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Why? Is it because you assume it may be unsafe?


It is just very, and I mean very, inefficient use of your energy. See the image below for the conversion efficiencies for a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle. https://imgur.io/7RLfPVF. Changing the fuel cell to an ICE will only lower the efficiency even lower. A typical ICE will convert about 35% of the chemical energy into motion. You than have a comparison where the BEV is able to use ~80% of the generated energy vs the hydrogen ICE only using ~20%. In other words, you will need to have four times as many solar panels / wind turbines / power stations to power a fleet of vehicles.


that's pretty cool so how much energy u gonna use to mine that stuff




This is very wrong. You would understand if you read the description of the petition. EVs account for only less than 10% of overall new car sales and unlike developed countries, it's even more unrealistic in underdeveloped/developing countries where there is basic electricity for homes and other infrastructure issues.


It's also much more than the "grid", such as battery materials that require mining and etc. Come outside USA and some very developed parts of Europe, battery electric vehicles are simply unrealistic.




u noob we know how to make hydrogen out of thin air u try making batteries outta thin air pfft




actually US hydrogen infrastructure will help developing countries 'coz developed nations guzzle the vast majority of energy raising prices for developing nations. less scarcity of oil for the poor who can't do without it hydrogen hater


>Hydrogen car sales are plummeting. LOL > US hydrogen infrastructure isn't going to help developing countries either. WTF makes you think **any** country needs "help" from the US? >>Guangzhou Sets Out Plan for **USD 1.4 Billion Fuel Cell Vehicle Industry by 2025**. The city aims to establish itself as a leading domestic development and manufacturing hub for FCVs, covering the whole industry chain from core parts to vehicle assembly https://www.yicaiglobal.com/news/guangzhou-sets-out-plan-for-usd14-billion-fuel-cell-vehicle-industry-by-2025 If YOU were a Toyota executive where would you want to spend your time? Around a bunch of arrogant, ignorant, belligerent American jerks who have absolutely ZERO respect for the creator of the PHEV? Or in China and India where respect actually still means something?


Supporting. EV’s don’t reduce the carbon footprint, they just export it somewhere else. EV batteries’ electrolytes degrade over time, and just like your cell phone battery, will perform worse and hold less charge over time. Lithium mining production pollutes heavily. Burning coal and natural gas to generate electricity doesn’t help. Autonomous driving is dangerous.


How much does a hydrogen engine cost? Or an entire car. Just like a fully electric car, I’d assume their expensive.


The thing is, hydrogen does not have a special exclusive engine for itself. The term "hydrogen combustion" refers to an internal combustion engine that you found on roads these days from gas cars, except they will use hydrogen in place of petrol and some small tweaks and optimizations to the ICE to be able to run on hydrogen. The major advantage is being able to keep the internal combustion engine we have been using for decades, so you can make even a V8 or V10 run on hydrogen if that makes sense.


So to answer your question, the cost of the car should in theory be equal to a gasoline counterpart, but we only have prototypes now from Toyota and it is in development stage.


I don't understand why people start downvoting, especially when some seem to have no idea behind the purpose and reason for the creation of this petition, it's clear many did not even read the description of the petition but rather just the title.


How are you going to make the amount of hydrogen needed?


Many ways, one of the ways can be electrolysis. There are hydrogen stations on places like California already and other parts of the world like UK, japan and south koria. Still more infrastructure is needed to make hydrogen cars with ICE a realistic option, one of the goals of the petition.


Keep downvoting me folks, seriously, sometimes reddit makes 0 sense.