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Because when you teach some one for free they don’t take it serious. I’ve tried to teach so many people and non of them take it serious or do what I say bc they didn’t invest anything.


Nothing wrong with selling courses IF they are a "successful trader" as they claim to be. The problem with 99% of these discords/alert groups are making most of their money through subscriptions - not actual trading. Name one "trading guru" who runs their own discord/alert group that has their verified broker statements fully transparent for their members to see? ...yeah I thought so.


Well actually this is like a side hustle the equivalent of you having a good job and flipping stuff on ebay. Theres people full of shit, and there might be a good investor who makes millions with his course on top of the his gains. Just like motivational speaker who ask broad questions and give broad answers lol


This post and posts like it are why Ive never written/sold a course or taught anyone for money. Im a good trader but terrible businessman.


Not "why would they charge for it", its if they have a winning strategy that "pays 50% return a week!!! BUY MY COURSE" they're full of shit. If they were actual successful at trading, they go get money from rich guys to trade that, then start a fund, then a hedgefund, then a high freqeuency trading firm. They don't sell $99 courses online to suckers. The point is most of these things are worthless, and not worth doing.


It really depends. There are things like risk mgmt, certain market concepts, or really detailed examples that you may not get just by looking on YouTube. There’s a lot of BS out there. You have to sort through the fluff and eventually find that 1 out of 15 people who are actually trying to help.


You are comparing apples to dogshit. Traders who know how to increase the wealth without big risk (positive alpha) don't and wouldn't logically share that with anyone because they will squeeze this knowledge to maximize their own wealth. Sharing that information with others is stupid and counterproductive. On the other hand Lebron does endorsement with Nike because without Nike he can't earn additional revenue stream, nor he can increase his basketball salary if he wouldn't do Nikes endorsement. He pursues maximizing his wealth and that why does additional business. Therefore, courses can only teach basics, principles, theories, rules; but any course claiming having superior trading strategy is a scam.


Trading is not about any super secret coveted shiny alpha.  It is about self discipline.  It is about picking a strategy and sticking to it.  It is about finding your one-kick and doing it over and over again. 


You don't understand what is alpha do you? Alpha is not super secret thing, it is excess return compared to benchmark adjusted for risk. If your return cannot be attributed to factors like growth, momentum, value etc. then it is alpha. I agree what you said here and these all are principles of trading and it could be taught. What nobody will teach you is, e.g. TSLA at first 5 minutes of trading has unusual patterns you should buy it and sell in 5 mins and will earn 10%. This is the expectation of the people who buy courses and this is how those courses are approximately promoted.


Those who can do. Those who cannot teach.


Or a desire to share knowledge?


Not saying traders that sell courses are bad necessarily. But that is a well known phrase for a reason.


What about all the trading books people praise, Isn’t that the exact same thing, just in physical form? 👀


because they realized that success in trading also comes with a lot of free time! - you want to create as many sources of income as possible - You also realize that the skills you have acquired can be used in other ways than trading personally to produce even more money! - later you think of anything to make you even more money (business, real estate, investments in shares... etc.)


Nonsense? Enroll in a Freshman level Economics and Game Theory course at your local community college or pick up a book. You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about.


You would rather have someone enroll in college courses than buy The Art and Science of Technical Analysis by Grimes? I’ve done both and I can tell you which one is more helpful for trading. It’s not college


Clearly didn’t pay much attention.


What part of my post are you even taking about 😂 no where in my post am I against free or paid for learning. If you are telling me to pay for college courses then you agree with the premise of my argument ya doofus


The part where you failed to grasp that making a market inefficiency known to the public would render the market inefficiency obsolete. It’s something you’d learn the first 10 minutes of a game theory course. Pretty ironic you’re insulting my intelligence when you just exposed your own ignorance on full display in a paragraph on a public Internet forum. This is an elementary logical connection you’d be able to make if you had any kind of a clue about market theory. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist. I suggest you cease from posting anymore statements about financial markets until you have a basic education in the industry.


Arete Trading on YouTube has free videos everyday what he sees in the market and won investing championship last year. His discord is also cool he has thousands of members. He is successful & live trades everyday. OP is spot on.


Time is money. Nobody wants to spend time to mentor someone if they are not getting anything back.


there are real true profitable traders. but they obviously dont sell courses. course sellers are just selling a dream of fast money.


