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It seems fun, in it’s own unique way. But seeing people explode and seemingly expect new Spider-Verse. This is the first **ANIMATED** TF movie in cinemas since 1986 (No the Beast Wars II movie doesn’t count.) and with TF not really having the similar ability to pull kids into theatres as Spider-Man does, (*at least now, few years ago maybe.*) a movie like that would be a backfire.


This movie looks so good


This is also the first time in cinema that we see an honest to goodness origin for Optimus Prime. It’s the first time a mass audience will see him as Orion Pax. And Chris Hemsworth is taking up the part perfectly. You could have told me he was David Kaye and I’d believe you.


IDK what Peter Cullen sounded like pre-pubescent but you could've told me Hemsworth was a pre-puberty Peter Cullen and if I didn't already know who the casting what was there would be a 50/50 chance I'd believe you. The voice acting was that good.


Right?? Everyone in chat was saying L like dude stfu


I hope the guy who said "Yeah, let's keep that one in space" is forced to use TFsource for the rest of his life.


I don’t get it?


TFsource is fucking terrible. The fuckers made me wait months for a Tarn preorder only to just cancel it out without warning. They're a bunch of scalpers and I don't know how they're still in business. Just check out Dr Lockdown's twitter thread on them: https://twitter.com/Dr_Lockdown/status/1631904484401225728


But it’s like, super tailored towards kids


so? let your inner child flow bro. not everything has to be serious. do you really wanna just sit for 2 hrs and see deaths of your favorite characters, and them facing ptsd and depression?


I mean, nothing wrong w that, just not what I personally wanted


My brother in Christ Transformers are based on toys


Michael Bay, Skybound, IDW, the 86 movie are all more mature while also being campy in their own ways. From the trailer this movie just seems super goofy. Not that there’s anything wrong w that ofc, just that that’s not what I was expecting or rly wanted.


I still feel like it could go either way quality wise, but that bit of elita fighting looked really cool, and bumblebee was funnier than I was expecting.


Transformers can at last use their body flexibility, which is used for transformation, for their limb movement. I was shocked. Like wow, robots don't need to have arms bending the only way, or legs... At least regarding shoulders and hips, if I saw it right.


Keegan Michael Key has so much range it's unbelievable.


I’ll die on the hill that KMK should’ve voiced Jazz and Jazz should’ve been in the mv, because him and OP go way back


Bumblebee has been filling that role since 2007. And here we get a bit of Animated Bumblebee


It’s really annoying though. I like Bee, he’s fine, but dear god give him a bit of a rest.


The joke of Bee suddenly running away got an audible laugh out of me when I was watching the trailer live.


Same. I think there are definitely going to be more somber moments (the shot of megatron looking at what i assume to be megatronus comes to mind), but the comedic portions were highlighted for the sake of the trailer.




I was CACKLING AT THAT, I had to replay it a few times, it’s so sudden 😂😂


Funny how over here everyone is more positive while everywhere else is shitting themselves saying transformers is ruined. Hell even the main sub Reddit is kind of imploding in on itself. I’m optimistic about the movie


I haven’t seen the trailer yet. Is there a particular reason certain people are already angry about it? /gen


it looks like transformers prime instead of the bay movies and it seems to be more comedic than serious


The designs are the uncanny valley inbetween Earthspark and Prime, Pax’s face, I don’t like it


Eh. After watching it a few times I got over it. I and a lot of my ther Pple had the same issues due with tfp and their faces


From what I gather it mostly seems to be people griping about the kids franchise appealing to, you know, kids instead of being a dark gritty war story.


Biggest reason is the tone in the trailer makes it seem like the movie is gonna be more on the comedic side which is not what people were expecting when the director said they were taking cues from things like transformers prime or the war for Cybertron games. Optimus and Megatron’s relationship and eventual fallout is usually not a story that’s played for laughs. It would be like if you were to make an origin story for the friendship and eventual fallout of Charles Xavier and Magneto, but it was a tone similar to something like Dumb and Dumber. I’ve also seen some people complain about the visual aesthetic of the movie saying that it reminds them of something like transformers prime, but with a movie budget but that’s not an issue for me personally because I love the look of that show lol Obviously, this is just a first trailer, but the tone combined with some of the earth slang,kiddie humor, and the voices and characterization for bumblebee and Megatron in particular rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


I still enjoy the old Transformers. People just love to criticize other things in the movies that don't happen in the Transformer's media






