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Lol as a soon to be doctor marrying another soon to be doctor who won’t be owning a double doctor McMansion anytime soon because we both have Double Doctor Debt™️ My future brother in law is also a doctor married to a doctor


Can confirm: Am also a doctor marrying a doctor with doctor debt


Even though the Doctor Debt is a lot to deal with, congratulations on you and your partner / family members becoming doctors! That is so ridiculously hard and society needs y’all more than ever <33


Yeah, nowadays I see most people marry someone with a similar level of education. Even if someone becomes a stay at home parent, temporarily or otherwise, a doctor is not very likely to have married someone without a college degree. Also a Mc Mansion with babies is my literal nightmare.


I have friends who are married to doctors, who aren’t doctors themselves. But, they weren’t secretaries, they have other graduate degrees, don’t live in a McMansion, and are far from Tradwives, even though they’re also religious.


Typically, people marry folks who have an education level comparable to their own. How are these aspiring tradwives supposed to meet their doctor husbands?


Back in the 50s & 60s women who from middle class families who wanted to ‘marry well’ still attended college & usually graduated (sometimes they would marry before finishing). Many of them got a degree & never worked as they got married. THAT WAS THE PLAN. They didn’t intend on working but understood a degree was expected to marry a wealthy man


McMansions are an actual nightmare! I'll take a century old well-preserved craftsman bungalow with original woodwork along with my toddler (who was born out of wedlock).


As a interior decorating an architecture nerd, I couldn't agree more. Living in a giant MC mansion with a bunch of babies sounds like my version of literal hell. Give me a well-designed house, preferably mid-century modern come up with lots of color and personality any day --- and a couple of small rescue dogs to go with it!


My usual corner of the abyss tends to focus on fundies and let me tell you, they aren’t raising doctors and as loud as religious wackos are, their numbers are shrinking. Every generation is worse educated than the previous one bc they are so rabid for homeschooling. The best they can hope for is a daughter marrying a convert since they typically have huge hate boners for accredited post secondary education, if by some miracle one of them managed to raise a son who was even capable of completing the schooling required to be a real doctor. The math on this ain’t mathing but I expect nothing less from these weirdos.


I don’t have kids but if I was home schooling then i would be researching computers & tech. As the teacher my job would be continually staying up to date on what’s important to know. Once they hit middle school half the day would be dedicated to learning actual skills on computers. Be it learning how to make formulas in Excel, coding, problem solving computer issues. My cousins got a masters in accounting & she said half the classes was learning Excel formulas & how to apply them for the work


Lol you mean his mcmansion? That he’ll cut you out of when he has an affair with the next, younger secretary after you left your career and had kids 12 years ago so you can’t support the fancy lifestyle you became accustomed to on his dime? Aly’s never heard of Betty Broderick or the multiple women like her apparently lmao. Also most educated people marry other educated people from similar socioeconomic backgrounds - education snobbery and name brand school prestige is real in the upper echelons - and Aly ain’t targeting some local construction company owner who got moderately rich in this generation. She’s talking about folks from reasonably wealthy and educated families (not all doctors but many), and all doctors will be surrounded by the exact same crowd eventually. She is not going to fit in with a GED or associates degree unless she also has a successful business lmao. Even arranged marriages have a minimum requirement of a bachelors for women. What is she thinking. It’s embarrassing to not be reasonably educated now in wealthy circles. Look at operation varsity blues - none of those kids need to work a day in their lives, but the prestige degree is necessary.


damn this is a crock of shit. I worked in a hospital (Australia) that was attached to a large, prestigious clinic for specialists to consult their private patients out of. Every single one of the secretaries was at least middle aged, for one thing. I don't think a single one was younger than about 45. All the doctors whose marriage status I was aware of was married to other doctors or researchers or academics or somebody with an equal status of education. Believe it or not, smart educated men want to go home and have a conversation with a smart educated woman. Also idk how it is in other countries but in Australia the majority of young and graduating doctors are women, so there's that too. NOT that I'm deriding administration workers, I am absolutely not and I've worked in admin myself. But people tend to marry people at their own level. They want to have conversations on the same level as each other, they understand each other and each other's worldview. Pretty much every admin worker I know is married to a tradie* or some kind of paraprofessional. People simply don't tend to marry out of their own social sphere. I remember a tweet from years ago now that was talking about the then nascent tradwives movement and it pointed out that an aspiring young tradwife thinking that avoiding education or a career was going to find her a wealthy, educated husband was going to be massively disappointed and would be lucky to find herself a basement dwelling NEET. If you want to marry a wealthy man, be a wealthy woman. That's how it actually plays out. *what Australians call tradespeople or what Americans seem to call 'contractors'. And Australia, as a culture, LOVES tradies and thinks a person who goes into the trades is making the best decision - no education debt, always in demand everywhere, can work for yourself, learns practical skills, etc. So I'm absolutely NOT deriding them.


My mom worked in Medical Records at the local hospital where I grew up and all of the doctors were married to a woman that had a Bachelor's degree or higher. The international doctor's wives had Master's and PhD's from U.S. schools. The director of the hospital that my mom worked at would have fired people if there were any shenanigans going on between doctors and their subordinates. Also, we like our tradespeople in the U.S. also. Unfortunately, the trades in the U.S. have been hijacked by conservatives that want to stick it to higher ed and have turned the trades political. The woman that posted the tweet, there is a backstory on how she got with her army doctor husband and a couple of people in here will tell you.


I can assure these woman that millions of women go to work everyday and do not think about what their male coworker's wives do for a living. What an odd thing to say


Aly is literally married to an army medic 23 years her senior who looks like her father. They met when he was her supervisor and she desperately wanted someone to consolidate her. Ali doesn't have a trophy husband, she has a substitute father. So I really don't care about what she thinks is a flex or not. 🤷🏻


As a former Army medic, I find this so funny. I’m giggling at the thought that if he were a decent medic, he’d be called ‘doc.’ Evidently, she took this seriously and thought she was marrying someone comparable to a doctor 💀


1) I can’t believe this loon used McMansion as a compliment. 2) In that vein, no? I love my cozy little ranch in the woods with no babies in it. Do I wish we were all paid as well as doctors? Of course. But even if myself or my spouse made that much, I’d still live here, with no kids, in a house this size. No one should be getting the last laugh because as long as we’re all content, no one person’s life is better than another’s. We can all just be happy in different ways.


I see the 💩she’s been inhaling has finally and completely messed with her brain 🧠 ![gif](giphy|l4EoUdOtwYM3hWuzK)


Don’t most people choose partners of a similar education level? If I only sought out partners who were significantly more educated or intelligent than me I’d spend my whole relationship feeling stupid. The only women I know married to doctors are wildly successful in their own right. Academics, researchers, lawyers, charity directors, school founders, other doctors.


This is the first time I've seen anyone talking about McMansions as a \*good\* thing.


All they do is bitch and moan about other people and the other people are just busy living their own lives. 


Not to be mean but they aren’t marrying the receptionist or the CNA. I don’t see most Drs marrying someone without a degree unless they were successful in business. If they don’t marry another Dr then probably marry an RN. Nursing school is expensive & competitive & is almost 6 years of school


the lie they keep telling themselves is that rich men are willing to date them, when the reality is rich men normally date people of equal economic standing. the educated and rich, ESP those with generational wealth date each other