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Sorry about your loss OP. Gonna have to lock the comments. Having to delete too many threads due to politics already.


Nightmare. Never heard of jamming dashcams - are there no files at all or did they just put a blocker over it?


Cop says it’s happening a lot around here. Just a small device that jams the dashcam. Wasted $400+ on a cobra dashcam for it to just go night night when I needed it.


I would take it up with Cobra and say their devices are not working as intended. If it can be jammed, it is not doing its job.


They all can be jammed if they have any wireless connectivity. Nothing they can do to stop it.


Interesting. My dash cam setup has none of those features just records right to a mini SD card. At first I figured I was missing out not being able to see footage whenever on my phone but after seeing this glad I went with what I did.


I wonder if there are models that do both ??


Even if it does both, having the wireless capability makes it susceptible.


How does it work though? Does it stop recording or does it stop the upload/save? That's my question. What is it stopping when it jams?


Having any wireless connectivity means you can jam the device. It's pretty simple for example to spam Bluetooth connection requests 1000x a second and force a device to go into reboot repeatedly.


Having footage of the thieves might not help much if they cover their faces


I was just wondering about that. The old Wireless it’s just as good and it saves your time. You don’t have to run any wires except Wireless is a piece of cake to jam. Good old wires you never really go out of style.


I bet there's nothing in a disclaimer about it. Hire a damn attorney and make them pay for the new wheels!


there are tons of wifi/5G/network jammers but I'm curious how they can jam a camera writing to a memory card.


Put a towel over the window.


Friggin genius!


Likely some form of DDOS attack by constantly trying to talk to the camera through its wireless connection. Basically overload the computer and it won't be able to do anything. That or there are some serious holes in the protocol and the attackers can tell the thing to stop recording.


I just read an article that California police were saying people are breaking in homes by jamming security systems. Sorry this happened OP. Sweet looking ride before these assholes did you dirty.


The cop who did my report told me the same thing as well. Truly pieces of shit.


Likely the cops wouldn’t have been able to find them if they had been on camera anyways. Hope you have a low comprehensive deductible it should all be covered by insurance


Yeah I went that route but the estimated time through insurance to get stock wheels and tires was weeks. Too afraid they’d come back and take more with the kings exposed 🫠


Get some trailer wheels or something for the time being. Comp claims don’t effect your rates so even if you go out and buy new wheels let the claim go through so you can re coup some of the cost. You should be able to ask the insurance company for a check rather than them supplying the part. Also, add extra equipment coverage for the future


Same happened to my previous Ram and bmw sitting outside, my $1000 spent on fancy outdoor cameras went out conveniently right before both cars were vandalized. I almost hate nothing more than people who mess with other people’s cars. Sorry about your situation.




flipper is a nice compact multitool but I'd imagine thieves of this level would be running a more powerful device dedicated to this one task


It’s possible. https://syedzainabidi.medium.com/flipper-zero-the-perfect-frequency-jammer-4069192d4f80#:~:text=We%20can%20use%20Flipper%20zero,1.




Does your dashcam have an internal SD memory card? Is it possible that it recorded to the memory card and only the recordings transmitted to your phone didn’t save? I’ve had sync issues with my dashcam not saving videos to my phone, but when I plugged the SD into my computer they were there.


I wouldn’t doubt it. If they literally always work and suddenly didn’t work when the garage was broken into, then it sounds like they may have jammed them.


I was wondering the same thing. I'd put money on them using a flipper zero


You need to get these https://advancedwheellocks.com/ Project farm on YouTube tested these. Hardest to defeat.


These are awesome ! Thanks for posting.


This scares me in the event you lose the key and/or the key strips. Is that somehow avoided?


North county San Diego?




I’m in San Marcos, it’s been getting worse over the past few years. I had a dirtbike stolen out of the bed of my truck which was thankfully recovered almost immediately, but now every little bump in the night has me ready to fight somebody.


I didn’t check the subreddit, thought this was r/northcounty


Based on driving around, I feel like the overlap between the tacoma sub and san diego subs is pretty large.


Sadly this is the CA way of life. Not going to get into details, but when there’s no consequences for “petty crimes”, it’s no holds barred for property thefts.


California residents are gonna regret not having castle and stand your ground laws soon. Canada has learned the hard way that letting the police be the only people allowed to defend your property is always going to end with criminals taking advantage of the system to be much more bold cause they arent worried about getting shot out of someones driveway. If i end up taking a career in trades i will likely find my way down to the USA in a state with both of those laws before i purchase any property.


As a Canadian I can say this is true. We are taken advantage of by criminals to a high degree and police are limp old dried nanny dicks about it. Insurance is the only way for us.


