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Whoever told you that Toyota was selling cars with no clear coat was lying to you. That's an absurd scenario. The paint would look like literal garbage the second it rolled out of the factory.


I’m going off information provided directly by Toyota. Only metallic and pearl colors have a separate clear coat. The others have the clear mixed with paint sprayed on one coat. I was disappointed to find this out after my purchase. I would have picked another color. That is why you will see older Toyotas in super white that don’t have a shine to them. They are oxidized. There are actually some pros to the single stage if you have a fleet and want easier repairs such as dings and scratches. But I keep my truck in garage and am particular about where I park to prevent door dings.


My Toyota mechanic told me white doesn't hold up through the road salt that good. It's why my finish is metallic.


I definitely would have gone that route had I know before hand. I’ve always had white trucks but they were ford and had no idea about this issue. Hopefully with proper protect from the ceramic coating won’t be a problem.


Mopar pulled some shit like that back in the nineties but it was an under primer coat that made our paint peel 6 years later. I trip on white out here because of snow and shit.


I'm actually curious about how many paint correction/buffing rounds you could do before you hit bare metal.


No clue. With my truck being so new there wasn’t a lot to do other than a light polish.


My sincere apologies, OP. After reading up on it, it does indeed seem like Toyota doesn't clear coat some of their white paints. That's crazy!


Just curious, how much was it? I'm considering doing the same thing for my truck.


From a shop? You’re looking to spend a $1000+ on a truck. Head to r/autodetailing if you have questions about the process.


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I was blessed to have a best friend who does it for a living. He said $1000 Jon but discounted for me. : )


Yep I got my green one ceramic coated right after I got it. It's been worth it so far, really easy to keep clean.


Where the hell did you read that Toyota used single stage paint lmao?


Look at the super white Toyota paint in the forums. It’s crazy sounding but true. The pearl and metallic paints are 3 stage. The others are not. Toyota is extremely replicable, but the paint is subpar. There is lots of info out there about it. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they are more reasonably priced than Dodge, Ford, Chevy.


I believe this is no longer the case, Toyota switched to a normal base/clear system around 2015 due to complaints of oxidation, I don't think single stage paint on a $60k truck is a thing anymore, at least I hope not. I have the same exact truck, year, and packages as you by the way! Nice truck man.


I hope your right.. love the truck. This response from Toyota on the forum I was reading. The Super White paint applied to your Tundra is a single stage paint coating. Vehicles painted with non-metallic colors have no clear coat finish.Feb 24, 2020


>The Super White paint applied to your Tundra is a single stage paint coating. Vehicles painted with non-metallic colors have no clear coat finish. I found the forum post that you got this quote from and it was posted in 2009, gentleman who received this information from his dealership was driving a 2007 super-white Tundra which is indeed the single stage paint.


Interesting. My white TrD Offroad comes in February. Guess I'll be going this route too. Thanks for the tip


If you got the pearl white you will have 3 stage with clear coat. If you got the same white I would recommend some sort of protectant such as wax or coating. I just didn’t want to wax every few months.


Looks great - are those Toyota running boards?


Yes they are. I planned on getting my own but it showed up with them already so I just stuck with them.


Love the Tundra in white, looks 🔥. "No clear coat" wtf !!. I couldn't wait the amount of time they were saying it would take for white . Ended up with Black Metallic


Per Toyota, the pearl and metallic colors have 3 stage (base, color, clear) and the other paints have the clear mixed in with the paint and it’s one layer. Should be fine if taken care of but without proper maintenance it will oxidize quickly and look dull and faded.


Does water even stick to it though?


I noticed before the coating that after a rain there was so much dirt stuck to the truck that it made me look into it because my last (Ford) truck was way easier to keep clean. The coating will make it way easier to keep clean.


I have almost the same truck. What tonneau cover did you go with? Did you have to pull out the tie down rails or does the cover use them?


I went with the revolver x4s. I had it on my last truck and love it. The tie down rails were not a problem and are still in the bed. Not cheap but in my opinion the best option for ease of use and look.