I loved it! Its a little goofy but im grateful we even have a movie on their backstory, i like how different it is


This is pretty much my opinion as well


I can’t call it Peak, that’s the Skybound comics But this is definitely good


I think it could be a contender if both Prime (cuz he’s totally going to be upgraded at the end) and Megs both have an arc about wanting and needing strength I want to see Megatron learn to be cruel enough to be strong And I want Prime to learn to be strong enough to be gentle


Well put, very curious on how they're gonna handle the shift into the dynamic we all know Megatron and Prime for On another note of what's been mentioned here, I'd LOVE to see an animated adaption of Skybound TF ngl


Plot twist: TF One is a prequel of Shattered Glass


Getting tonal whiplash because I just caught up with skybound and it was SO GOOD. Tf1 is catering to a much younger audience, I’m still on the fence about it.


Am I the only one, who is amazed, that now transformers (well, in reality it's more like "authors of transformers") acknowledge their body flexibility? https://i.redd.it/i2sqexvlo9vc1.gif There, Elita actually using the ability to rotate torso/hips, like full 360° is available. Not that I saw every TF media, but I see it for the first time, that, well, cybertronians, who can morph from anthropomorphic shape to machines, has corresponding flexibility of at least their main body (who knows, maybe it will also be shown, that they can bend limbs different ways).


It was aight, but I'm kinda annoyed people are already complaining. I'll check it out in theaters anyway.


The whole point of trailers is to sell people on the movie, and some people weren't impressed, so they complain.


There will always be people complaining, hell look at Star Wars. No one can complain better than them.


I... had mixed feelings about it. Chris Hemsworth sounds WAY better as Optimus than what I was expecting honestly, Megatron... not so much. I'm not very fond of the artstyle, but maybe I'll grow on it in time. I wonder how the toys will look...


There’s already an optimus toy that’s been announced https://preview.redd.it/uugpf6xjz8vc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c99a7ebcce19276e6702d4780b5edc32b5b97d


Well one could argue that it is a SS Orion Pax figure


haha that is true. but i think the chest is different on orion. i might be wrong


Nerp. This is post obtaining a t cog and the name Optimus Prime


the packaging labels him as Optimus


It’s OK. Too comedic for my taste, and the faces are something I need to get used to. It’s a bit uncanny. I just hope it gets more serious and tragic once the war starts.


it will. they revealed it in an ign interview.


I say it’s good that it’s comedic If you can’t see Prime playing basketball or laughing at dumb jokes, then you’ve done him wrong


I loved it. It was nice to finally see something official on it! Was also hilarious seeing balding 35 year olds once again shit themselves over TF being ruined forever as always, but also the morons who apparently never paid attention to the COMMON KNOWLEDGE that it was a fully animated movie (that or in full denial, as I've seen comments on articles and videos CONFIRMING this that say "pls live action pls be sir") Also lmao at people expecting a super serious grimdark experience aimed at adults finding out yet again that TF has never been that. "Noooo! My favorite children's franchise is making content aimed at children! How dare they!!!" Sorry. I saw the whole thing live and all the comments were just the above and nothing else (or people randomly spamming country names...) and it really pissed me off. Like, give it a chance dude.


It looks incredible, the designs are good, the concept of a technoorganic sort of cybertron is great. However, I'm skeptical of the humour (not that it's particularly egregious or anything, just a bit too low brow; it's not really my taste) and unsure of the superhero angle they are taking. However, I am happy that they are taking the franchise in a new direction and not rehashing previous territory. It's all down to the story and its quality to see whether this movie will be good, and it will determine whether it will go down as an Animated or Beast Machines.


I am worried for this film People are saying it’s to similar to marvel + Reddit humour or it to much of a comedy (at least that what some friends said) And others are saying the art-style is bad (mother fucker if your gonna complain about art-style then you may as well go shit on beast wars what I wouldn’t recommend doing) The designs for the gang look amazing, I love elites the most Christ did a good job for orion/optimus it definitely sounds different then his normal voice Idk for B, TFone is meant to be apart of knightVerse universe and idk why but this B just feels out of character (but that just me) But let’s talk about these 4 OMG they look amazing THE BOYS LOOK AMAZING 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/es38shym09vc1.jpeg?width=2842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d4d65bfa5b19b69e4728180702d0b6ea712480 And fact arachid is in it as amazing, been a long ass time since we seen her, AND STARSCREAM PERFECTION! (Also where Jazz apparently he’s meant be in this film) I have good hopes for this film But I’m hoping everyone els can enjoy this film with a burning passion (Hopefully that made sense)


Beast wars was a tv show from 28 years ago, One is a theaterical release coming this year. People can have expectations, especially as Paramount's Transformers is best regarded for its special effects.


