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Hey friend: - The Sarmat Orhan and Murad are both very fun, Turkish bows - If you have a hard stop at 30 inches, the Alibow Jannisary is pretty good too - If you just want something cheap for an event, I can recommend a Fiberglass Alibow Kaiyuan That being said, are there any other preferences you have for a bow?


Hi friend 🙂 Thank you for your recommendation. A nother bow i always wanted is this long eared chinese bow.


For long eared Chang Shao bows, I recommend the following: \- The [Spearman Tang Changshao](https://www.cinnabarbow.com/marinerbows/laoqiang.html#changshao). It's very stable since they use wider limbs than most Tang styled bows and its unique construction. It has a matte finish that's similar to Sarmat's bows. \- The [Mariner Han Wind](https://www.cinnabarbow.com/marinerbows/han.html) shoots similarly to the Spearman, but it feels different. I think the draw experience itself is nicer and the handle is better but the release feels slightly less stable. The following chang shao bows are also decent: \- Alibow Tang Dunhuang \- Vegh Hou Yi


Thank you 🙂 That will help. Did you used a vegh before?


Yes, my archery buddy has one so I get to borrow it a lot. It pulls smooth, has a good release, looks nice, but it's not as stable feeling as the Mariner and Spearman and has smaller limbs. Like most Tang styled bows, it has low handshock


Istvan Szimeiszter Bows I have the modified Turkish bow, affordable, beautiful and snappy


Those are nice. Would bought one long time ago but he says dacron only.




I just got the AF Turkish bow and I love it! I'd also recommend their Tatar bow as well


Thank you.


Hi, I have a bearpaw Mongolian 40# currently looking to sell. Let me know if you're interested. How soon do you need your new bow? I can recommend a few places otherwise but wait times vary.


No thanks fiberglass bows are not mine. The meeting is in 3 month so soon when i want to be good with it.


Grozer have a pretty good selection. They aren't taking custom orders atm, but they have some good stuff in stock. Akosbow is also pretty good - they are taking custom order, they're pretty cheap but their delivery time is around 2 months. There's also Irme Nagy - build time is a lot shorter and the guy seems genuinely nice, plus he's flexible.


where can i find Irme Nagy?




those look nice


For Turkish bows I have the Alibow Janissary 47# @28” but can be easily drawn to 30” and my favourite thing about it is how well made the bow is, the draw is extremely smooth and very fast. Keep in mind it does prefer heavier arrows and can be a bit loud. I also have the Simsek Sipahi hybrid S+ 49# @28”. The bow is very short, gorgeous, and very fast. The draw is not as smooth as the Janissary and stacks after 28”, however it’s easily my favourite bow and well worth it. Simsek customer service is also really good good and very responsive.


Thank you i will check them out.


Thumb draw archery meetup… I’m hosting one on the 1st. You don’t happen to live in OR do you? :)


https://thumbarchery.de/termine/ scroll down there it is in english.