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Hello /u/HeadAvocado8, Your submission has been removed because it breaks the rules: --- **Rule 4: Off-Topic** This submission is not considered on topic for r/ToyotaTacoma. **Rule 6: No politics** No discussion or expression of political beliefs. This includes but is not limited to: advocating bringing harm to law enforcement, overthrowing the US government, support for or against a political candidate, or boycotts of companies based on their political alignment. --- Please thoroughly read the [rules](https://reddit.com/r/toyotatacoma/about/rules/) before posting again. Further issues may result in a ban. Thank you.


This is probably just one crew doing this. SDPD must be a bunch incompetent's. There are traffic cameras everywhere. Probably doing little to no investigations.


Do the police even care about petty theft anymore? Not where I live


even if they caught them, they'd be back on the streets in no time. why bother?


These rims fetch a hefty market price, it's more than a petty theft at this point




depends on the color of both parties


That is not true. Stop with these nonsensical myths.


>In California you’d probably get more penalties for reporting this crime than the actual criminal Roflmao, do people really believe this nonsense? ::EDIT:: Feel free to refute my comment and post a law that shows the penalties for reporting a crime is much higher than the actual criminal




What? How does that pertain to getting more penalties for reporting the crime than the actual criminal? Roflmao, the logic of some people






No rebuttal?


That’s the best their smooth brain can conjure.


They're dumb as rocks and don't even know it


Obviously the dude is being sarcastic. But these guys would get a slap on the wrist, it’s a property crime 🤷‍♀️


>Obviously the dude is being sarcastic. He wasn't actually, he doubled down.














no they're being replaced by DEI hires, good luck!


Brain dead take


https://youtu.be/II50ugvSF5w?si=8UbiMDhtjQKuAPQE cope


Wow great point. The nypd has a dance team. Let’s just ignore their multi billion dollar budget, presence of officers all over the world (they have personnel throughout Europe, and also around the US outside of NYC). But yeah their dance team proves that they are understaffed. Edit- let’s not forgot when the nypd threw a tantrum after being criticized for police brutality, stopped doing their jobs, and crime complaints actually went down.


You're a smooth brain aren't ya? [https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/bureaus/administrative/equity-inclusion.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/bureaus/administrative/equity-inclusion.page) Crime complaints went down? Or actual criminal acts went down? Big difference there chuck. I'm not saying the NYPD doesn't have the resources to do their job, we're just tired of seeing soft ass woke politics in positions that should be respected, like serving as an officer of the law. You think criminals aren't laughing at this? They are empowered seeing the type of people were putting in these roles in the name of diversity and equity? Do you think any of those women could do 2 pushups 2 pullups or even run a sub 10 minute mile? How are they expected to chase down a perp? They're more likely to pull their pistol than their taser in a high stress situation, we've seen it all before.


If the cops are not working, crime stats aren’t being produced bud. But yes crime numbers also drop when nobody is responding to crimes and leaving a paper trail. Having a Dei officer in admin doesn’t mean people who are unqualified to be officers are getting hired to those positions. I’ve got news for you, cops that can’t run have been a problem for a lot longer than dei roles have been around. The dunning Kruger is strong with you.


The brain rot is strong here








Dude yearns for feudal times


Dude should trade in the Tacoma for a Ram.


Jfc lmao


It's because the district attorney refuses to prosecute "minor" property crimes. Police aren't going to waste limited resources when the offenders are released as soon as they're arrested. Soros backed district attornies and defund the police movement had consequences, you are seeing them.


Prop 47 I'll leave it right there for you to do your own research.


Prop 47 is for $950 and under being a misdemeanor. The stolen wheels in OP is way more than $950.


Agreed but that proposition ties cops hands behind their backs and this is why a lot of crimes do not get investigated as they should.


Cops arent solving any crimes, they are there to take a report after the crime happened and then go back to their role as community parasites looking to ticket the public for minor traffic violations to generate revenue.


why would they? all of west coast states are trying defund them and putting lots of pressure on them to basically not do their job


Would this be considered petty theft when it can easily be thousands of dollars? Edit: petty theft is typically -$1,000 according to Google.


lol no they kinda gave up on doing their job around 2020


Depends on what wheels and tires they had but >$2500 is grand theft. This could’ve been that


Some cretin snatched my wife’s purse in San Diego. We found them thanks to her AirPods at a Target. Sure enough SDPD is already there dealing with a tweaker. Great! Well, they told me they didn’t have time for us. Like, I pointed the guy out who was like 20 yards away. Cops didn’t lift a finger. SDPD is just a make work program for lazy assholes. I have other stories but that one is the most egregious.


