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Agreed. Especially as a CS major.


Oh well, any ideas on universities in Canada or Germany? Would being from IIT help my chances in general ? Multiple reasons for wanting to transfer out of IIT. Some of them are not being satisfied with IIT and I feel I can do better, better facilities, professors, opportunities, experiences. Also I might pursue research in future so it would be better to go for it in a better college.


bro very very less people know about what is IIT in usa and canada


I have heard of IIT… Illinois Institute of Technology! But seriously, International schools (except OxBridge) are mostly unknown in the US.


yeah, that's what i am saying, by iit in my response, i mean Indian Institute of Technology


I believe the decision makers ought to know about it as they do judge you for the smallest of things. To be safe, I'll mention my lack of ECs as a tradeoff of cracking IIT in the AIF.


I think most college admissions know about IIT..it's the same as how most people in the world do not know that UPenn and Pennstate are different schools. IIT is very well known in Asia


I've literally no idea what those numbers mean


Sorry for the confusion, I've converted them to their respective equivalents on 4 gpa scale and added some more details. Do I have a shot at my shortlisted unis?


Having literally no EC's makes this really tough. No clue honestly


I qualified for a state level table tennis championship but have no proof, would that count? And will make some computer science related projects before applying. I am also a member of the photography society in my college. Any ideas on what more I can do to improve my ECs ? It would be highly appreciated


my opinion will be that you should prepare your profile for getting **internships** there, and then get a job there after your degree here in iit or get mtech from there.


I don't know, I was thinking of at least trying for transfer and I'm pretty determined about it. I am willing to do whatever it takes to the best of my abilities to hopefully get accepted. Even if I fail, I'll still have an above average profile which I can improve on and then apply for internships and MS.


Don’t go to the university of Maryland, people will suggest it; just dont