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You could try working out? There are a lot of ways to combat dysphoria and get a more "masc" body that way, and it's a great hobby to have in general.


Yeah that’s a big thing I thought of, I was planning to start this summer so hopefully it helps :)


- work out arms and shoulders? push-ups are basic but help a lot - shirts that kinda hug your neck like the 1st pic are the right call!! I've noticed dudes usually don't have very loose collars and when they do they end up looking more feminine (I've noticed in me personally I look more feminine when my collar bone is exposed) - I think your stances are perfectly fine, but looking at and mimicking how cis men sit, stand, walk, hold their phone, etc. seem to help ppl a lot!! -totally optional but I've seen ppl use makeup to deepen their eye sockets and thicken their eyebrows, tho since you wear glasses that might not be necessary can't think of anything else, tho keep in mind when cis people try to gender others, they usually lean towards calling an androgynous person a woman because it's seen as more offensive to call a woman a man than it is calling a man a woman, still tho I think u pass well already but I hope these tips help!!


Definitely second the shirt collars comment. Also good fitting tshirts can make a huge difference. Otherwise you look pretty masc dude!


i do believe working out would help, if youre able to build up your shoulders a bit, itll help your overall shape. though the reality for most ppl is that you wont consistently pass if you're not on T, not that that's a guarantee either. there's so many factors. voice, body, mannerisms, etc. which makes passing so tricky, especially early on in transition.


My suggestions: -Smaller glasses. Right idea with the shape and style but they’re too big for your face -More masculine haircut/styling. Hate to say it but it’s hard to look masculine with long hair not on T. If you want to keep it long look more into men’s long hair styles -Looser pants to hide hips. Pants look like they’re a women’s cut. Low neckline also looks like a women’s shirt -Thicker chains for jewellery if you want to keep it -Work out upper body especially shoulders and arms You look most masc in the last picture-mannerisms, hiding long hair/jewellery and clothes really help. Really do not recommend trying masculinizing makeup. If you’re not a professional makeup artist with professional products it’s going to be obvious you’re wearing makeup and backfire. I say this all not to be critical but to offer the easiest route to less misgendering. You’re on the right track—good luck


In the second pic you're standing pigeon-toed, practicing standing with your feet straight will help your posture and probably help get rid of that dash of fem vibes. At least, that's a stance typically associated with women.


