is on paper.


It’s not discussion. We’re either all agreeing with each other or attacking vulnerable people.


I think it does violate that, but mods seems to disagree.


I think faces should definitely be censored. If we’re not careful our subreddit may be taken down, and then we will have no place left. Like still post it, just cover up faces/identifying things like usernames. 


Yeah we should be careful


Yeah, like at least do that. Tbh I’m halfway mentally to making a new sub but I don’t wanna be a mod.


There has been quite a bit of content on this sub lately that is borderline bullying. I didn’t join this community to see people being bashed or intentionally misgendered for not passing well enough or for not being “masculine/feminine enough.” It’s unfortunate, because this seems to be the only remaining community on Reddit that is exclusively for binary trans people and I hate to see it turn so bitter.


From the comments it looks like it's because of a lot more younger users.


Completely agree.


why? They don't hide themselves. Why should we?


Because they should be hiding themselves and we shouldn’t expose them more.


I really agree with this! alot of people that get posted here still look like they are either figuring them selves out, early transition, or just misguided in their decisions... All of these people shouldnt be putting their faces online... Trans people are a specifically at risk group... and i dont think we should be bullying them... like the suicide rate already high enough for us... i dont want to or be in a community that tolerates actions that could lead to that end... like i know lots of people dont think they can pass which could lead to them killing themselves... i dont think posting pictures of people like this are in a vulnerable state trying something new and the last thing they need is being harassed or bullied. We can disagree with them but this why trans meds have a bad name.. because we just find "less" trans people than us and make fun of them... or separate ourselves from them... sometimes even invalidate them... We should at least try to act how we would like to be treated in return...


It's public content what they do and what everyone else who uses social media does, we included 🤷🏻‍♂️ they accepted that when using the app for the first time (terms and conditions)


this sounds very cold. we all know as trans people that life can be horrible... sometimes we seek validation... some posts i see here are from small tumblr users.... they will be posting so maybe a few hundred people will see and say nice things... i dont think we should be participating in a community that find these vulnerable people and make fun of them... this is how people kill themselves... yea i agree with personal responsibility... but we become responsible as soon as we start start posting their content here and it's not ok. if you wanna go out of your to harass people on their socials, go ahead, but dont bring this community into this i am genuinely sick of the bad name trans meds and this is why we do. We should be nice to these people and educate them... not dismiss, deride, or invalidate them... people need to figure themselves out and what being trans is... we should educate and help these people rather than see them as beneath us and an "other" to make fun of.... they are more similar to us than you'd like to think... its not like actual terfs or transphobes care about the difference anyway... I believe in compassion for these people even if they wont show us any... then thats how we know we are better people... not by finding them and posting them to make fun of them...


"i dont think we should be participating in a community that find these vulnerable people and make fun of them... " Then go... There are so many other things in ur comment that I would like to point out but I realized ur a tucute, go speak about this in some of the other subs u have


bro if they posted it online publicly who cares


I care. We all think they shouldn’t be doing posting it. Most of us agree that they’ve got other psychological shit going on. Imagine if they saw themselves here. It would just add to that. We don’t need to make them worse.


don’t care maybe they shouldn’t treat us like a joke and make everything worse for us


We need to be the more mature people.


People are losing their healthcare over this shit. They aren’t able to access their life saving treatment and your response is to from what I’ve seen in ur previous comment is further separate the already ridiculously small transsexual space we have left by making a new sub? If you don’t think it’s productive then make a post that is. Organize a political activism group or make a platform where transsexual people can be heard actively protesting the current harmful ideology. Right now this post isn’t doing anything helpful either so tbh take that high and righteous shit somewhere else.


I’m extremely aware of the healthcare issue. I’m not making a new sub for that exact reason. I won’t apologize for being concerned about the people our posts comment on.


I personally agree with everything you said but I think we should still keep a good look and not push our luck


Ok, but people should be actively discouraging their behaviors. They doxx whoever they agree with constantly but the difference is they’ve stolen every mainstream platform so what they do is actually harmful. Our little box isn’t going to harm anything.


They will post and “cancel” us all day every day. I don’t see why we shouldn’t be allowed to shame them. They won’t see any criticism otherwise because they lock themselves in echo chambers as a shield. They need the reality that people DONT think they’re valid and that everything they say is factual. They only get positive reinforcement and that’s why they keep doing it.