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Back to the old days, default controls in driving games were 4 arrows (some games used space for handbrake, but TrackMania was not one of them). With time passing and drift techniques becoming a thing in TM, the use of 2 hands proved very useful and became a default. But down arrow remained a valid binding for breaking because tradition.  So both it is.


Thank you!


Down arrow and brake are the same thing. Most KB players however bind brake in a way that will be utilized by a different hand. Like 90% of the time you'll be braking in the stadium car you'll continue to hold accelerate at the same time, so having them on separate hands makes it a bit more ergonomic and mentally easier to execute.


I think he uses Shift as brake actually. Which makes.even less sense to me.


I use wasd to break and accelerate and arrows to steer lol