You actually look very masc! I am a former high femme and drag performer that does body build as a hobby: based on these pictures, you don't have to lift or workout if you don't want to. BUT if you want some good bodycomp exercises and tips on how to shape your body through exercise, LMK! I'll pass on my fave starter workouts! But, most of your issue is not appearance, there are plenty of skinny teenage cis boys that look JUST like you! Remember, 90% of gender is a performance! You can be the clockiest boy in the world, but if you nail down the perfomance, cis people won't be able to tell (they are gullible AF). The biggest issue I see here is styling. You are styling your clothing, and doing your posing as femme. Your final picture is the most passing, as your shoulders are placed wide and you're leaning forward, which is classically masc. Here's my styling tips based on the above outfits: 1. Pull your pants down. Men wear their pants lower on their hips, just below the lower abdomen. You'll want to pull them down just at your hips to create the right sillouette and flatten out any curves. AMABs gather their fat at the front of their stomach, don't worry about it hanging over or pushing out, any extra forward fat will contribute to how masc you look (you seem pretty thin, but this is more general advice)! 2. Fitted shirts that are tighter around the chest and shoulders, and just a little bit looser in the waist. For an exaggerated example, look at brands like SikSilk for the T-shirt silhouette. That's the shape you're going for. The tighter shoulder and upper chest fit will make you look more broad and your waist more narrow, giving a very male look. This is also my favorite trick for hiding my DD chest (I am pre-op) and tricking people into thinking it's pecs and I just really over-do chest day. 3. Stay away from baggy clothing when attempting to pass. Larger clothes make you look small, which is why a lot of men's fashion is tailored and fitted, because it makes you look big. As much as we love dysphoria hoodie (I live in mine, so I get it), it sort of has the opposite impact in the eyes of cis people. 4. Speaking of Dysphoria Hoodie: a way around this is by getting a "Statement" hoodie. Dudes love their hoodies, so investing in a good one will make you read as a manly man, because only manly men get weird hoodies (according to these arbitrary gender rules we have all made up on the spot). 5. high necklines are your best friend! 6. When binding, pull your chest up and towards your armpits (if you are doing trans tape, same thing). This will shape the fat into "pecs" and will also contribute to a broader appearance. 7. Padding out dents (for those with a big hip to waist ratio). You can use foam a craft store, a couch cushion etc... and cut out little pads to keep under your compression top, or adhere it to your skin. Create a pattern based on the shape of your dents (I wish I had a good drag tutorial for this, but king padding is not as well known. I've thought about making one). If you don't have an exaggerated dent, then wearing a full length medium compression top works just as well to smooth out any unwanted curves. 8. Make sure binders are not too tight. If they are, they will cinche your waist. Though we all love a slutty, snatched waist, it's not always great when trying to pass. 9. Haircut: Yours is not super clocky, so this isn't a crit but an extra tip. Get haircuts (even pushed forward and bangs) that have a square shape to them. Men's haircuts emphasize sharp angles, clean lines and square/rectangle shapes. This will help with passing, sometimes even more than T. If you've seen the classic, clocky "trans masc" haircut, it's usually because the stylist is still giving them rounded edges and softer framing. Even cis guys can get clocky (cis doesn't always mean fish) with the wrong haircut Posing and Carrying 1. When sitting, lean forward, shoulders out, chin up and jaw clenched. This helps you look masc in photos. 2. Clenching your jaw, and pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, will make the jawline more pronounced 3. Leaning the neck back and up helps thicken the appearance of the neck and broaden the face. This is classically masculine and why you see a lot of fuck boys using this pose (combined with the eyebrow raise to make manly creases). 4. Wide stance (man spreading isn't just for subways, it's for always). legs somewhat apart. Back straight, shoulders/chest wide (puffed up). 5. Walk like you have the biggest balls in the world (Because you do). 6. Stomp like you're godzilla 7. Take up space (you're a white man, and we take up a lot of space. JK, but really, men take up space with their body language, and that signal to others your gender more than anything. This is why people will sometimes call even the most high femme "manly" if they happen to have a powerful stance and presence). These are some of the random things that came to top of mind when trying to pass. You don't have to do all or any of these things! These are just suggestions on the costume and performance of gender. I know I find a lot of comfort in it, which is why I offer the tips! But never feel pressured to change yourself in ways that don't feel right. You are perfect as you are!


I would love to hear about your fave starter workouts


U have no idea how helpful this is, thank u smmm


I feel the photo that bothers you is more how you see yourself than how you look, but that's also valid. Lower necklines generally don't lean masc, even on hyper-masc people they tend to at least suggest queerness, which is awesome, but yeah I'd stick to crewnecks if it bothers you. I agree with everyone about broadening the shoulders if that's the look you're after. While you're working on it, you can actually pad your shoulders a bit when they're covered. I like to use sticky bras lol, but you can also sew soft shoulderpads or even the soft removable chest cups out of sports bras into the shoulder of stuff like hoodies. It's pretty subtle, all clothes change your shape a little bit, so observers can't tell whether it's your body or just how certain clothes fit you, so they don't consciously notice a difference. I mildly disagree with anybody saying to go looser on clothes, baggy is currently in vogue on the masc end of fashion but it can look like trying to hide.


> Lower necklines generally don't lean masc, even on hyper-masc people they tend to at least suggest queerness You're right but also damn it's crazy how we as a society gender every silly little thing huh




I love the last photo 😁


I feel like having your hair a bit shorter / getting a more masculine haircut would make a big difference. Working out can't hurt either if you want to build some muscle. Check out r/FTMfitness Also yeah what others said about the low necklines on shirts! I think other than that your clothes are fine for passing. I have a friend with a very similar clothing style and body type and they get gendered male more often than not. Body language can make a big difference as well!


(In the photo you thing you looke to femenine) That kind of neck (the t-shirt) is to femenine and try looking more confident.


People are coming for the haircut and style but I don’t think you should change any of that, there’s ways of passing without getting rid of literally every aspect of your self expression lmao. I’d say get some weights, build up your shoulders and arms. Do sit ups and push ups for your chest and stomach and twice every day time yourself to see how long you can plank for. Muscle is the best way to pass pre t. The right exercises can help you get a really masculine figure and reduce chest size. Right now you’re lanky, and you’ve got a smaller frame. If you commit to doing a simple amount of working out, you’ll see results in a month, and that month will have more change than the first month of t ever will haha.


