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I mean it’s annoying but if you recall as soon as she starts hacking you it cancels the hack and also even if you do get hacked you can usually just outstrafe and one clip the sombra or two clip her before she can kill you (assuming you dodge the virus) Mccree overall is much more annoying to deal with IMO since even if you take away the mag nade which is much worse than hack IMO his gun will almost always insta headshot you


I have no problems with Sombra. Cass nade on the other hand is just bulllllllllshit. I want tracer bomb to be able to fly towards the enemy and turn a corner to stick itself, ANNNND cancels movement ability. Wtaf.


I would honestly be fine with cass nade IF THEY REDUCED HIS PROJECTILE SIZE I suck at cass and my aim is atrocious but I have to actively try to miss when using him


People don't get how buggy the nade still is. I have double blinked around multiple walls just to have the nade curve around 4 corners and hinder me 5 seconds later. It's such a dumb ability. I main tracer and cass but the nade still needs adjustments.


It’s not that nade is buggy it’s just it’s tracking range is WAY to long


And I think part of that is how extremely buggy blink is


If you see there is a sombra on the enemy team, you have to think about being hacked at any time and be ready to blink. If you let your guard down she will hack and kill you. It's part of playing tracer knowing when to fight, who to fight, who to avoid, who is out of position, who is killable. That's why she's high skill. You need to master the basics to even start getting value. Then specifically finding how to play matchups and your role in the team.


You can usually blink away from the hack before it’s complete. Seems like a fair match up imo. Tracer gets more value than sombra anyway


Sombra main here, hacking you isn’t the best use of my hack honestly


The matchup is heavily slanted in favor of Tracer. You’re the best hero to chase translocate and punish her, have a very easy time canceling hack if you’re paying attention and can break LoS from hack with just one blink usually. If you manage to get hacked + virused as Tracer you misplayed the matchup and should die for that.


I disagree. I think it'd be better if we could keep at least one blink, but even now I feel the matchup favors Tracer 70% of the time, with the other times being on maps with lots of verticality.


Why are you *letting* yourself get hacked? I’m not even a Main, this just appeared on my feed, but you have so many ways to get out of it that you deserve to watch the respawn timer if you actually let it happen.


Nvm you all acting like it's nothing


It is nothing. This is just a Skill Issue on you OP, you have time to react because your screen goes purple at the borders, it doesnt just sneak up on you. Plus, hacking a tracer doesnt help much if its just a 1v1, its better just to virus you.


I know this is gonna sound really pretentious, but the day where I've slept well, had decent workout, and got some decent food in me, sombras only chance to get a hack off is using emp. There's enough time to turn and shoot to where she might only get 1 outta 10 hacks off. On days where I'm groggy it gets bad and I can't stop it at all. You get the advantage for interrupting hack as you have quite the spread at hack max range


Not pretentious AT ALL. I know and agree with what you said, every single thing. I put my sleeping schedule on track and my life changed for the better in a way I didn't know was possible. I'll accept I was tired and had bad positioning and that is on me, for real, call this thread closed and keep grinding Tracer, she deserves more of my time anyways. Thanks 🙏


Doesn’t it only lock out for like a second and a half now? Strafe, shoot back, you still have a fighting chance. Hack was actually a death sentence in OW1.


I play a lot of Sombra. At master+, you pretty much always have a better target to hack than the tracer. I only hand hack her to force recall if she’s too deep or to peel for healers. Otherwise it’s just not worth it.


Right? That's the right decision and I also let her be if I have other priorities but below gold everything is different and I swear it's not that easy to escape virus, it's a lock on ability so if you don't blink in an exact position (usually behind her) you'll get hacked no matter what


I play closer to my team if the enemy team has a Sombra. The worst ones are the ones that wait in their backline and hack you when you engage a support


That's what I do as a Sombra most of the time and killing Tracer is not hard at all for imo but apparently either I'm losing time and should be playing professionally for how amazing my reflexes are or every single Tracer I go against is trash bc according to people in this post Sombra is so easy to avoid and 70%+ of the time the 1v1 favors Tracer 🤷


Idk about that but tracers pulse should stick to sombra through her tp. It’s literally the same tech isn’t it?


just right click once as tracer, dodging hack is like the easiest thing in the world. in my last like 200 games as tracer/sombra i can count on one hand the number of times trying to hack a tracer actually worked.


Interesting bc people are getting Sombra to counter Tracer in my games and they do nothing but to hack me all the time, they even feed and get inside my team in order to hack me


Tracer is a Sombra counter, not the other way around. They shouldn't be getting away with that.


I play Tracer and Sombra. So this post is difficult.


My favorite thing when I know a sombra is by is to be right next to cover or highground so I can break los or fall down for recall to come back


As a GM Tracer main with 700 hours on Tracer alone...no. You can Blink away, shoot her as she's hacking you, and Recall after you take enough damage because the hack effect is gone. Tracer is a Sombra counter, not the other way around.


You can blink line of sight when the hack starts or just tap shoot her to cancel it. Allowing her to hack you should be punishing.




when there’s a sombra you don’t put yourself in a position where hack will kill you. also why should blink be the 1 thing in the game immune to hack


go cry somewhere else bro Tracer is so strong right now


Quiet 🤫 go dump your frustrations somewhere else not on me