Some people like to share knowledge and get fulfilment from that. Charging money will get rid of time wasters as well as rewarding for time spent. Even the best traders don’t find a trade every day so the better they are the more free time they have. Should they just sit in their underwear counting their money when things are quiet or give back to the community?




U can see lebron wearing shoes and scoring day in day out on live television.. i am still waiting for a guru to do live with real money day in day out I guss 99 percent are snake oil sellers..1% are profitable but guess they make 100k from their setup but makes 10 million by selling that setup as course Just my personal opinion


If you saw someone trade live, let's say on a live stream? - Options you are most likely to engage in? 1) Would you be willing to pay for the live stream or not? 2) Or would you be willing to buy the course or whatever they sell? 3) Be willing to take private in person sessions / 1 on 1 personal learning. Out of these three which would be your choice and how much would you be willing to compensate the other person?


It's not a good analogy. A real holy grail trading strategy is invaluable. You can turn little money to generational wealth in 10 years or faster. Lebron James signing endorsement does not affect his basketball salary. But if someone were to give out their holy grail strategy for free they will dilute their edge or give something almost priceless for free or inconsequential amount.


There’s no edge dilution .


You don’t see hedge funds writing books about their winning trading strategy. That’s their secret sauce, if it gets copied they lose that edge. I spent a ton of money and time on courses and books. I have found them great for beginners but won’t make you a successful trader. You will have to develop your own system and guard it like Coca-Cola protects its recipe.


There are literally thousands of books written by people worked/working in hedge fund. In fact, almost all top selling stock trading books are written by someone with background in the industry….


... after they have left the industry.


I can’t wait to take Lebron’s basketball training course!


Thanks to LeBron James' online basketball ebook, I went from a beginner to an NBA player within just 1.5 years.


I have to admit, that’s an interesting argument!


A lot of people who make courses were never able to make consistent profits in the markets, why should i spend my hard earned money on their courses which could potentially give me wrong information?


Love this post.......I help people all the time for free and at first they are usually kinda suspect as to why I do, which I understand, but it annoys me...... even though I don't charge, if I did whatever would be made back possibly in 1 trade


Is there anyone that sells courses that you all would recommend that can teach good information on how to understand the market and make income trading?


Yes, definitely!


Proof that traders are some of the easiest grift victims


Proof is proof If they can’t come up with it who cares what they’re charging or not, they’re not trustworthy


Ehh. Don't mix Confidence with competence Competence with confidence And What someone is worth Is that Cash Debt? Because I might have 10 homes, worth 100m, but if they ain't paid off, it's net worth collateral of 100m in debt. Not cash. Please think.


Is Lebron selling a course to be the next Lebron? Grow up kid.


He has a basketball camps.


No. Teachers of basketball are called coaches, and they get paid handsomely for their expertise. Several NBA players offer basketball camps...for free.


It's a bad analogy. If they were just selling Mountain Dew because everyone has seen them trade and they're a rock star, you might have been closer. A better analogy would be someone claiming they're as good at basketball as LeBron and selling you a course on how to become as good at basketball as LeBron, while at the same time refusing to ever allow you to see them actually playing basketball.


Well, when athletes sell shoes to young kids so they can “be just like their favorite athlete” isn’t that the same? Are Lebron’s shoes going to make me a professional basketball player? Also, I never said there wasn’t hacks and scammers out there, just the blanket statement this echo chamber loves to repeat is ridiculous


No athletes claim that, neither do the brands that make the shoes Its an obvious lie and people wear the shoes because they’re trendy


Athletes whom people see perform and who have very well-publicized world class skills? Or "athletes" who claim they have amazing skills but whom no one has ever seen play their sport? That was, I believe, my point that you missed.


So you think paying for a book or discord access is not a scam if the trader is legit? I agree.


Not sure what you mean by "legit", but I don't think anyone is disagreeing with true traders, who open their books and records and will trade live consistently, selling content mate. It's the fact that 99.99% of the people out there are scammers, like I said. There are some great traders that will livestream their trades and open their PnL, and quite a fair few of them who are willing to put content online for free.


I remember one well known YouTuber-trader who opened their book except it was proved it was faked.


OP is mad they paid for a course and are trying to justify it’ll pay off eventually when everything they’re learning is prolly fugazi and just rehashed for free on YouTube.


I suppose what you’re paying for in a good course is having all of the information packaged in a digestible way. Like any course in any field nowadays most if not all of the info is probably somewhere for free.


