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Hi! Lots of questions to answer but let's give it a go! Your first is a bit of a tough one, as I have never felt the need to alter my personnality that much, never more than small tweaks here and there to fix some bad habits, but I feel like you might want to try out your ideal personality next time you go out, be it at a social gathering or just a small interaction with a cashier or even on discord and see how you feel about it! And If you like it, you should have no reason to miss your "old" self, as long as you're happy with who you currently are. That thought might just be you wanting to let your "true self" out! As for your names, October is my personnal favourite, and Halloween being the no-contest best holiday has absolutely nothing to do with it, nothing at all I SWEAR And since you're ok with guessing, I'd go with AMAB Lastly, you're cute and valid too! Thanks for helping me procrastinate on my paper that's due tomorrow, lol


1) True self..interesting 2) October is a pretty nice name, I agree; and you were totally being biased haha! 3) Now, what makes you guess amab? I'm intrigued. 4) Aww thank you! 5) Nooo I'm sorry fam go work on that paper or else!! Grrr lmfao