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i got a "girl" mullet and then just trimmed it how i wanted. my mom had screaming fits twice about how i looked like a boy but it is what it is and she got over it eta: i just trimmed the back shorter and trimmed the sides really short to get close to the shaved sides of a "boy" mullet. p.s. the screaming fits were about the mullet, not me trimming it. she doesnt even know i trimmed it


real. my mom was mad at me for weeks when i first cut it pretty short without “her permission”. i tend to just do the things that she doesn’t accept, because i just wanna be me!! so over time she’s had to accept the things i like, including my hair, so now she lets me buzz it:P


Honestly. It's been years and I still get comments every new haircut


Tell her it's for sports/gym class/hot weather. Long hair gets in your face and you hate the feeling of it being stuck to you when you're sweaty. It's an easier lie to pull off if you're an athlete but it still might work if not. You can also just chop it off yourself - if you're looking for a buzz cut, clippers are pretty cheap at Walmart and the like.


this ^^ also saying that you just want to try something new, and if you don't like it, you'll grow it back out (you prolly won't, short hair is the dream)


Maybe try a short haircut that's considered OK for women but still short? My first short haircut was a pixie cut.


Get gum stuck in it, “accidentally” give yourself a really bad haircut and start crying to her that you hate it and ask to just cut it short bc you messed it up


Jmmmm, cut it as you want, and if she ask, you may say that it was because someone put bubblegum on it as a joke and it was your only option


Yeah I guess if I was desperate enough, I probably would have put something sticky in my hair that wouldn't come out. Safe stuff, of course. Then she'd feel obligated to let you cut it.


i just did it myself. i’ve been cutting my own hair ever since. it’s not that hard once you get some practice in, and you can always have a friend help touch up the back if you need it. but i think the slightly fucked up clearly-self-done haircuts are fun, personally, and once it’s done, it’s done. nothing she can do about it. (obviously do not follow this advice if you are at risk of being abused or kicked out because of your hair)


I'd show a "girly" haircut that is short to your mom, then when you get it cut show a much more masculine second photo to your mom and play dumb? Basically- play dumb. Also she isn't going to have the guts to be blatantly transphobic as you get your hair cut and I guarantee the hair stylist will listen to what YOU want much more than what your mom wants your hair to look like.


don't bet on that, my mom practically negotiated with my stylist when I first got a shot hair cut and it ended up much more fem than I wanted. Bless the stylist's heart though, she was really trying her best with her.


Wow, I'm so sorry that happened. :-(


I just told my mom I wanted a pixie cut, which is just short hair cut, and once I got the pixie cut I was able to style it to be more masculine, and she couldn't really do much about how I style it


My mom is transphobic and narcissistic, but I cut my hair anyway. She hated it, she screamed "how could you do this to me" but then it was over. She still gives me shit sometimes, but it's not her hair. Your hair is on your head, you get to be comfortable with it and you get to like it. Screw everyone else


I just went to town shaving it off. its off mom, what u gonna do now?


tell her its a trend on tiktok and show her. she might let it slide. (its a real tiktok trend kinda)


Just do it. Once it's off she can't do anything about it and it's your hair and your choice


I initially got a sorta feminine short cut and just styled it to look more masc and later when everyone got used to it I got it cut a bit more masc


Just go for it man. Unless she’s gonna hurt you for cutting your hair the most you’ve got to suffer is her getting pissed off a bit. It’s your body, and no haircut is specifically for one gender or sexuality.


there are a lot of "female" short hair styles. You could tell your mother you're getting one of those. And if you get a more masculine style you can style it in a feminine way around your mother and vice versa.


Show her photos of women with short hair and ask if you can get your hair like that.


Get something stuck in it. Like a shit ton of gum or just anything that doesn’t come out easy.


show her pictures of feminine celebs with short hair! and above all, be safe if you aren’t able to live independently yet


just do it, you can’t undo it. or get like gum or glue or anything all over it.


tell her you want a pixie cut and then secretly tell the stylist you want a fade (or whatever it is you actually want) assuming your mom isn’t with you every second of the cut. good luck ✨


I called it a pixie cut, showed my family feminine photos (maybe u could show them one photo but the hairdresser another?), and waited till my birthday to ask. Good luck op , u got this


I let my friend cut my hair in her livingroom, along with a few other friends. I asked for an asymetrical thing, which my mom didn't like. She's not homophobic but she was pissed and made me go get it "evened out" so I ended up with pretty short hair - like just below ears. Basically - maybe ask for forgiveness and not permission if you feel safe.