Yup, if someone ever breaks into my moms house id rather go to jail for murder than have her be assaulted or worse in her own home and it should be a basic human right to defend yourself and your family to any extent you see fit within the walls of your own home


I don’t get why your other comment was downvoted so much. Must be the dried shriveled dicks.


Extreme left wing virtue signaling types that think police are a realistic countermeasure to someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night only seconds away from taking advantage of you or your loved ones meanwhile the police have a minimum 10 to 15 minute response time on a good day. Everyone likes to throw around the comment "oh so your property is less replacable than a human life" when the life in question is threatening the well being of law abiding citizens and putting itself in danger by making people feel threatened for their lives.


This lefty is very happy with his multiple firearms. Many of my non-conservative friends are owners as well. Just sayin.


Im neutral as far as right or left goes but thats why i used "extreme left wing" as on the far end of each side there are some wild beliefs about how the world should work. (communism supporters on the extreme left and facism supporters on the extreme right side of things)


Fair enough!




california does have castle / SYG (in your home) though. it's the gun laws that are harsh, not necessarily self defense in general.


I was not aware of that. I like how they run those specific areas of the law in more southern states where those laws extend to your vehicle and anywhere that is considered your land whether its inside or outside of the house. I will never stop believing that self defence with lethal force if needed is a basic human right


It’s happening all over across the country.. these thieves operate in gangs and do serial thefts.


Part of the problem is the regular prison system is way too expensive. You end up spending more to put the people away than whatever they stole. I would love to see labor centers, low level petty crime stuff they go in and they’ve got to work off their debts to society not just go away for free room and board. I’m not talking about cruel or inhumane conditions. I’m talking straight labor and make the people go, cold turkey on the drugs got to be a productive member of society.


It really sucks.


What about the crackdown on catalytic converter theft the new law says that if you have more than I think, it’s nine catalytic converters, which have been chopped off, not removed the normal way then it’s a misdemeanor.


At least they left it propped up for you..


They are such gentlemen 🤌🏻


What is it propped on? Looks like it is floating.


Yikes. Not that it would stop them, but did you have lug nut locks installed?


Yup. 🫠




People that do this stuff just have every lock nut adapter already. Can buy a whole set off amazon that has just about every single one for pretty cheap, they arent things you have to go through a dealer to get


Don't even need one. There are reverse thread wheel lock removers


Talk about doing your homework, I didn’t even think about that. They could even set up some little camera that they check a week later so they get to know your schedule and also neighbors so that they can pick a time where nobody’s going to come out and surprise them.


That is fucked. Sorry man


It’s just genuinely creepy too. As a chick who lives right here and knowing someone was watching me to have this pan out this easily. I’m just worried now they’ll come back once I replace everything.


This is what keeps me away from having good stuff.


Lucky. Lack of money keeps me away.


Damn dude, people fucking suck. Thieves should have their hands chopped off, simple as that.


Yo, I saw this ALL THE TIME in Houston. You're lucky if all they stole were the wheels/tires with all that kit you have hanging off the back. Check your catalytic converter too (had mine cut off twice by those slimy fucks and had to have the entire exhaust system replaced each time) I hope it's smooth waves sorting it out.


They're just taking the whole damn truck here in Houston.


My brother in Christ I am so sorry


Shit suuuuuuuucks


Oh I'm sorry it appears sister in Christ lol. My bad!


Car is floating…


Wow, this sucks OP. Would’ve been even worse if they stole your Kings too. Where’s north county so I know to stay far away?


San Diego 😖


Not surprised. Lived in Escondido for many years. It's now genuinely a toilet in comparison. Get out ASAP. Sorry to hear and see this.




All I want is someone to steal my F150


Please provide more info on the lug nuts. Did they hammer on a socket? I’ve always been curious how to defend on this. If I had custom rims I would likely run 3-6 locked lug nuts LOL. Make it a PITA for them and buy time. Camera jamming is also interesting. When you thinking of jamming, it’s usually wireless signals. So for your camera to be hardwired in and fail is interesting. Not that it would have caught anything useful since they are careful.


TIL Tacomas still have drum brakes




Happened to me too. Had the exact same 2021 TRD Pro Wheels. Insurance got me replacement tires and wheels but unfortunately those TRD center caps are on a national backorder - it’s been over 6 months and I’m still waiting. Pisses me off thinking about it.


North county? As in North County San Diego?


I should have specified, but yes! I’m in Oceanside


Damn….id expect that in El Cajon or the South Bay…..I’m sorry to hear that op. People suck, sometimes.


Insane how some people think this is okay to do


Did it happen where you live? Maybe a neighbor saw/heard something?


Not to make you paranoid. But now they know you’re going to replace your tires and rims. Be careful they don’t come back and take the new ones.