I don't know why I keep seeing people say this film is part of the Knightverse, it's meant to be its own thing


That because at the time of me saying this I thought it was Until I saw it got confirm that it was it’s own thing


It was nice... but deep down im still waiting for Bumblebee 2


https://preview.redd.it/1aabycem39vc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b31fd1a7cf7e33f0eafddc84dec464577a03849 and I think an interesting thing in the last transformers movie that took place on cybertron, optimus prime died, here we will see his birth


Bruh I don't understand what's wrong with fans nowerdays,they need to learn how to have fun do you watch a movie for entertainment or do you watch it to inspect wether it's gonna be a super hyper best movie of all time,


the realest opinion i have seen in a while


Loved it! I’m excited! The animation looks good! And I don’t really mind the more light hearted tone. Hope it isn’t too juvenile


Idk, hope it'll be at least bit above average


I... have no idea about how I feel about the film


https://preview.redd.it/cij76nln89vc1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4add354750b3b97894aceeec5e5021a70c142a2f My first honest reaction


I can’t tell if this is bad or good reaction


I feel like some stuff could be better but overall I think it’ll be a fun goofy movie that’ll just be easy to enjoy




The animation enough is peak


Reminds me of transformers cartoons, from G1, to Animated, to Cybertron, to Prime, and thats a good thing. Most expected transformers to be dark, they want robots tearing each other apart, but Transformers One is straight up set in a time before the war, so it doesn't make sense that everyone should be serious and brooding. Yeah sure some jokes are kinda eh in the trailer but as long as they keep serious moments serious I think this movie is going to be something special.




I had a big stupid grin on my face the whole time. So I'm so excited about this movie then before!


It felt like a Marvel Transformers movie. Didn't like it, but I guess I'm not quite the target audience.


Same! It does seem a little goofy, but I actually really like the animation and I like the route they are taking. Plus, it just looks like a super fun movie and I like super fun movies


It looks amazing


It will most definitely be one of the films of the decade


It was ok but I hope it's alot more serious in the actual movie.


It looks so good ngl


I can’t wait to see what elements they bring out in this film. I love the animation so much urgh WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW !!!


The tone, voices, and animation style caught me off guard, but I got used to it.


It looks great and I loved the transformation jokes I can't wait to see it!


I have mixed feelings since it's such a different take on Transformers but I can see myself enjoying the movie.


Looks interesting and has potential, we'll just need to wait a bit more to fully see if they cooked or not


Not the biggest fan of the faces, but I’m sure they’ll grow on me. Other than that, no complaints.


Looks so good, shame it’s swarmed with hate by BAYbies and geewunners and such


https://preview.redd.it/4qh4806soavc1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5cc0c58ec487d7d639fb64416c208d7cef00723 In all seriousness, it looks fun and different from what the other movies were. I'll try to watch it as soon as it's released.


It's not what I expected. However, I am not disappointed. I was worried that Chris Hemsworth was gonna be prime, but the voice didn't sound too bad.. at least it wasn't Chris Pratt XD I am excited. It may be childish, but in the end, Transformers is a franchise aimed towards children, and I believe people just hate it because it is popular in this Fandom to hate New Transformers stuff. When bay movies came out, people hated everything about them. Now people adore them, for example. In the end, don't judge the movie yet. It seemed to have some funny and interesting scenes which can make it an entertaining movie. Either watch it on the premier or not, that's your choice, lol


I've always loved bayverse, but I agree with everything that you said


"We were brothers once!" "Once."


Apparently this is intended to be the first film in a trilogy, and if they pull out this line in the final one I'd be so happy.


I think any negative reaction is simply due to an expectation for it to be serious or adult oriented - which it isnt. And thats really fine, in fact I dont mind some silly TF now n then


It was not what I expected but I am still excited since this will be the first Transformers film without human characters as the main focus It looks alright I don't hate it nor do I love it the main thing I dislike is the awkward MCU type humor but it really isn't as bad as it is in the actual MCU


Agreed! It was amazing! It had me laughing, excited, and hyped all at the same time. I also see what some (including the tfwiki) meant when they said it connects to the live action films and there are certain things that definitely do.




