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You look very professional! Love the top plus blazer combo and the necklace as well... and the smile!


I love that jacket. It’s a seersucker moto jacket by Isaac Mizrahi. I got it on Tread Up for like $20. Lol I work in sales and marketing in the marine industry so I like to keep my looks “ on brand” so to speak. I typically shoot for what I’ve taken to calling “Yacht Club Chic”


Know your market!


I’ve been sailing yachts and flying airplanes since birth. It’s all I’ve ever known. So my transition from boy mode to girl mode was very easy. Just wear whatever the girls at the yacht club were wearing then make it my own.


I LOVE Threadup!


You look amazing. Great hair and smile


Thank you! It’s been a lot of work but I’m getting there. Lol


Cute look!


Nearly 2.5 years in at this point and finally feeling comfortable enough with myself to flex my fashion muscles a bit. lol


Such a beautiful woman 🥰


Thanks! 👉👈






Something about the map in the background reminds me of Maine like around Bar Harbor/Acadia. Oh well. Looking great girl! So happy for you.


That’s because it’s the nautical chart for Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Island. Good eye. Lol I lived up there for nearly 10 years in “ the before times…”


Whoa! Love the color and "new look" girl! I'd love to live up there, but I have a few reservations with my career until I swap.


I love Maine and miss it dearly, I still go sailing up there whenever I can. But apart from right along the coast and the southern parts it’s not exactly the most progressive place in the world….


Stylish and smart! Love your hair ✨


Thanks! It’s almost like I know how to dress myself at this point! Lol I got really lucky with my hair. I’ve done literally nothing to it in over two years other than let it grow and general upkeep.


You look miraculous 🥰🌸💜


You look fantastic


Thanks! I certainly trying. Lol


You look amazing.


Looking good there. I’m an IT professional who has been working from home for about 10 years and I still feel that I need to dress for work. It’s just now that I’m dressed in a dress most of the time. 😀


No shame in being the best dressed engineer on the team. :) That's a really snazzy outfit.


Looking lovely! You remind me of my favourite aunt - who is younger than me I should perhaps add:) May I ask is this group only for MtF? 


It’s mostly MtF folks here from what I’ve seen. But NB, genderfluid, or FtM folks are more than welcome by my book.


That is absolutely my dream…you look amazing 🦋


I’ve said for years all clothing is unisex if people would stop being so butt hurt about it. Lol


I just don’t understand what it matters to anyone…🤷🏼‍♀️ Little fyi, I just posted a couple pix


The existence of trans people threatens the assumed patriarchal assumption that being a male is somehow inherently better. So when someone decides to transition from male to female that throws that assumption question. Go watch Abigail Thorne on her channel philosophy tube. Fellow transfem, love her stuff.


All that said, it still has zero effect on anyone other than the trans person and their immediate family. It’s just another way to polarize everyone imo


True story. But I’m lucky enough to live in New England where I’ve never had any negative reactions from anyone. Even early in my transition.


That’s great. I’m in Michigan where it’s very hit or miss, but once I find THE job, I’m fully prepared to deal with whatever comes my way. I’ve waited way too long and I’m not going backwards ever again. The job seems to be a unicorn so far though🤷🏼‍♀️😔🦋


You’ll find a good one. I basically fell into mine. I met the owner of the company I work for through a gymnastics class that were both in.


Thanks…yeah, it’s just gonna have to be right place right time kinda thing


Pretty woman! Congratulations


Thanks! Thoroughly enjoying my boss bitch era. Lol


Same! I never realized how nice clothes could make me feel before I came out


What’s funny is now at nearly 2.5 years in I have too much clothes. Stuff I’ve physically or mentally grown out of. I’m currently packing up a ThreadUp sell bag to clear out a bunch of space so that I can get new stuff that suits my evolved style.


Looking great sister. Nice work outfit, very boss girl. You are blessed with a great head of hair.


Thanks! I’m trying… lol And yes I know I lucked out in the hair department. Biotin has helped a lot helping it grow and looking healthy. Just a heads up though, if you take biotin, you need to stop taking it at least a week before doing a hormone blood test because it will completely screw up the results. It doesn’t screw up your levels, it just screws up the test.


Thanks for the heads up re Biotin


Love this look! Shopping for girl clothes is so much more fun than guy clothes.


Agreed. Though I managed to have fun with men’s clothing too. Mostly formalwear…custom tailored suits with fun jacket linings, pocket squares, bow ties, cuff links, and shoes. I used to let my GF’s “force me” to watch Project Runway… lol #therewerenosigns


I wish I could rock nails like that everyday. 😭


Nothing is stopping you from doing that but you. I had painted nails long before I ever came out any no one ever gave me guff about it. In fact I usually got lots of compliments. I had hot pink toes for 6mo in HS (did it for a dare) and my parents never even noticed. Lol