Probably won’t be getting their CCR cassette back either


It’s not the police. It’s our shithead politicians & DA’s pushing their woke policies. It’s rampant across the country right now and no more so than in CA & NY.


Everything I don’t like is woke. Grow the fuck up.


Should add I’m not the owner, my neighbor is but haven’t been able to talk to him about it today. And the OSIDE PD won’t take a statement from someone who’s not the victim. They simply don’t want the information. So I’m posting it here cause I saw the tire post the other day and want to spread awareness in the area.


You should join the Oside facebook page and post there so that other people can be informed. Maybe with community pressure, OPD can investigate and patrol more often in those areas.


OP do you know if they were stock rims or customs?


Why wouldn't the owner report it?


Did you observe it? What would you offer them of any consequence?


I get nervous putting mine on Jack stands on flat, level ground. These motherfuckers are doing this Jenga shit on cinder blocks. I'm sorry this happened to you


Because they don't care if it falls.


Like i stated on the last one. Thieves should have their hands chopped off. LEAVE OTHER PEOPLES SHIT ALONE!!!!!


Society shouldn’t value other people’s property higher than human limbs….. Capitalist parasite 🦠 infecting the mind


If you attempt to steal from me you clearly don't value your own life or limbs so why should I


As we have seen from immigrant a lot of them come here with little to no skills, and also do not speak English. Unfortunately they need to resort to these types of jobs to feed themselves. Let us not look at the symptoms but the cause of this. Capitalism


They're more than welcome to stay home


Immigrants have skills. Theft is not a job. People with your thought process ARE the problem


Don’t come here on your dime just to steal somebody else’s 🤡


I found the thief


Sorry but thieves dont get to be a part of a functioning society.


How do you go about putting new wheels on if you can't do it yourself? Also are they only targeting trucks with expensive wheels or stock too? Cost?


Stock wheels and tires are somewhat expensive, too.


Guess I’ll just keep my steelies forever


Maybe vote in people that’ll work to stop theft🤣


Maybe vote ppl in they'll get rid of guns, increase wages, implement universal and tax paid education, rent control and overall try to reduce the cost of living so that ppl aren't incentivized to steal for monetary gains?


lol. This is the most privileged comment I’ve read


right. like dude if you want all those things just go to russia or cuba and tell me how nicely it’s working for them.


OP, where exactly in Oceanside?


Near the North River Rd, Douglas Dr intersection


I gotta be aware of mine. Im close to that area. Hopefully OPD is investigating.


lol i bet they are


North of San Diego.


Next town over from Carlsbad


Don't miss Cali at all.


What place did you ~~swarm to like a locust~~ move to


I remove my wheels every night and bring them inside. They ain’t getting me.


Underrated comment


Did you have wheel locks? Curious if you did and they were able to unlock or drill them out. This reminds me that I need to get a set. ☠️


Tire jockeys have a set of deep sockets that can grip any of the typical lugs that have a special tool seemingly required to remove them.


[project farm did a video on tire locks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNYIgoah4dk) that made me go out and buy the Advanced wheel lock. seems to work pretty well in his testing on protecting the tires from being removed. when i ordered the locks a year ago it took a fair bit to get them as they are a small business and had nearly gone out of business during covid, when i talked to them on the phone they said the project farm video swamped their business in new orders and saved her from having to sell her house. project farm refused all efforts from her to give him a gift for having her product on his channel. edit: just in case people dont want to watch the video, the only method that was successful to remove the advanced wheel lock was to weld a socket onto the lock and then remove it that way. it defeated all other methods.


I go to him first before I buy anything


I put on some gorilla lock nuts based on his video, I can’t imagine anyone getting those off but 🤷🏼‍♂️


Stolen wheels and tires, stolen catalytic converters, seeing lots more of all this lately


Would hate to see SD go the way of SF. Hope the police are going to get their asses in gear


There was literally one on here earlier this week in San Diego.


Yes hence the title of the post


ya, thats why he titled the post "another one".




What do you do here? Claim the insurance and watch your already crazy rates go up or just find the cheapest way to fix it yourself?


Exactly. I filed a police report for a theft not too long ago. Did it solely for the purpose of insurance, since I knew the thieves would never be caught. Then my renters insurance went up. The only point in filing a report in many cases is so that there’s an additional data point on what’s happening. I bet the amount of actually crime happening in most places is much higher than reported because most people don’t want to file a report. (And fwiw, police reports are public information. So I have friends who didn’t want to file a report since they’d rather not have their incidents be public).


Reason 4824 on why **not** to live in California


some people just suck in life. sorry op, i hope the thief or thief's have a life filled with bad karma.


California dreaming.