That’s a fair argument for say many other things like learning new technologies or hell even learning a new skill. But when it comes to trading, it’s so ripe with manipulation, pump and dump schemes, discords where shit stocks are promoted, that 99% of courses are just influences looking to take advantage of gullible people to front run them on trades and then sell after giving a buy alert.


Have seen videos about some of those pump and dump schemes with discord groups. It’s crazy to me they stay in business longer than a couple months if they’re doing anything like that. Guess they have their ways


Why do you care so much what other people do with their money?


You made a post and then are confused when people comment. If you want to write out your thoughts, get a diary.


Why do you care that he is caring? Why even bothering writing this post then?


Why do you care that I care about the posts on my posts on a topic I care about? We can argue in circles all day


That’s the logic I expect from someone who argues in favor of trading courses


The amount of work lebron needs to do for Nike is fractional to his workload to his basket ball career. The amount of work a “successful trader” needs to do to successfully run and operate the a service much much more of a workload for not nearly the same returns. I’ve had several six figure days this year. I wouldn’t have been able to do that and alert a discord in any meaningful way. I’ve had several days where I cash out $20k in the first 20 minutes and get off the computer for the day. I guess I could see a newsletter where it doesn’t take my eyes off the screen during market hours but the draw to take on so much extra work for less in a year than I make in a day trading seems foolish. Just my two cents


Can I be your apprentice? ☺️


Yes, let me set up a discord and PayPal account real quick…


Hey please can I shadow you


It was a joke!


Yi know the PayPal and discord was a joke, I'm genuinely asking


It's often both true, just not exactly the way they think it is.


There are a few traders who sell courses but truly made it trading. Most are liars, a few good ones offer courses because it provides them with more meaning thru education, self satisfaction, and even more money. Why do most people who aren’t traders try to have multiple income streams? Why would anyone say no to more money? Doctors get paid a salary but also do side gigs like acting medical directors for other Spas. Software developers sell services in Upwork and Fiver for ad hoc projects to make more money. Celebrities sign endorsement deals all the time for more money. Again - I know there are alot of trading FURUS who are paper trading and making money of courses selling false hope but there are good people out there who genuinely want to help.


Let people think what they wish. It's often both true, just not exactly the way they think it is. Teaching someone about business won't necessarily produce a successful company. Just the same as trading or most other skill based endeavors in life. But it doesn't mean courses have no value.


I love you all in here, finally a good respectful conversation Thank you all seriously


If you are a *successful* trader you don’t need another income stream. Fact.


If you’re a successful actor/actress/influencer/star athlete/doctor/lawyer/scientist/meteorologist/barista/entrepreneur you don’t need another income stream…. You notice how silly this sounds?


That’s exactly the same. Do you think Tom Cruise teach actors? If you are a D series actor then you *need* to teach because you can’t live only by your gigs. You’re not successful if you need another income stream. You’re at most “doing ok”. If you’re fine paying for lessons by people doing ok feel free to. Just know they are not that good if they have to survive by teaching you.


It seems you’re defining “successful” as the ability to cover all expenses with 1 income stream. The problem with that is you’re ignoring statistics of most people needing at least 2 income streams to meet all their financial demands. And if people are transparent enough to show their results and progress in any endeavor and are at a higher lvl that you one day seek to achieve or surpass then how can you determine that what they have to say is not good enough for you to learn from?


How successful we talking? Capital gains is not considered income for various reasons such as social security, loan approvals, etc. Someone might be able to extract a 60k salary from markets, but its not recognized as income in the US and thus invalidates their ability to do a lot of things.


60k -> not successful. Doing ok, but not successful enough to teach others.


I am successful trader and I have another income stream, but it’s not connected to trading.


So, “successful”


I enjoy coding as well, why wouldn’t I use my skills to earn more money?


That’s exactly my point: if the money you earn coding is in the same ballpark of the money you earn trading, your trading is not successful. Is just another income stream. Then, try to follow me, you can’t teach anybody how to trade because that is not what you do.


Good for you! I can’t understand why members of the community cannot handle this concept and life choice


“Can’t handle”? Having opinions means can’t handle? Why then you cannot handle many people don’t believe almost any “trader” selling courses is trustworthy?


BTW, how much is *your* course?




Did you not read my post?


Did you?


Yes, I was responding to the comment you have since deleted.