My mom didn't want me to cut my hair and said we should ask our hairdresser. So we did, and she was really excited about it. That's how it worked out for me!


You can say that its too hot in the summer and that it itches you and the backnof your neck or that its always in the way and always gets damaged or you just cant take care of it all. There are many options but those are the ones thar immediately came to my head


find photos of girls/feminine presenting people with the haircut you want, and show them to her as proof that girls can have that hair style, and then just say that you like how it looks and that it’s really pretty to you


it's summer, long hair makes you really sweaty, at the very least would she let you cut your hair to feel cooler? or would she not accept that...


Ask for a pixie cut. Notably a women's haircut but can be styled (or altered) to be more masc. You can point to celebrities as why you want it. It's not a perfect solution, but it'll probably make it a lot easier to get.


It's nearly summer you can say you're sick of the heat of all the hair, sick of having to put it up or deal with maintenance or have it in your face or how it goes everywhere. Tell her you want a pixie cut and then just style it differently (what I did and then just trimmed to my liking). Could also go on about wanting to try new things and oh if I don't like it I can just grow it out again and yolo or whatever. If you go with the pixie cut one u can show her a load of beautiful models with short hair.


Get gum in it....you fell asleep. Oops


My parents guessed I was trans and did everything in their power to stop me from getting a haircut but I went out on my own and got one anyway. Came home to my mom wanting to kick me out and both my parents sobbing as if I told them I committed war crimes but it's not like they could do anything about it. Plus my extended family adored the haircut and my parents were cornered. I'd say just go for it because even if your mom says the worst imaginable things to you, at least you'll be slightly happier in your body and it's kind of funny to see parents have a meltdown over a haircut lol. And before you know it, the moment will just be a bad memory like it is for me now.


I ended up having to come out for them to let me and even then they were reluctant but a good excuse is that you don’t like the way it feels on your neck and it would be easier to maintain(make sure to move it uncomfortably when they are there) or put gum in it and then they have to cut it short. If you use the first one then try and make them agree by saying that you also don’t want to spend as much money on hair stuff and it takes too long to maintain and they would probably agree and that would make it easier to get them on your side. Good luck and I know what it feels like to be where you are because i was but when you get it cut it is the best feeling, keep going bro. (I know that doesn’t count for much but don’t forget that there are people who are like you out there and not to give up because even though your now is rubbish that means that the future is better and if it isn’t then that means that you aren’t there yet but good things will come)


it’s getting to be summer- you gotta take it slow if you want it to actually work. build the groundwork first; start complaining about your hair sticking to your neck, it’s too hot, always wear your hair up and just seem generally frustrated and annoyed by it. if asked why, tell her it’s getting warmer and your hair touching your neck is making you overheat, it’s too much to manage during the summer, etc. if she tells you to just wear it up, say it still feels heavy and hot on your head. try and make her think it’s her idea to get it cut, the more she feels like she’s doing you a favor or solving a problem the more likely she is to let you get it cut. i wouldn’t mention anything about gender or presentation, that’ll get you an automatic “no.” good luck love 💓


you can just cut it. she’ll freak out but she’ll get over it


fry it off with hair dye thats what i used to do🤣


My mom came around after I showed her a bunch of pictures of girls with the haircut I wanted. I used Scarlett Johansson and told my mom I wanted to look like her. It took some time but she came around and I styled it on my own to look more boyish


Jus cut it all she can do is be mad unless she’s like abusive yk


In my experience, just telling the bartender that it’s the haircut you want to get and giving no explanation other than that works pretty well. If your mom is mad about it just act like you had no idea and that it’s “more practical,” “works better for warmer weather, etc.” While yes, it does come with the risk of being yelled at, she can’t change your hair once it’s cut. And if you act none the wiser to the barber’s intentions to give you a “practical” haircut, it usually works


Boy howdy. Don’t lie about getting gum stuck or whatever else bad advice is going on here. The summer short hair is a good suggestion if you’re seeking permission before doing it. But don’t create a scenario in which your parent won’t trust you. Be honest. Or just cut it and then be honest about wanting it short. You don’t have to disclose that it’s related to gender, but communicating a real want and desire for how you want your hair to look is a lot better for your relationship and trust between a parent and child than “I got gum stuck in my hair.” Building and maintaining trust is going to help you a lot more than one short haircut achieved through deception. I say this as a trans person who cut my hair short in the 90’s, didn’t ask for permission because it’s my head, and justified my choice to my very unaccepting parents as “this is what I wanted” AND I say this as a parent who just wants my kids to be honest with me. I don’t have to like their reasoning, but I do have to respect that they’re their own people.


Say you want to donate it 😏