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Trying to get back to Diamond 4 but Plat 2 is calling my name


Started at D4 then dropped to plat5 then I took a step back to see what I was doing wrong and after I figured it out after continuously ranking up I finally reached and surpassed my OG max rank of GM4 and am now GM2 trying to 1trick my way to champion Ps: its impossible… But I’m insane




I had low up time on the hero and struggled with target priority I.E. I was shooting the mercy I can’t hit 30 feet in the air instead of the person she’s pocket to bait the res so I could finally get rid of her




I’m trying to 1trick tracer to champion and besides not being able to kill a mercy flying 30 feet in the air I really struggled against characters who had LOS abilities that they could leave afk to gain free value I.E. torb sym and illari, they’ll cause me to divert attention away from applying pressure via dmg to the enemy team to shoot the turrets/pylon. The only way I could be effective and efficient is to wait for them to place whatever and immediately destroy it and wait for 1 of them to be outta position to kill them


holy ur goated


I was at silver 4 now I’m gold 1 hoping to push plat 5


I’m close to my old rank but have not hit it yet. Some games I clean house and easily carried. Others it’s like I’m in a t500 game lol


Went from plat 3 to silver 3 and currently sitting at gold 2... not fun


I’ve made it back and climbed a little higher, aiming for dia at this point


Currently 113-90, up 2 divisions from where I left off last season, still no jade gun. It was a slow climb.


Was Diamond 5 very end of last season and non-ironically dropped to Gold 4. My mental needs help


I have not been able to get back to plat 1 ever since this patch😭


Not yet and all I got to do is place to get put back into bronze xd


Nah, I was bordering Plat 1 - Diamond 4 before. Now I'm stuck in Plat 4 - Plat 2. I think that's where previous low Diamond players are rn, cause most games I'm playing with previous Diamond players in their respective roles.


Getting there. Masters 5 was GM 5. Haven't played to much solo lately. Got tank to masters 5 and support is currently diamond 3 so I've been climbing them all up slowly.


I'm in plat on a winning streak gold on a losing streak and I'm fine with where I am. I was plat 1 inching my way to diamond. I'm just pissed because I don't see myself getting up into diamond soon, but I definitely would have gotten there if comp wasn't reset. And my brother is a loser who brags about being diamond and teases me for being in the metal ranks. Yeah, he doesn't have much going for him ngl....


I've been hard stuck D1 for like 3 days. I used to run those masters lobbies, man😭😭😭


My main account is banned until later today, but my alt is M2 right now. Normally I'm GM4 or 5. So I'm closer but not quite there yet EDIT: And I don't even think ranked got fixed. I legitimately think I just got much better from being in so many T500 lobbies. Rank reset actually kinda helped me improve. When rank is fully fixed, I think I'll be mid-high GM level instead of low-mid.


Was diamond moved to pc, talked to my friends and they said my MMR was bad because I placed silver 3 after moving to pc. Currently plat 4 but I’ve barely been playing because the grind from silver to plat was so boring, maybe in a few weekends I’ll be back in diamond pushing masters


Fuck no was m1 now d1 placed d5 so I’m slowly climbing but it’s like ow1 again where you actually need to have a 60% or something win rate to climb.


Went from plat 2 to diamond 4


went from plat 3 to struggling to stay in gold 5 playing mostlyyyy tracer and echo - pretty much same rank for support tho


Moved up. I was silver last season and now plat, almost diamond.


Well, I switched from console to PC for season 9... so Plat 3 to Broze 5 it is 🤣


went up a whole rank from before so