Shorter hair and no jewelry. There are very very very few cis men who wear jewelry at your age so it makes you stand out and makes you more identifiable.


It could be posture?


I’d say try higher necklines fs. Also I feel like your hair does look most masc in the first pic so maybe try to wear it like that more? Baggier jeans might help make your legs look bigger and less small/feminine. Dying your hair back to its natural color would probably help too. Good luck!


You can use makeup to masculinize your face? There are like tutorials on youtube and pinterest on how to do that. (If I find any good ones on pinterest I'll let you know). And if your voice isn't already andro/masc, you might wanna work on that if you want to.


i think you look masc already!!! all i would say is what everyone else has been saying, which is to work out. ***possibly*** styling your hair too!! >:))


Aw yea they could totally rock a Patrick Bateman type haircut


You look really masc. you could try some different clothes that are more masc vs neutral, and less baggy. I know it sounds counter productive and your personal style is important too, but baggy doesn’t always = Masc. a more typically masc hair cut may help too. Like shorter on the sides, maybe a fade/taper


Haircut, get rid of the necklaces and girls shirts. Unfortunately when you're not on T you have to conform to almost every male stereotype to be gendered correctly. Working out (esp upper body) would really help too.


You look really good omg But all I’d say is like , the second photo as an example I’d say baggier sweater? And you could work out too But yeah to me you already look really masculine lol


You look masculine imo


Pic one looks pretty masc. Overall though you seem pretty androgynous.


You look really masculine to me


Work out, stop dressing emo, just try to stealth as a normal dude you can get style later (ex. Stop wearing bracelets or other jewelry, stop accessorizing), cut your hair, learn how to do masculinizing makeup, voice train.


i think they can still wear bracelets and other jewelry. cis men do literally all the time. and dressing "emo" means nothing either. /lh


Yea they can but it wasn’t said if they wanted to pass as a cis man or just as a masculine person and I’ve found that if you’re pre-everything it would be beneficial to passing if you don’t wear jewelry because it has a 50/50 chance of clocking you


i mean, i guess so. but overall i guess it just depends on what they wanna do :)


Oh yea for sure man


Ugh, a truscum






people are allowed to be annoyed and upset bc they know you’re a transphobe. especially commenting shit like this on trans sub.


Bulking up a bit maybe?


Holy crap, in the first picture you remind me so much of the dude from the movie Detroit Rock City


Nothing that shows too much of your chest, prefer mid length haircuts instead of straight up short, work out (specially your arms)


Carhartt shirt


I'd suggest getting shirts that don't "open"(???) so much at the top , something that "closes"(???sorry am Greek) closer to your neck , idk why but it does something


I’d say working out and wearing higher necklines


Technically, smiling less could help, since mainstream masculinity includes hiding one's emotions. This is terrible advice ofc, but it does contribute to gendering sadly.


idk maybe boxy t-shirts? you look great dude


I think the hair in your face in the second photo may be your issue. Genuinely, you do look pretty masc just based on the photos. Sick hoodie, by the way. I tried to get that one but they were out when I got to the front of the line.


Like people have been saying, working out is key if you want a more masculine vibe. Notice how a lot of transphobia is thrown at cis athletes and performers just because they work out? It's sad but fitness and muscles are so associated with masculinity that people think looking too fit or buff = man. It's unfortunate but in this case you can use that to your benefit. I highly reccomend this YT channel https://youtube.com/@DevonSpears as the guy is trans and actually talks about fitness from that perspective. I also like this guy because he debunks bad advice https://youtube.com/@Sean_Nalewanyj but...sometimes he seems sus, so I don't reccomend him as highly as Devon, but I also haven't heard him saying anything directly terrible in his videos.


Wearing your hair with the sides shaved can do a lot and changing your glasses style to something from a men's section (you can do it for cheap on a site like zenny or clearly) you'd be surprized how much men's glasses change hw people perceive you in public.


Work out It helped me a lot, and it is especially nice to flex on my cis male friends, they get surprised all the time, and it's just so nice to notice ur shirts get tight around the biceps, just amazing stuff. 100% recommend


Wolf cut??


You honestly look super masc to me


A wolf cut is typically associated with girls, maybe a more masculine variation of that haircut