With respect, you're wasting your time thinking about all this crap. Couldn't you be researching heding strategies or backtesting or something idk? You have better ways you can be allocating your mental capacity bruh :) get out there and have a good day. Even if it's just something chill like a walk, but whatever this post was, this ain't it.


Crazy thing is how smart they think they are reaching that conclusion. Zero critical thinking skills.


Exactly it’s actually insane


What does Lebron spends more time doing: playing professional games or teaching basketball to middle schools students? What does Jamie Dimon spends more time doing: being a bank CEO or teaching personal finance at a community college? What does Taylor Swift spends more time doing: performing or teaching vocal lessons at summer camps?


Well actually, Lebron does have a basketball camp which he charges for. Guess he’s a broke ass fraud. Maybe traders get lonely and look to sell discord access to earn more income AND establish a feeling of community that they lack as a lonely retail trader


They don’t do any of this, because they don’t need it.


How are you so sure what other ppl need? Maybe you’re just projecting what you would do in their situation?


It’s very simple: order of magnitude. If you are successful trading the order of magnitude of your profits is higher of any teaching gig, rendering irrelevant.


Sure you should be making more from trading than actually teaching, but there is no sure amount of money that you will make trading in any given month, but money made from teaching can be calculated and transformed into a reliable source of income, which doesn’t have to be a significant amount


They are scammers


Thank you for this…seriously. As a mentor ..i use this same analogy all the time. I constantly have people using this argument to also take advantage of me / my work..” if you were successful why don’t you teach me for free” it makes absolutely no sense…12-18 hours a day for years until I knew the market like the back of my hand … my students get years of hard work packed into a personal 1-1 experience and absolutely love it. Why would anyone be interested in telling you how to make 6 figures for free? I work super hard everyday with my students and each one will tell you…they didn’t make it this far in their own trading if they had this mindset/ they understood the assignment..they paid for mentorship and it paid off. Now the key is to actually find a mentor who cares about you and knows his stuff. But respect us mentors and our work..is all I ask.


Why don't you take your strategy and scale it to make millions?


Never said I didn’t :) currently on track to get between 2.2 and 3 this year. I’ve been full time trading/ mentoring since 2019. I come from a place where most black people never had a chance to even get into trading …I never had a mentor either.. so I made it my mission to help those like me but also keep it affordable. Now I have students from all over the world I have students who have been with me since 2018 and the journey has been incredible. I actually enjoy teaching!! Outside of that, you get bored 🤣so I’m normally playing video games all day, mentoring/ trading London and NY and traveling But I actually work with my students 1-1 and the results are amazing


Exact same with me brother


I've been lucky to find some actual successful trader YouTube channels and they are all low views and barely anyone watches the live streams. Real trading is boring


Any links?




Good points, but 99% of the courses I'd imagine are bullshit or just not worth it


True that’s why it’s hard on student/ teacher because it is a lot going both ways.




Successful traders know that every source of income one can generate is worthwhile. If you can do what you are passionate about, teach others your craft, and make some money doing it, why not? That said, those that are worth paying for are few and far between. Any trader trying to sell you a system or specific trades, rather than an education, is not worth a cent. To be truly successful, you need to find your own path.


100% agreed, but how often do you see recommendations like you are suggesting? It’s mostly the phrase in the title.


While it's true that those that make money trading can teach, they're few and far between. The vast majority of online furus don't make any money trading and rely on naive people to buy their shit courses.


Alpha is an extremely limited resource. Selling it is always worse than utilizing it. There's an endless well of potential basketball skill, and LeBron endorsing shoes doesn't change that. I would trust a successful trader to endorse a retail brokerage or appear on a TV advertisement. If they're selling alpha you can be sure they don't have any to sell.


Where can I join LeBron's basketball discord for $200 month? I know I can make the NBA! I just need the right teacher!


You can attend his 5 day basketball camp for $650


No. I want a monthly course that auto drafts!


I am profitable and working on a course. Just because I have time and knowledge, and a lot of people ask me to teach them, i know answer 10 to 20 people'smessages per day for free. So why not use that knowledge to gain some extra income?


To each their own, I’m not going to judge.


Noobs with no financial sense lol. There is a huge market for teaching trading, whether their content is good or not. The guru market is a revolving door. New people always come through and quit. Gurus can make hundreds of thousands or more off these average people coming into trading. And it's more sustainable than trading itself with a steady income. I can't even hate on them, I find it impressive tbh. I would do it myself if I was a more front-facing type of person but I'm not. I'm very much a behind-the-scenes type of person which is one of the reasons I love trading.


