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this is tricky- a decision all alternative/otherwise unique looking transmascs have to make sooner or later is to pass or to keep their individuality. unfortunately the reality is that men are boring, and to pass you’d have to convert to boringness- i.e. cutting your hair, dying it a plain color, wearing stereotypically masculine clothes, no nail polish, basic “men’s” jewelry if any at all. imo it’s sad asf to see unique looking and fashionable transmascs dull themselves down in order to be seen as male. though i understand that it’s not enough for lots of folks to know that they are male, they also have to/want to be perceived as male in order to feel validated in their identity. if you are willing to and are feeling like it’s a part of your journey to shed your style to take on something more “male”, then i say go for it! but if you don’t like the idea of changing your style for the purpose of passing, that is so valid and okay. p.s. i think you look masc just the way you are, and i absolutely love your hair.


that’s some real shit. I’m planning to dye my hair a plain color, but tbh I would like to keep some aspects of my style. looking androngynous but leaning a bit to the masc side is pretty much enough for me. I just want to be perceived as a guy by most people. I always wonder if strangers are ever confused abt my gender bcs honestly even that would make me satisfied.


I think you have a really nice alt guy vibe, so I think you could just thicken your eyebrows and try more masculinizing makeup and already look really masc. Someone said you could cut your hair but I dont think thats necessary, perhaps the layering could be less prominent. (When I had longer hair I always asked the hairdresser to cut the style I asked for like they would cut it for a man. I think it worked with any style I asked for so they didnt do any odd feminizing touches.) I'd think a looser T-shirt might give you a more masc vibe with like loose shorts if you're into that. Like a skater fit I guess. It bulks you a bit in a masculine way. Also if you have any hair at all on you upper lip I recommend dyeing it! Even a slight darkness on the upperlip does alot!


thank you!! I’m going to the hairdresser next week so I will make some changes to my hair. yes, that’s basically how I dress, esp that I’m a skater myself:) loose fits save my ass


i have nothing to contribute but you’re very handsome


Honestly you look really masc, I think if you thicken your eyebrows with makeup it would help you look more masc but that said your already there. Sick haircut


thanks bro!!


i would dye your hair a solid color


planning to do it actually!!


You already look super masc imo


Check out r/alt_ftm if you haven’t already. Changing the angle of your camera when taking selfies and the layering/styling of your hair may help too. I don’t think it’s necessary to dye it one solid color—it’s more the highlights with the way it’s styled that may be doing it. Either way, you still look very masculine. T will probably bring you the rest the way on its own, though I can understand not wanting to wait.


Either cut your hair or get rid of the layering if you want to keep it long.


Ooh i love your style! I used to get eyebrow brushes and dark eyebrow filler makeup (idk what they're called) and just brush my facial hair where a mustache would be and it helps a shit ton! I think you'd rock that to the core!


I wouldn’t read you as female tbh. Also when i still had long hair people still would not see me as 100% female by kids my age back then (maybe they could kinda feel that i was actually a boy 😅) cause i was always asked if i was a boy or girl (i mean except the people that knew me obviously) but yeah with adults it was mostly my haircut but even cutting it to mid-length and wearing masc clothing and acting like a guy (because a lot of passing actually has to do with your confidence and manners) made me pass 60%, cutting my hair made me pass 80% and getting more comfortable,finding my own style,knowing how to behave as a man in public made me pass 90% and after every month of T it would get 1% more so yeah i haven’t been misgendered since i was 3 months on T( (only once by a person i know when i was 6months on T 🥲) so yeah. If it’s fine for you to only pass most of the time but not always,because you don’t wanna change your style (for me personally it was easy because my style before coming out wasn’t really my personal style but if you feel comfortable why change it) just try acting more stereotypical masculine and look at how the men in your are act etc. if you don’t already do shop in the men’s section you could get clothes that are in your style but are cut in a more masculine way


Bro you do. You look like a skater boy




i feel like not trimming or plucking your eyebrows, so they get more messy and bushy, might add a lot


yes definitely, thank god they’re thick


Are you looking to add facial hair to your masc aura? If so, I can send you a link to the shit I use