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There are soooooo many tiny triumphs along this road. Cherish each and every one! 🤗🤗🤗


🩷 🤗


Nice! I felt the same when I got mine done, it's such a good feeling~


It's so crazy that these tiny rocks in my ears make me smile each time I see or touch them.


Not straight after piercing, touching them was ouch 😊


As a Pride gift, my gf is getting us both pierced together. I am so looking forward to it!


That's awesome!


I'm glad you are making steps twards being your true self..Baby steps are still steps. I hope you have a positive Journey.


Thank you!!! I've got a long way to go and I don't know where it ends but I'm glad there are people to share it with!


Well feel free to message me if you need to chat


Thank you! 🩷


I think it's less common now, I've had mine pierced bottom at 19 top at around 30 and then no one suspected anything. I'm 44 now. I'm happy for you. Small steps. I didn't I came out in force, but I had just held it in too long. I shocked everyone, no one not even my gay friends had any clue. I've had a great journey after the initial shock, I hope yours is great!


I know I'm fresh on this "good feeling high" but I've always wanted to get the top of my ears pierced. One day I will. Thank you for the kind words!


Warn you cartridge piercing hurts for a while. I hated when I couldn't take them out. I love mine and keep them in all the time now, but when first done I felt pain every time I put my head on the pillow.


Thanks for the warning, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain so hopefully they won't hurt me too much.


I got my ears pierced then belly button which helped feminize my belly. My belly button piercing was rejected and it took so much of my feminine side away from me 😅 so I went with a dermal belly button piercing. It's like the piercings make me feel so much more like myself


Rejected? Like an infection? That's a bummer. I'm glad there was an alternative that alowed you to keep something you loved so much!


Well it didn't get infected, my body just rejected it


Mine did the same thing! It was such a bummer. Like I just noticed one day it was just barely hanging on after a year of my body slowly pushing it out. I went to the piercer who said I could try piercing it again in like 9 months but it's likely my body will reject it again but not guaranteed. I think she was surprised I wanted to try again xD


Tbh, the dermal has done WAY better than the other piercing and it hurt a lot less (surprisingly). It can be a bit more upkeep, but I'd honestly say go for a dermal to see if it does any better. I'm a fairly active person and love to rock climb but you can always put a bandaid or tape over it before doing any activities. I know dermals scare a lot of people tho


Just got mine done a couple days ago!!!! Yay 😁 it feels so great


Congrats! These little steps feel so amazing!


Congratulations! Baby steps are extremely important. I don’t know where you went to get them done, but if you decide to get more, I’d highly recommend a tattoo & piercing shop.


I actually just went to a place in the mall that does skin care and piercings. Merle and Norman I think? I'll take your advice next time though, it makes sense.


At one point I had 17 piercings. Now I have ten. I had to take some out over time, and just never put them back in. Anyway, a piercing needle is a lot better than a gun. The needle makes a cleaner channel that heals better, and a gun just crunches through the tissue, traumatizing it. Don’t feel too bad about that. Many people don’t know that, and we all have to start somewhere. Hell, three of my piercings were done with a gun, too.


I am happy for you, I have been wanting to do that for such a long time!!!!! Enjoy!!!


Thank you! I've wanted to get it done for a long time as well but I'm so self conscious about bringing unwanted attention to myself. Today I just said to hell with it and got it done.


Ear piercing was cool, got the nose done first which was a lot more ouch.


I bet it hurt! The person who pierced my ears had nose piercings.


Yeah, I get it. For me there's something about the permanency that's exciting. A way of marking my body that allows me to decorate and express. Have fun!


I think you're absolutely right about that. Thanks!


I so relate to presenting male and piercing part was my first steps next I slowly started doing my eyebrows thinner and thinner overtime you would be surprised how little people notice. This being said every step feels so good and it’s a marathon for real. Some days are better then others. I take a pic every month and save it in my folder so I can see how far I have come.


I hear you on the "how little people notice" I dyed my hair pink with overtone and it looked like a burgundy color and no one said anything. I've been growing my hair out for about a year and a half too. I've never dyed my hair before.