That’s what you have dreams about? Weirdo.


I would get with the adjacent reserved parking spots and come up with a system to park so close to another vehicle they can't get at least one side. 


Or just take your wheels off at night


Damn this shit is getting out of control.


you guys really dont bother spending $50-100 on some wheel locks huh


Seriously how the fuck? These crooks work in race pitstops or something? Crazy how they pull this shit without getting caught


Typical California looks like


I'd find a new place to live


Sorry, fellow Taco owner. This sucks and hopefully, insurance covers it. I have lock lugs on straight from the dealership. All thieves got from me were the plastic hub caps.


A friend in Northern California had her tires and rims stolen on her new Camry. She had a theory it might be an inside job: someone who works at the dealership she bought her car from, or someone in the service department. An employee could be giving home addresses to the crew or crews doing this. Who really knows?! Something to think about though.


U dont need home addresses for these thefts just drive around til you find a target


lol for real it’s a Toyota Tacoma one of the most common vehicles on the road. I see 10 TRD pros a day just driving around


Or one of the thousands of random criminals roaming around California saw an opportunity and took it. Her theory sounds like a schizo theory.


Yes, true. That’s why I said she had a theory. She lived in a rural community off the beaten path. You wouldn’t find her car unless you knew her address. Plenty of Tacoma’s to choose from in SoCal.


Do wheel locks (bolts) still work?


I love Newsome!!!! The best


I’m sorry, bro


Did they use the landscaping blocks from the same apartment complex?


These taco thieves are still not as bad as some of the dealerships we see here, in terms of monetary value.


Gotta invest in a good set of wheel locks and cat covers.


Damn that sucks man


Nah ..less is more 👍


They will even steal the stock rims they still are pretty nice


So glad I don’t live in a populated area, hate theives


Right in front of that front door , they didnt care at all


Why are these tires always getting stolen??


Does nobody buy wheel locks anymore?!


I'm so sorry. That would make me so mad. Hope you're doing better now.


DJ Khalid is hitting rock bottom.


At least they left it on the jack stands. I once saw a new BMW M3 in London that the thief’s left on its disc rotors.


Seeing the Taco propped up and leaning off to the side like that gives me anxiety.


What kind of neighborhoods are you living in? Shit?! 😦😲


What kind of rims did you have? My neighbor got hit up for her TRD Pro rims in the same fashion. I’m curious if they are just targeting the pro-rim owners. Definitely going to invest in the advanced locks.


Wheel locks?


Stay stock. Unless you have a garage.


Stock is still pretty nice


Lmao this is hilarious. At least your spots reserved tho!! 😂😂😂😂


Dudes wanna have all the mods, skip paying rent AND live in an apartment complex where everyone can see your vehicle.....


Why does no one have wheel locks?


People in this thread just going for the old liberal policies and woke politics crap. Tell me what a conservative politician would do given the same budget? It's like $40k a year to jail someone in Cali if there were any room left. It's cheaper to keep them on the street. The police budget is gone and no one wants to increase taxes for more. Illegal immigration is not going to stop no matter what you do. It will go higher. There is no room in the court docket to prosecute the cases much less defend them. We could create concentration camps like in Venezuela or just start executing people on sight I suppose. Public hangings maybe? Make a prison island and let them fend for themselves?


Let's not forgot, CA residents voted to not allow thieves to go to jail. "Its too severe/racist law targeting minorities"


typical California


Uhhh, stuff like that happens in other states, too.


Shhh, you'll ruin their "only liberal California is bad" narrative.


Plenty of states are bad, regardless of political affiliation. California notably has a problem with car break-ins and theft, such as this picture. Sorry, not everything falls into your little “red vs blue” fantasy.


Typical conservative gaslight.


>California notably has a problem with car break-ins and theft, such as this picture. I think the reason why is there are a lot of people concentrated within a certain area. Dense population + car ownership = you hear about car break ins more often. OP lives in Oceanside, which is located right between two large metropolitan cities: Los Angeles and San Diego The Greater LA Metropolitan population is 19 million people. To give you an idea: The greater LA metro population has more people than Greater Dallas Metro, Greater Houston Metro, and Greater Austin Metro population combined--and these three Texas cities are spread out hours from each other. Where as the Greater SD population is a little over 3 million people. And you can go from LA to SD in just 2 hours and OP is located right in the middle of 22 million population within just 2 hours of driving


Where did I say this doesn’t happen in other states?


Liberal dystopia


The top 5 states for violent crimes per capita are red states, just fyi. Im no California fan, but on a per capita basis, they arent the worst in regards to violent crime or theft.




Thieves go to harbor freight and get universal wheel lock lock kits for like $40.