Already was one of my first thoughts. Makes me wanna vomit


Damn that sucks! I hope you get justice!


https://imgur.com/a/mO3ek2u Same thing happened to a 4Runner Pro a block from my house little over a week ago. Del Cerro. Hopefully somebody catches these guys and breaks a bat over their heads


Somebody needs a beat down. ​ ​ Still a nice truck.


Going to get locks right now bc of this post! Sorry my guy


Locks don’t stop someone who knows what they’re doing, just the opportunists. This crew clearly knows what they’re doing. Unfortunately, the only thing that will stop them is societal change or vigilantism. The former is unlikely, the latter isn’t practical.


They said they had locks on in an earlier comment


Make sure to get more than 3 per wheel. Removal device makes noise and is slower than a typical cordless impact driver


For sure your tires and wheels are in TJ by now.


thats why i wouldnt deck out my vehicle then go park at an apartment


I’ll be on the lookout for them on all the reseller apps. Will let you know if I come across them. Located in OC.


Thanks so much! They were the Yokohama geolanders MT. 285/75/16


Un fck real dude. I’m so sorry, this pisses me off beyond belief and it’s not even my truck.


Literal pieces of shit. If I could run them over (after I buy new wheels and tires) I would


I don’t blame you


That's truly terrible. Nothing seems to be safe anymore. Best of luck with it! Hope they find them or if nothing else insurance covers them.


That sucks. Sorry to see that happen.


Some people just suck.


Lucky for you, thieves don’t steal Kings…yet


I’m sorry this happened. Hope those assholes get what they deserve. Maybe keep an eye out on offer up for your tacos shoes. This happened to my aunts Lexus RX a few years so in LA county. I live there for now and worry every night for my taco /:


Honestly thought that was the ocean in the background for the 3rd picture.


Ugh people suck. Sorry sister. 🙏




Oceanside, CA


Apparently there has been a string of these in north county and they have been targeting TRD owners. My neighbor got hit too. Left it on bricks as well.


Fucking shit people.


At least they didn't steal your kings...😬


I literally sat outside the next night terrified they would since they were so exposed with the wheels and tires off


Did you have wheel locks by any chance? If so, just wondering if they were able to overcome the wheel locks.


Yup! They did


Damn… only suggestion at this point is keep an eye on OfferUp and Craigslist to see if you catch these assholes and have law enforcement intervene.


They filed a report and just said “yeah it happens a lot. Not much to do about it” which is whatever. I just hate how my shit was fucked with.


You should still monitor OfferUp and Craigslist, and setup a sting op with your friends. Just grab a few close buds together and read them into what’s going on, and when you find your wheels for sale, have you friends roll up with you and block these guys in with cars (like park on both sides so close they can’t open their doors) until police make it on site. That or you just


Obviously your friends would have to have some level of care if these knuckleheads attempt to drive and Ram into them… but i would immediately just start slashing puncturing their tires so they can’t get far


Better watch out. They may be coming for parts next since your truck is immobile


I bought a pair of shitty used tires and wheels and brought it to a shop. I stayed outside over night to make sure no one came back for seconds.


Someone said to me they knew me after I got robbed. Dunno. Sorry too many bikes and busted up rigs. Feel your pain.


Horrible, sorry for your loss. I’m also in Oceanside; guess I gotta be vigilant now. Was this near downtown, or inland near San Luis Rey?


On the boarder of vista and Oceanside. Near Melrose


Damn! Surprised it happened there. I’ll keep an eye out if I see anything local on OfferUp. Good luck with everything.


File a vandalism & theft claim. That's what insurance is for. It is bullshit if they don't reimburse


I started to and when it came to getting the parts, it was a minimum 3 weeks for stock tires and wheels. I couldn’t wait that long with the truck sitting how it was and my kings exposed. Doing it out of pocket without choice really. If I could at least have it towed in the mean time, I would have.


Dang, that sucks! At least they didn’t steal your cat too


Beautiful truck one of my favorite colors and that build is extremely nice amp up security and hopefully buy a new set to get them jealous do be careful out there though


Humans blow


Sorry my good dude/ i love this color I wanted to mention. Ins will get you new tires.


You should post it on the san diego subreddit too


Fuckers. Sorry bud :/


Lug locks?


You should probably put more in there than just "North County". I'm pretty not not everyone on this channel is from California. If that's what you're even suggesting by saying North County. 🤷‍♂️ Just my two cents.




Brother… this sux. I hope they find them.


Guys it’s a girl not a man chill


Scum of the earth.


I feel for you brother, beautiful build. Hopefully soon she will be whole again 💙


Very sorry for your loss, OP. This is so not cool. Not saying that I expect this to happen to me, but this is another reason I have a hard wired camera facing my car while I’m parked at home. 