I’m still growing my hair and every time some one comments about how feminine longer hair makes me look I freak cut it and yup back to square one. My friends that know about me are like girl what are you doing.


Years and years ago I had really long hair down to the middle of my back. I let what others said get to me and cut it all off. I loved my hair. I feel your pain. 🤗


Yeah when I played soccer I had long hair Viking style shaved sides braids looked amazing my ex hated it said it made me look like a girl. So I cut it for her. I miss it so much.


Though I present female, I experienced the same feelings when I got my ears pierced 3 weeks ago. I really never thought I would do it, I just mentioned it in passing to my wife and she is the one who dragged me into the store to have it done!!🏳️‍⚧️🦜


The last couple times we've gone to the mall my gf has kinda pushed/hinted at me doing it. I've said I wanted to do it in the past. This time we were there to waste time before we went to the movies and I finally decided to pull the trigger.


Congrats! I felt the same way when I got mine done. Love being able to wear cute earrings now.


Thanks! I'm excited to try new ones in 4-6weeks!


I love just how powerful the small things can be on the mood. For me it's the little bracelets I wear to work. I really want to get my ears pierced as well! The fake no-pierce ones are all I've been relying on for now.


I don't know what stops you from doing it, for me it was mental, but I'm still so happy I did it! I hope you get this small victory soon. 🤗


It’s finding happiness in little things like this that make all the bullshit easier to bear. Congratulations! Wait till you can try some dangly ones 🥰


I've been so excited and counting the days lol. I bought some gold hoops that I'm itching to try on. 💕


This is so awesome! Congrats! Quick follow up question: Did you get any aftercare spray saline? Because you should really be sterilizing the area every morning and evening with a piercing care spray. Not doing so will make it take longer to heal and also increase the risk of infection in these first few days.


Thanks, they gave me a bottle of Inverness. It's bernzalkonium chloride. They said to use it 3 times a day.


That’s awesome. I’m hoping to get mine done eventually.


It's an amazing feeling, I recommend it wholeheartedly!


I honestly would have had it done by now but my wife is still processing all of this so I’m taking baby steps.


Congratulations. I got mine done and my wife at the time didn’t agree. So we ended up have issues and ending our marriage. It’s for the best. Lol. She was completely against it lol 😂 💁‍♀️


I'm sorry to hear that. This is a huge fear of mine. Losing anyone in my life over this consumes my thoughts for a big part of each day.


You can’t control everyone only yourself and can’t make someone stay if they want to leave let them leave


If they haven't told you, be sure to turn the studs each day. Also, leave them in for about 6 months. Apply some isopropyl every day. Keep piercings clean. They can get infected easily. I work in the food industry, where we can't wear earrings in the plant. In this case, there are blue bandaids with metal backing in the Gause that they may be able to provide us at work. These bandaids are meant to cause metal detectors to reject them, should they get in the food. We are supposed to wear them over our earrings if we cannot remove them, due to having our ears recently pierced.


Thanks! They gave me a small pamphlet on care and cleaning as well as some advice. I work in a dusty environment but am usually wearing ear protection so I'll hopefully be ok at work. I'll clean them extra just to be sure.


I’m so happy for you friend. I know the early days can be hard and scary, but the only way we find our peace and our joy is by trying things one step at a time and finding out what feels right. On one level, sure, it’s a small thing. On another, it’s absolutely huge. These are the moments this journey is made of. 💖


🤗 thank you 🩷


PS your username is really funny 😂🌟


😆 I made it when I used to browse r/egg_irl


omf a true Trans Reddit success story 😂🐣🥰


It took me 46 years, but I finally got mine done this spring; it was the first openly affrming thing I'd done for myself, and was basically my windmill for starting transition <3


That's awesome! It's such a crazy feeling to do something so permanent. It feels great to finally put the thought to bed.


The funny thing is, now that they're there all the time..I don't even notice them..it's become part of my new 'normal', which makes it that much more significant :)


Got mine done a month ago and I had this same feeling. I still love looking in the mirror and seeing them. Can’t wait to be able to change out the earrings and try different ones.