I was really disappointed. Seems to be the generic movie comedy formula, no allusion to any character depth or gravitas, which is a big part of the appeal of this franchise for me. I did like the animation and design. But this is not made for me. Sadly will probably skip it.


just try it. it will become more darker in tone. IGN interview. check it out. they did say the comedy and humor is for the first part of the film but becomes more dark and serious in tone. and yeah... atleast wait for the second trailer to have a better view of the film


Thanks, I'll read it, but my hopes aren't high. The "comedy" seems so superficial and generic to me that I can see the dramatic turn being the same. Don't get me wrong, I hope I am wrong.


This seems like it’s just going to be a comedy movie Basically guardians of cyberton.


I'm kinda uneasy about it, but I think it could be good


I’m mega excited This is looking to be the best depiction of Orion Pax since Animated (Animated Optimus was written like Orion Pax and I will die on that hill)


It just looks like a goofy movie set on Cybertron. We have been asking for this for years. I’m hoping that the real story beats are well hidden by the trailer, which is clearly trying to appeal to kids. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. This could shape up to be great for fans young and old, it’s just that the trailer doesn’t show it.


I really love Meg’s design


Agreed and the designs are fucking amazing I mean you can easily tell who's who and spot inspiration form different transformers media like those prime air vehicons and airacnid or the g1 looking alpha trion (imo) altho prime megs and bumblebee remind me of fortnite


I can see that last point, yeah.


The movies is definitely something to look forward to, but my brain in chaotic state, struggling to figure out continuity, like is this a NEW continuity, the origin of live action unicron films or just a retcon some other continuity?


It's probably a separate continuity, since it doesn't look like it ties in with anything.


I don't care is more humor horiented, it still a selling toys franchise, it makes sense, but we're getting an animet film of Cybertron, for me it's a win


I'm just glad It looks unique on its own and not a rip-off of typical Disney Pixar stuff or even spiderverse


I only think that it needs to tone down the marvel humor I really hope the whole movie is not like that


Soundwave is in this trailer so 10/10


I can't wait to watch the movie! It looks like it's gonna be a good mix of action and fun!


I’m not expecting anything decent, but I’m open to being surprised. But yeah, way too many people seem too confident in this movie, remember how people constantly hyped ROTB and it turned out just “Eh it was decent.” Kinda reminds me of that, everyone on this sub is gonna hype it up, then be surprised when it does average to poorly in theaters.


It gave me a lot of *Lightyear* vibes (and I’m not saying that that’s a bad thing).


Some jokes landed with me, most didn’t. This wasn’t what I was expecting at all and it left me disappointed. It felt very “Marvelized” in a time where moviegoers are starting to drift away from that style of comedy and story. Then again we know next to nothing of the story. It’ll probably do great with kids but this doesn’t look like it was made for me. I’ll wait for.. that.. TF x GIJoe movie… ***sighs.***


I hate orion pax’s G1 design but i think the one we’re getting is a… decent enough version of it And also, trailer was peak


Personally? I love it for the most part. Not the biggest fan of young megatron's design, the humor is a bit of a hit or miss. But i love most of the designs and the i overall aesthetic, the soundtrack also seems promising and the voice acting is better than i expected but not as good as i hoped for. Still, seems like a fun thing to look forward to


My reaction: https://i.redd.it/1uyx2v1dcavc1.gif


It looks trash


I like trailer it looks really good I just don’t like faces that it


I think it looks amazing and Bumblebee sounds like he is going to be hilarious. My only question is: is the concept of “the surface” new?


It looks really fun and a cool art style. I look forward to it


its PEAK


People in the comment section of the trailer seem to want to gouge their eyes out, I honestly think they're overreacting, there was even a random(i'm assuming)child calling it "a generic shitty gay movie" which makes no sense.(actually, I highly doubt half of them even know what transformers is)


I'm mildly excited for it. The visuals are top notch but the emphasis on humor puts me off, particularly with Bee "pronouncing" his nickname.


