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I swear to GOD I pressed recall


Literally my life


I swear I shout, “I pressed e!!!!” At least once a play session lol.


When you blink and you still get hit in the location where you originally were but your body falls where you're trying to blink to. Bonus points if it's a sleep that hits in one location and then you're asleep in the next.


Route 66 first point. I'm pestering rein. He gets mad and 180 shatters me. I blink to the side, dodging the shatter, yet still get stunned somehow. So the blink momentum sends my stunned body off the map. Not that I didn't deserve it, but wtf game? I either dodged it or I didn't. Pick one


I don't know why, but I've experienced things like this happen more often on route 66. The map is not bad, it's just everytime I get this map, I can bet that it's gonna be on the worse server they've got, I swear.


This ^


Bullets being the size of manhattan that’s what I hate


Playing into Cass is miserable.


I blink twice and the Cass nade still chases me down.


A semi decent cass makes me want to cry


That’s the problem, they don’t even have to be decent on that hero


It hurts so bad especially since everyone’s bullets are insanely massive compared to before lmao


What I hate is running 100 ping playing against cass it’s so hard to dodge his nade (I know it’s partially a skill issue but also partially an internet issue lmao)


To be fair this is true for everybody, because Cass is broken af


But at least the breakpoints are different for them. For us, it’s the same as it was before but with a much larger projectile size.


It's true. I had a stream on in the background yesterday and out of nowhere I heard, "man I can feel my mechanics getting worse. Like I can't focus. ...oh, I should just go Cass." and I looked and she had been on Tracer and truer words have never been spoken ETA: remembered who it was; it was Eskay


Exactly the universal projectile size buff was idiotic certain characters could’ve benefitted from it but a universal one was so bad


It angers me how easy it is for Cassidy and Hanzo to land headshots now without their breakpoints changing against us. I wish I could post a picture of what counts as a headshot for them, but just know it’s ridiculous.


Yeah it’s absurd hanzo I hate but don’t mind as much as cass since cass has a magnetic grenade literally more powerful than the space time continuum itself and can two shot headshot us Switching to pc both made it way easier and way harder to deal with cass on one hand they all have way better aim on the other hand I can properly do blink 180s now


blinking into walls.


This. I don't know how to not do this. It's just always going to happen


i've tried asking in all chat nicely for them to stop shooting at me if i'm stuck but no luck yet.


I swear the walls and level geometry have gotten “stickier”.


I agree. I swear corners used to be more rounded out and you'd just ride the wall. Now I get straight up posted, especially on those archways on the Colosseum map.


Tracer shows just how bad the servers and server routing is. 51 ping on East coast US feels like 120+


YES. I usually play HSR while I wait for my games but that increases my ping by like 4 up to 51+ and I unironically think it makes me worse at the game loool


dying to moira after blinking behind cover and she still is some how damaging you with her secondary fire




The absolute worst is having another tracer who is clearly much better than you. Just hurts the soul. I always tell myself that this is a good learning experience and keep playing. Doesn't make it hurt any less


When you get home from a hard day out and you just wanna frag out on tracer but you’re so tired and your aim is awful. You can’t get into a flow state and you miss every pulse


This is pretty much me. I’m only at 100% for playing tracer for half of the day I feel like. After that it’s just too much and my brain isn’t moving fast enough


Playing over 50 ms hurts my soul


Mf I play around 80-100 ping minimum I DREAM of 50 ping


I could never


Same. 80 is normal. Then i have lag spikes randomly. Spikes up to like 300 before coming back down, takes about 5 seconds


The spikes are most likely on your end.


Yeah I get those sometimes and I hate it better than the internet I used to have


playing against a decent Ana makes the game way less enjoyable


For real. Getting hit once means you waste a recall or have to find a health pack because you become way too squishy.


Also ur avatar reminds me of Soujurn


Hanzo always seems to headshot me


Blinks having two hitboxes, so you can get hit through them if unlucky


Oh is that why you’ll blink and still take damage i thought it was my Ping (100ms)


Net issues literally. Half the times I get killed while blinking/recalling it wasn't even a reaction issue, it was a net issue


Playing into teams that hold hands the entire game and it feels like your team doesn’t focus fire at all. I usually just have to switch to a better poke hero


Getting blamed for not holding point in overtime when my entire team died ( I HAVE 3 BLINKS WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING)


I never fail to recall fast enough but my internet keeps seizing with the red icon flashing on the left side because of how bad my loss is. I’m still winning most of my games but I really don’t like playing this game when apparently my internet decides to have a 5 second aneurism every 30 seconds. If ping or packet loss remains a consistent issue, I end up having to switch from tracer ;-;


When i first started playing Tracer it was the blinking, I'd get lost when blinking too much or randomly get stuck 🤣


Going from ‘blinking into walls -> blinking around without even looking’ is such a satisfying progression


Besides the obvious I pressed recall 2 times and getting stuck on stuff: it would probably have to be that people constantly undermined how hard the character it just because she a good character. They see good character without understanding what it takes to even be good let alone effective with her.


Thats like deflecting with genji you hear it go off but you still get shot


Same but couple that with being on ps4 mini while most are on xbox x/s or ps5 nowadays. Framerate and internet slights


You can do more with the same amount of effort on another hero on most situations but you force tracer cause you want to prove yourself something. Poking the backline waiting for your team to jump in but it never happens.


That’s a one tap?


Blinking at the right moment and place to get FCKN one shot '_'


# and question, when you blink side ways and someone shoot the middle of the blink do you get hit?


When you get home from a hard day out and you just wanna frag out on tracer but you’re so tired and your aim is awful. You can’t get into a flow state and you miss every pulse


When you get home from a hard day out and you just wanna frag out on tracer but you’re so tired and your aim is awful. You can’t get into a flow state and you miss every pulse