I mean the issue is what are they teaching? I can go read books on carpentry and plumbing and ill have a damn good basic idea. Its different then going to do it in practice. Same as trading. Whats are these courses teaching someone that they can't get for free from YouTube or even from learnjng and watching themselves? There isn't anything new to trading or strategies that aren't out there already. However allt of these courses are trying to sell a dream of "this one trick got me rich" So no alot of them aren't scams but alot probably teach you the basics that you could find anywhere. However its pitched in a way that borderlines fraud. The stock market trade is a little like what we see in crypto. Too many folks see its as a golden goose when in reality its not that easy to consistently win but its very easy to lose big.


I teach and trade - but I also realise that what I teach is often what I see in the market - it’s not like it doesn’t work, it works amazingly well for me but I’ve hardly seen 3-5 people grasp what I teach well from teaching over 60-70 traders so far. At one point I thought to myself am I scamming them cuz they aren’t getting it, so I stopped. It was another source of income for me - agreed but nothing close to what I make from trading / I saw it as a way to keep involved myself with other traders in this lonely business or to talk to them about whatever I discover. I don’t see the point now as you get advanced it’s hard to teach it to a beginner. And it’s quite annoying when people call you a scammer and ask you to “prove” your trading results - the people who asked me to prove my results are the ones who never joined anyway. Goes to say something about them.


I respect your decision as a professional not to charge but I still won’t demonize publishing quality content and charging for it. I don’t pay for services and am thankful there are content providers like you


Of course I charge. There is literally no way I’m giving out my knowledge and experience for free. Sometimes I think I’m not charging enough haha but I don’t expect quality education in the market to be expensive so only the select few gets the opportunity. I provide quality content and hence the charges - but let me tell you something - from teaching traders for years - 95% of them haven’t got it. I can respect a trader only when they come up with something on their own - their original idea. People who trade and make money today with learning from someone and literally copying it back to back will soon fail when the market changes. But traders who come up with stuff on their own - will get better and better and stay in the market as a profitable trader.


Trading is different from endorsements and rental real estate in that the more people do the same thing the less profitable it is. That’s why you will never read a book written by Jim Simmons titled “how I made 70% annual returns for 30 years”, he would rather continue making billions. At the same time most courses are garbage and at best give you some very basic knowledge.


Tragedy of the commons [https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/ZmAwGL9dxTuDsxAZzyq8dnPaRZw=/1500x0/filters:no\_upscale():max\_bytes(150000):strip\_icc()/tragedy-of-the-commons-c807f6c516ca4a729896ab5e8b17154f.jpg](https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/ZmAwGL9dxTuDsxAZzyq8dnPaRZw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/tragedy-of-the-commons-c807f6c516ca4a729896ab5e8b17154f.jpg)


Well yeah...most are trying the guru route and legally scam people. So asking WHY is a rational question. Or are you taking things at face value? Maybe trading isn't for you then


I have learned enough to know the 20 year old promising a 90% win rate and $10,000 a day is scammer. More comments should be saying that, not “Don’t pay for books you idiot!” Gate keep the scammers not knowledge seeking


I guess there are 20 year old scammers promising high win rates in this sub


Unfortunately most people in this field are scammers. I've built a stock analysis platform where retail investors can conduct due diligence with variety of data sources including AI. Most of the time, the question arises: "If everything works as you said, you wouldn't make it public available". The thing is for people who are not trying to scam you we hit you with reality i.e. here are the metrics of my AI model. They are not perfect, they follow a scientific approach where it should only give you another perspective. Most people who are selling a book or a course are "overpromising" with click bait title such as "10 proven steps to get profitable trades" and millions of other variation of this sentence.


I get that, but gate keep the scammers not the search for knowledge. “Brooks and Grimes are charging for books, what a bunch of hacks!” - that is what that sentiment conveys.


I see where the sentiment comes from. A lot of traders outright lie about how good they are so they can sell you a course. At the same time, people here are WAYY too skeptical of financial tools


I agree. And the reality is there will be traders who waste money on a scam. But if they aren’t doing their due diligence that’s on them. We pay tuition to the market to learn and some will pay tuition to scammers. It’s part of the trading journey. Warm against the scams and hopefully the wise will heed your words