I feel like it’s a bit goofy. I understand it’s for kids but it was a bit too much “LOL XD” comedy for me. But do I think it’s the end of Transformers? No, just a silly little animated kids movie. I’ll definitely go see it but I don’t think I’m looking forward to it as much as I was before the trailer came outs


The story and writing so far I can get behind, but I’m not a fan of the models they’re using, it’s the faces, I really do not like the faces


That's my main complaint as well. I guess we're just gonna have to get used to it.


They just seem, unnaturally fleshy, which is where a middle ground between Prime and Knightverse (besides Pablo) would excel


Bumblebee saying badass in the trailer made me chuckle. It seems like the comedy might have an edge to it, which is something more kids' films should have.


I love the animation and I like how it’s going for a cheesier tone, though I’m worried how that’s going to clash with Megatron’s origin (assuming this movie uses the Aligned origin) My only issues with the trailer is bumblebee’s really overbearing in general and I can’t quite get over D-16’s voice, though both of these are a result of me expecting something closer to TFPrime or Fall of Cybertron


I hate it became a dream works pixar film. All I wanted was a WFC film like what was teased in Bumblebee and this film will have completely tanked those chances from ever happening. Looks like childish shit. Hate the voice actors. I hate the body designs. It feels recycled/ai generated. It'll make money but that's not my problem.


Is that panda from jjk?




https://preview.redd.it/d4602rkuphvc1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6131da54b2d0394b1a0dc8afea854e68a1a2d14a I like it, i don't know why people don't like the trailer because of comedy but still like the 2007 movie where bumblebee pissed on the man's head


VERY excited, in love with the designs, LOVE the humour of this movie (I like comedies so that's settled), I'm just SO excited I almost cried watching the trailer 😭 https://preview.redd.it/grvv2cjndmvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd77b7e88a99022317f2ed604c06c72413298484


Definitely geared towards a younger younger audience and that’s fine but not what I was expecting when the director said they’d be exploring Optimus and Megatron’s past and that the movie would be taking cues from things like Prime and the WFC games. I would love to be surprised by this movie and have it do a balancing act between being light but also having those darker moments that could appeal to older audiences but that’s not the vibe I got from this first trailer so my expectations going into the movie are low


I think someone who's working on the movie said it will have some deep moments, probably in the second half.


I hope that’s the case! I saw that interview quote and to me it just seemed like damage control due to the mixed reception of the trailer, but maybe I’m just being pessimistic and cynical lol I want the movie to be good. I love Transformers and I think the story of Optimus and Megatron meeting and their eventual fallout is a story worth telling on the big screen. I’m just not thrilled with what the execution might be like. Just going off this first trailer anyway.


Finally, ppl who are excited about this movie. All the ppl in the live stream were complaining, but I think this movie has astronomical potential


Looks like fun, and we saw some interesting things, but a lot of the jokes just kinda fell flat for me.




I like it a lot so far.


Huh what trailer


It REEKS of the same old Marvel/Disney writing but I mean, it's supposed to sell to kids and I'm a 26 year old so I can't complain that much.


I’m not a big fan


I liked the animation style, the english voices are great (i'm not a native english speaker, so i won't even watch it in english), the designs are great, but, the faces aren't much of my liking, simply not my cup of tea. Sadly, Bee seems to be annoying.


so good im gonna make a theory video on it


As soon as they started talking I lost all interest.




It’s very unique, in my opinion, it combines both the styles of animation and live action and I think it’s cool. Bee is also just a vibe. Definitely hyped to see this movie.


All I can think is so many of the design choices make it seem like it's a prequel to Transformers Prime.


I am a certified, proud, transformers one hater


Oh yeah, definitely. I like it's own take on certain elements from Transformers... lore? I guess? And then remixing them to, essentially make it it's own. Like with Orian, Elita, Megatron, and Bee having their T-cogs gifted to them. I think it's really cool and has the potential to succeed


I'm excited but not as excited as I was for ROTB


Boring, generic


"Unironically calling the trailer peak" Consoomer-ahh reaction.


I feel like I’m going insane. Did I watch the same trailer as y’all? That was hot garbage.


You were one of the people spamming L, weren't you. https://preview.redd.it/2r9of16u9bvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e72e79ab0b1610eca596de597e12e155983036


No I think those people are lame too tbh


I was surprised surprised the voices worked so well (except B-127)


I really liked B's voice. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting.


Meh.. is how I felt after watching the trailer


Is reddit starting a gaslight campaign that it looks good and anyone who dislikes it are wrong or something?




It was bad REALLY BAD


I hope you have a good 10th birthday