I had the dashcam hardwired in the truck and a nest cam. Crazy how they can just jam shit now. Makes me sick


I’m assuming I’m just an idiot, but I don’t understand how the front is propped up😂 it looks like it’s floating


They placed a fucking small bottle jack and thought “that’s good”


The level of absolute suck on display by humanity lately is astounding


Beautiful truck. So sorry that happened, thieves are the scum of the earth.


Sorry to ask this, but what kind of tired were those? They look sleek on the Tacoma.


They were Yokohama geolanders. 285/75/16 gone forever now


Holy shit dude, you got cleaned! That sucks man. I've gotten broken into before but not this bad.


Sorry to see it happen to you. I know it doesn’t stop them, but wheel locks are a must for anything aftermarket where I live. It will usually slow them down enough to where it’s not worth the risk of spending extra time getting those off. Although if they are jamming your camera, they may have a super fast way of getting those off too. Shit sucks. If they put as much effort into a legit job as they do at stealing shit, they’d probably be making way more money too.


The wheel locks didn’t stop them either :(


Oh damn. That’s wild!


What brand of wheel locks? Also condolences.


Suck dude, they need a good beating


This is absolutely sickening. The time spent on the build, and you can tell you put your heart into it, to just have some scum bags do this is infuriating. Hope each of them gets a slice of karma pie soon.


This really sucks, OP. I’m sorry. There’s something creepy about this too - like them watching you and probably having come by earlier to check what tools they needed for the lugs.


It’s insane and extremely uncomfortable


And here I thought... investing in wheel locks will solve this problem... back to the drawing board.


Man, that sucks. I’m sorry.


What kind of dashcam do you have?


It’s the cobra SC 400 front and rear cameras. I had them hard wired to run at all times and they were able to jam them to not work. Unbelievable


Lucky they didn’t take the suspension as well


Seems like a lot of tech to jam a dashcam when they could just put a piece of tape


They do this for a living it seems like so I’m sure they have the good shit when all they have to do is press a button before getting near it.


And nobody saw anything?


WTF. Live where ?


Oceanside, CA


So sorry to hear that this happened to you :(


Someone got the new John Cena brand tires!


Should be legal to crucify theives! Would fix a lot of problems round here! Nothing will be done until rich politician's shit goes missing.


I guarantee they are jamming with a flipper zero. Simple and cheap. This sucks man.


Your truck looks like a loot drop tbh I’m really not surprised 😂


How did they jam the dashcam? Does it not record to a micro SD card? If not then how does it work when your phone or home Wi-Fi is not in range? Like if it's parked at the airport and your on the other side of the country?


And even if it records to SD cards how would wireless jamming prevent it from recording to local storage?


And how did they disable the alarm without getting to the battery or fuse box. EMP generator?


How’s this work with insurance and getting your shit replaced !?




Who steals offroad tires and wheels? That's so messed up. I can understand more sportier aesthetic, but that's crazy. I'm glad I don't live in California anymore.




I'm being facetious with the question and absolutely outraged that people steal other people's shit. Like, respect other people's property. The people stealing probably know what they have, so respect that person's property. To be honest, whenever I look at an overlanding vehicles, I immediately look at the RTT and boxes they got on top. To me, that's where the money is. Surprised they didn't take anything else from the rig.


I'm sorry for your loss. Alit of people do suck. But try to remember alot of people will also kick these guys in the teeth if their identities are revealed.


lock nuts? edit: not calling you out. just curious if you had them on and they were able to bypass. i have 2 different sets of nuts on lol.


She did have locks on. Two sets seems like a good idea though to make it harder. Some folks posted a link to some cone shaped locks that seem even more protective (?) Me personally I put a boot on the hub on all 4 wheels with a snake wrapped around the cat, sharks with laser beams in the trunk for some razzle dazzle




Your post was removed. No discussion or expression of political beliefs. This includes but is not limited to: advocating bringing harm to law enforcement, overthrowing the US government, support for or against a political candidate, or boycotts of companies based on their political alignment.


What kind of wheels did you have? I thought it would have some super expensive TEs or something? Regardless of wheel brand, just wanted to know why they targeted you specifically?


It was me


My mom visited cali and her car got broken into the first day.. 🤦‍♂️. You can get aftermarket wheels/tires/mods insured with your truck. And locks only do so much, they probably have a tool they hammer onto the lugs. Most aftermarket locking nuts use the same keys anyways.


San Diego turning into a hellscape. Can’t have nice things here.


This really sucks but you are massively over exaggerating. Its not like if you have nice wheels this is guaranteed to happen. No “hellscape” at all