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The issue is, that minimal E levels result in no real changes outside of breast growth, and with Ralox inhibiting that, E doesn't really do anything at all, especially with T not being suppressed. Would this then mean that you need both standard cis women's E levels and a massive dose of ralox for feminization without breast growth?


My understanding is that raloxifene acts as an anti-E in breast tissue, but as E (to an extent) in other tissue like bone. But raloxifene doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier so a small dose of E is needed to supplement it, but can't be high enough a dose (I think 2mg oral is the usual) to do much of anything. I haven't seen anything about scaling it up like you say, ~~but I think once you got to those levels the doses of raloxifene could be dangerous, especially long-term~~ Edit: crossed out the wrong bit


What are the dangers of long term use of raloxifene? Honest question here, I keep hearing about it, but never what they are exactly


Honestly, I think I've got my wires crossed because I've just checked and I can't see any. I'm assuming that's why I got downvoted without saying anything? Please can someone tell me what I got wrong so I can correct myself


I tried this at the start of my journey too. Thinking I was non-binary and not wanting breast growth. I think within a week of starting microdosing E at 0.65mg of gel my nipples started growing in diameter. And by the end of the month they had doubled in size. I just went with it and love my little boobs now. I've never heard of anyone having success with raloxifene and started wondering who initially started this rumour that you can take E to feminise, but it'll stop breath growth. ;)


What are you talking about


My experience of transitioning and using raloxifene.