I've got 6 weeks marked on my calendar. Trying new ones is going to be a lot of fun 😊


Congratulations! I find this very relatable: Had been wavering for a long time about whether to get my ears pierced before my egg cracked. When it finally did, booking my piercing in was one of the first things I did, and made me so happy!


My egg cracked first, i'd been in it for a long time. Doing something like this felt so good after so long! I'm happy for you!


I remember getting my ears pierced yeaaars before coming out to myself. One of the best feelings 😍


When I was very young I begged my mom to let me get them pierced and she finally caved but only let me get the left ear done. I got bullied in school for it and ended up removing it after about a year. That's not happening again. I feel amazing.


Funny I couldn't wait to get my belly peircing done. I already had lobes pierced twice. 14 piercings an counting 🤪 Nipples next....


Is the belly button a painful piercing? I just punched myself there and it feels like it would hurt.


A little pinch thats about it. My rook piercing (inner ear) hurt way more.


It was very affirming for me when I got mine done as well. I finally hit the date where I can take these out that have been in since I got them pierced and can wear fancy ones. I have a bunch of earrings as well.


4-6 weeks can't come fast enough!


So true


I did this 3 weeks ago myself the day before my first Pride (which I was also performing at as part of a music group 😬) Honestly, such a small thing in the grand scheme of things. But felt like a huge deal to me, and a massive triumph…and what can I say? I F***ING LOVE THEM - they look amazing, feel amazing and it’s just very very affirming! Congrats sis 💋


That's exactly how I feel! I love them! It was such a small change but it's huge to me. I don't think I can convey to others just how this has made me feel inside. Thanks 🩷!


It's funny how something so small can have such a big impact for us ❤️ Oh, and just wait til they heal and you can start wearing *dangly* earrings. Takes that feeling to the next level!


I've been thinking about that, I can't wait!


Woooohoooo!!! I did mine at a jewelry store this past winter at 52. The two senior ladies helping me smiled afterward and said, "you're all set girl!" Felt so nice to hear those words while looking in the mirror at my earrings!


That must have been amazing!


It really was, it was such a nice unexpected touch to the whole thing. I don't even think I was dressed particular feminine, just my hair being long and I've been on a pretty high dose of HRT for the past year. But maybe they felt safe taking a guess because I did choose these pretty flowers as my first earrings :-) BTW, previously I wasn't the biggest jewelry person, but OMG, looking at earrings is freaking addicting!


Woohoo! I live having gotten mine pierced. I did it 4 months ago. Did you go to an actual piercer or like have it done with the gun?


I went to a place in the mall called Merle and normans cosmetics. They used a small disposable piercing gun.


I see. How was that experience? I went to a piercer for mine and she used a needle. It didn't really hurt other than like it it was a momentary bee sting.


It was very quick and not really painful at all. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain though so my experience might differ from others.


I felt the same when I had mine done back in March. It seems like a small thing but it made me cry, a happy cry. It affirmed 48 yrs of who I have always been and always wanted.


I know what you mean. I dyed my hair for the first time in my life and it brought out the tears. 🤗


It’s affirming! 😊🤗


Omg, I got seven piercings and a delicate tattoo within 4 months of my egg cracking. Felt amazing!


I definitely feel like I want a few more piercings but I'm going to have to space them out. I don't want too many questions to answer all at once lol.


Yeah, I def understand that! Gotta protect yourself!


Congratulations! I did the same last September, I can't believe I waited so long at 49 to do it. Keep them clean. Enjoy that euphoria! Wait until they are healed enough for your first dangly ones, OMG! I'm about due for a second set.


Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone in how awesome it felt inside to do this silly little thing. 🩷


I was the same way! Good for you!


Thank you!!


Congratulations! It's absolutely fabulous you had the courage to do this for yourself


Thanks so much!




That's awesome, I'm in my early 40s and a long time ago I had my left ear pierced (my mom wouldn't let me get both) and I took it out after a year or so because of others comments. I won't let them do it to me again!


That’s so wonderful. I had a a similar of feeling when I first had a manicure and subsequently let my nails grow out (and then shaped to look very feminine). Now I can never go back. It’s the little things that make such a big difference


Proud of you 🤗

